The FLIR Scout TS32r Pro make visible objects with a minimum temperature difference on the surface. Based on this difference creates a clear image.
Furthermore, thermal contrast is practically impossible to disguise.
This means that in the daytime You will also be able to clearly distinguish the animals hiding in the foliage of trees or shrubs. Natural camouflage is no longer able to help them escape.
Package includes:
– The thermal imager with display modes and InstAlert, BlackHot, White Hot
Removable Shoe mount to connect the video cable and charger
– 4 rechargeable AA battery
Adapter/charger for AC
Adapter/charger for 12V automotive network
– Neck strap
– Manual
– USB cable
Video cable
– 2-fold digital zoom (all models except TS24)
– EVF heater (all models except TS24/TS24 Pro)
Additionally, to complete Pro:
– Carrying bag
Memory card SD 1 GB
– Saves IR images
– Save IR-video (all models except TS24 Pro)