Coho, or Silver Salmon (eng. Coho Salmon) is a species of anadromous (migratory) fish of the genus of Pacific Salmon of the Salmon family. An important object of fishing, and sport fishing.
In Alaska this species of salmon is considered to be the second most popular after Chinook, and many anglers come to hunt for silver salmon in the period of mass spawning. The vibrant color of the fish in pre-spawning period the Americans call this salmon Silver (eng. Silver Salmon).
Description: appearance silver salmon is a little different from other members of the salmon. Smaller king Salmon are often confused with the Coho, but Chinook have small black spots cover its back and tail-stem, but both blades of the caudal fin, which is not typical for Coho salmon. In addition, the Coho salmon has a relatively big eyes and a mouth, through which the salmon can hunt quite large prey. Characteristic of the Coho is also its large thick head with a broad forehead, and very high and short caudal peduncle.
The fins of Coho salmon have a dark color, without a strong spiny rays. On the back is two fin – the true and the false, so-called fat lucky fin. Ventral fins, like other salmonids, are shifted closer to anal. Scales from Coho salmon are small, closely set scales have a rounded shape.
Coho salmon differ from other Pacific salmon are bright silvery color scales on the sides and dark blue back on the ocean (pre-spawning) phase of development. Therefore, it is often referred to as the Coho and Silver Salmon.
When it comes time to go to spawn, the appearance of silver salmon begins to rapidly mutate. The Silver Salmon is changing not only the colour but also the body, which with each passing upriver a kilometer becomes higher, the head is lengthened, and the jaws transformirovalsya, becoming curved. As for changes in color, first move the salmon takes on a crimson hips and a pronounced bluish-green head and back. Closer to the spawning Boca be ruby and even belly Coho takes on a pinkish tinge. As with other Pacific Salmon, such changes are more noticeable in Coho salmon males than females.
Size: Coho salmon is the salmon of medium size. The maximum recorded length of Coho salmon is one meter, and the weight of this type of salmon does not exceed 15 kg. of Course, these dimensions in Amateur fishing it is exceptionally rare. On average, anglers caught Coho salmon of length 50-70 cm and a weight from 3 to 5 kg. Catching larger Coho salmon is a success. However, each season on sports tackle caught quite a lot Tijuca weighing about 8 kg.
Habitat: the Silver salmon is a cold-migratory fish, the natural habitat of which is in the Northern part of the Pacific ocean. Coho salmon are almost all along the Western coast of North America from Alaska to the mouth of the Sacramento river, California. Spawning Coho comes in almost all rivers within the specified portion of the North American continent. Of course, the most massively Coho salmon found in Alaska.
Young Coho salmon at the beginning of his life inhabits the cold, freshwater rivers and lakes connected to the Pacific ocean. Here Salmon selects still waters and snag places with slow current, where the fish find shelter and food. Reaching lengths of 10-15 cm, and Coho salmon rolls downstream to the Pacific ocean.
Most mass wintering grounds of Coho salmon in the ocean is the Gulf of Alaska. Here the Salmon prefers to stay in the coastal area at shallow depths of from 5 to 15 meters. Coho salmon are very rare to find in areas with depths of over 30 meters. The optimal water temperature for Coho salmon is from 6 to 10 degrees Celsius.
Spawning upriver adult Coho juveniles behave similarly, choosing to stay deep parts of the reservoir with a steady flow. Coho never stays in the shallow rapids and trying to move upstream in the deep places of the river.
Lifestyle and habits: passing Coho is a fish that, like most salmon species migrate from freshwater to the sea, to the end of life going back to the origins of the rivers, where it hatched from the eggs.
Born in late winter ― early spring, juvenile Coho salmon at first kept near the spawning grounds. The growth of Silver Salmon disperses the river, occupying perspective for food plots. The fry Coho tough competition for forage space among themselves. Those who fail to take an advantageous place, as a rule, perish. This explains why no matter how many fish spawn in the river in a particular year, it is always “slipping” into the ocean the same number of Coho. The fish comes in associated with rivers, lakes, especially mass occurs in Alaska, where similar lakes with a good forage base very much. So, in freshwater Coho spend 1 to 2 years, gradually shifting to the mouths of the rivers. As a rule, migration of Coho salmon fry to the ocean occurs during the period from March to July.
In seawater Coho salmon straying in large schools and spends an average of about one and a half years in the ocean. Here salmon feeds and gaining weight. It is noteworthy that in salt water Coho gaining more than 95% of its mass.
For the moment of setting to spawn in freshwater, Coho salmon puberty ends and the fish begins to take “wedding” color. Further flocks of Silver Salmon move into rivers to fulfill the mission of the continuation of the family. During spawning migrations, Coho salmon practically cease to feed, and all major spending power to lift up the rivers and overcome the shallow rapids and shoals. The spawning Coho selects almost the same area as the Chinook salmon. The only difference is that the Silver Salmon lays eggs in “nests” built of smaller gravel, in places with a slower current and less depth. After spawning Coho salmon dies. In General, the full life cycle of Coho salmon is approximately 4 years.
Silver Salmon are spawning later than other Pacific salmon. There are three spawning Coho salmon. The most popular course of Silver falls in September–October. Then smaller flocks and Coho salmon spawn in November and December, then in January and February. Most Coho salmon spawn in November and January.
Food: Coho salmon is a predatory fish, a diet which is 100% of food of animal origin. Fry salmon the first week of life feed primarily on plankton. The growth of Coho moves on insects and their larvae, but also eats eggs of other fish. Mature Coho salmon prefer to hunt for a fish trifle, which is the basis of the diet of salmon of the species.
Sport fishing: Fishing for silver salmon is very popular among American fishermen. In contrast to Chum salmon and Chinook salmon, and Coho salmon are more active and rather violently resisted during playing. Therefore, despite the small size of the Silver Salmon, his fishing has many enthusiastic fans that every season, which lasts from August to December, come to the West coast of North America for this lively and beautiful fish.
In search of salmon, as has been said, is in deep sections of rivers, where the flow slows down or creates bad threads where the fish feels relaxed and there is a certain presence of food. Also Coho salmon with high probability can be found in snags, overhanging the water of branches or in deep pools with rapids. Interestingly, Coho lingers not in all remarkable places. Sometimes the Silver Salmon runs are very promising areas, and mass is stopped at a nondescript hole. In addition, Coho and active during transitions, so you can easily hunt for them in the shallows and the rapids during his mass movement up the river.
Observed that Coho salmon can be caught in rainy inclement weather. This rule is especially true in relation to marine Kigutu and Kigutu, which only began to concentrate in river mouths before the spawning run.
Catch mostly Coho salmon fly fishing, at least spinning. Successfully catch these fish and animals on the nozzle on the bottom and float tackle. The best bait in salt water baitfish herring, fresh salmon caviar.
Fly fishing for Silver Salmon involves the use of powerful salmon gear 9-12 class, which allow you to overcome a spirited and strong fish. As baits for Coho traditionally used large streamers and wet flies that will work in the water column or at the bottom. To make it easier to drive the fly to the bottom, you need to use the cords from the sinking end.
You can catch Coho salmon on a dry fly. The best place for this fly bait are oxbow lakes or broad rivers and deep pools with very slow current. Here Coho salmon are often in the water column and actively responds to fallen into the water insects. In places on a dry fly it is best to fish in windless, Sunny days when a flock of silver salmon often can be found in the water with polarizing glasses.
In General, Coho salmon, perhaps the most active species among Pacific salmon. To catch the fish easier than other salmonids. The Coho bite is soft and without sharp impact, but the subsequent resistance is very rapid. Spotted Coho provides powerful jerks in different directions, often fish entirely out of water. However, Silver Salmon after a desperate resistance in the first minute begins quickly tired, and the further the fish is very easy.
Distribution in USA: Coho salmon are widely distributed along the West coast of North America. This species of Pacific salmon inhabit the coast of Alaska and off the coast of the States of Washington, Oregon, and California to the mouth of the Sacramento river. The juveniles of Coho salmon inhabit many of the rivers that flow into the Pacific ocean. The grown salmon out in the ocean water where the fish actively eats and grows. Then reproductively Mature Coho come back to the same river to spawn and after spawning, die.
USA anglers caught Coho in all States, washed by the waters of the Pacific ocean. In Alaska, Coho salmon are the most massively comes into the Yukon river and Kuskokwim. In Washington state, anglers hunt for silver salmon in the rivers of kviks, Raft, Colombia, Quinault, Cejas and others. In Oregon, the fishermen go for the Coho that are spawning in the rivers horn, Sixes, Kokill, Siuslaw and Nehalem. In California Coho salmon comes in many rivers flowing into the Pacific ocean North of the Sacramento river. Here, however, the Coho population is much less than in Northern regions.
In the U.S. Coho were also successfully infused into the human in the waters of the Great lakes, where he created a sustainable population.
Size: Coho salmon is the salmon of medium size. The maximum recorded length of Coho salmon is one meter, and the weight of this type of salmon does not exceed 15 kg. of Course, these dimensions in Amateur fishing it is exceptionally rare. On average, anglers caught Coho salmon of length 50-70 cm and a weight from 3 to 5 kg. Catching larger Coho salmon is a success. However, each season on sports tackle caught quite a lot Tijuca weighing about 8 kg.