
Golden sea perch fish (Sebastes)

Redfish are easy to find on a fiery red colour. Despite its name and resemblance to the perch family, this fish has nothing to do with him. In fact, it belongs to the scorpionfish family (Scorpaenidae) and belongs to the genus of bony fish.

As a rule, redfish up to 40 cm in length, but known to one metre. Distinctive red color distinguishes not only the body of redfish, but the meat. This fish is also characterized by the presence of extremely hard scales, which, bound up, sharp spines, providing a dense surface of the body.

Some mistakenly think that the river and the sea bass is, if not one and the same fish, at least next of kin. Actually shared between the two bass not so much. Except that they are both tasty and healthy.

Sea bass is a deep-sea predatory fish found in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans (mainly in the Northern part). This is a fairly large fish, some specimens can reach a meter in length and weigh about 20 kg. However, such giants are rare.

The Latin name of this genus “Sebastes” has Greek roots and means “gorgeous”. At first glance it may seem that gorgeous fish a little (not to say that some of its representatives and does look threatening) but just look at the sea perch closer to understand what they really are gorgeous.


The family of these fish are very large. Under the common name “grouper” experts mean more than 100 varieties. They can be plain, striped or spotted. Though often found pink-groupers, but their color can vary dependent on environment (from bright red to blue-green or even dark gray). In coastal areas there are the darker members of the family, deep-sea – bright. The most popular varieties of sea perch is a Golden Atlantic, Pacific Klyuchi, luvaridae and albacore shimoseki.

Like other deepwater fish, groupers eyes round and bulging, and the mouth, like most predators, wide. A little frightening their appearance are making a massive bony plates on the head and large spines on the fins. By the way, on the dorsal fins of this fish contains a poisonous substance. It is not deadly, but some trouble for the person may create. For example, in the form of inflammation at the injury site. Most groupers don’t like to admit to their territory of other marine inhabitants. They passionately protect your home. While the potential threats to fish straightens their spines and took a defensive position.

Sea perch – fish-centenarians. Experts believe that these creatures can live up to 200 years, although most live no longer than 60 years. By the way, to determine the age of a fish is the otolith, which, like the tree, formed the age of the ring. But these fish grow very slowly. Only reaching 10 years of age groupers produce offspring in a viviparous fry. In one season, one female can give birth to about one million fingerlings, which is an absolute record among live-bearing fish. But unlike their parents, the fry sea bass stick to the surface of the waters, where the process of natural selection to survive, it turns out is not everything.

Some mistakenly think that river perch and sea are variations of the same fish. In fact, the difference is not only in the habitats. If river perch – a representative of the Perciformes, the sea is cruciferous fish from the scorpionfish family.

Some species of groupers recorded in the Red book. And all because of the great demand for them. So today, biologists all over the world urging fish lovers to reduce the consumption of sea bass in order to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of their population.

Interesting is the fact that the redfish is viviparous fish. Females carry the eggs and spawn of fry from March to June. Each female can produce 150,000 larvae. Redfish feed mainly on prawns, crabs and small fish.

The most common habitat redfish Atlantic ocean. The largest populations are found off the coast of Iceland, Greenland, the southern coast of Scotland, Western Ireland and the Northern West coast.

Grouper lives along the continental slope at depths of 100-500 m, but inogoda it can be found at a depth of 900 meters In the Norwegian sea and the Arctic ocean sea bass are harvested in large schools and makes the summer migration.

Sexually Mature sea bass has its own feeding area in the Barents sea, where in August-October mating. Starts in winter migrating South to the spawning grounds, located at Islands vesterålen.

All groupers – viviparous fish, which is rare among bony fishes, and thus spawn a lot of small larvae (large females – up to 2 million larvae with a length of 4-6 mm), whereas the other offspring of viviparous fish are not numerous and rather large. Females mate with males sometimes several months before the spawning of larvae, and in some species, after mating, leave the males, forming a separate pack. Fertilization of the eggs in such cases is not immediately after mating, but only after a few weeks, after which time the sperm become active. The development of the embryos goes quickly.

Larvae hatch from eggs in the ovaries of the female, and soon they vimat, usually in winter or spring, some species – in the summer or fall. Sweeps larvae kept in the upper well-lit layers of the water; they are, until they grow up, transparent and unobtrusive. Larger fry hiding in the floating on the surface of the tufts of algae, near logs, buoys, etc. of objects or collected in dense globular flocks. As they grew up, they gradually sink to a greater depth and in the end fall in the bottom layers of water in which young fish are kept closer to the coast and at shallower depths than the old one.

Cutting groupers require a certain caution. Wound their spines can sometimes cause complications which take a person out of action for several weeks or even months, and then leave a mark for life in the form of the inability of the finger to bend and straighten. Such cases are at sea with the cutting of large catches manually. As a preventive measure, it is recommended rubbing the hands with a mixture of glycerin with iodine tincture or liquid ammonia.

This files most often for catching redfish using trawl nets. In recent years, in the industrial fisheries changes associated with the increased threat of fish stocks. In particular, increased the size of the holes in the networks, which allows young individuals to avoid getting into gear to continue the race.

The redfish is of great importance for the fishing industry in Germany, being one of the most popular varieties of fish in this country. There are numerous species of this family, it is the redfish that live in the shallows and the depths of the sea, remains the main product in the fish market.

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