Perch is a schooling fish, which is based on aquatic insects, fry and small fish. Flocks can be of various sizes – from a few to a few thousand. On large lakes, they are usually larger.
On small ponds, on peat bogs in the winter less cohesive. Large perch usually kept alone. But even at this time he is looking for partners for reproduction.
February fishing is more successful than January. Fishing for perch in February is no exception. Under the ice, complex processes occur, there is its own ecosystem. If in January relatively little sunlight penetrated there, and this caused a massive dying off of vegetation, now this is no longer the case. The rays from the sun, which is higher, penetrate into the water column, the ice becomes more transparent, and the algae provide oxygen in the daytime. Favorable days are coming, the fish becomes more active.
Another important factor is that caviar and milt ripen in the perch body. Hormonal background causes the perch to behave more actively, to seek food, to defend the territory. There are cases when perch flocks chase a fish that is clearly not suitable for their food – large roach and white bream. The behavior of this fish is not so well studied, so there is a reason for reflection and the ichthyologist scientist and amateur naturalist.
Perch spawning occurs when the water warms to 8 degrees. In Moscow it is usually the end of April, approximately when the leaf of a birch is blooming. Females of this fish are usually larger than males, but there is no difference in size between them. Recently, in February, quite a large perch without caviar and milt is often caught, in some water bodies such half the population. What is the reason – difficult to say. Perhaps the roe and milt ripen later, perhaps the reproductive function of the perch is somehow inhibited and it is worth sounding the alarm. For some reason, small perches have everything in order, apparently, these are some age-related phenomena.
In February, the perch is knocked into jambs before spawning. Usually they are formed on the principle of size. Sometimes there are mixed flocks, when a flock of small fish sits on the large “on the tail.” Often during fishing there is a clear division of the perch, initially as if calibrated pecks large, then starts to beat small, same calibrated, then large again returns. Perch is one of the few fish that form mixed schools.
Later, with the advent of ice edges, the flocks fall into groups of 5-6 pieces. They walk near the shore, waiting for spawning of other fish, pike, roach, ide, they eagerly eat their eggs. After that, spawn themselves. Spawning usually occurs at depths of up to 1 meter among reed thickets, in bushes, in flooded aquatic vegetation. Almost always he rubs early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises. Stacks of mature perch often remain in the same composition until the end of summer, and only closer to the fall they get stuck into larger formations in order to “win back” the area before hibernation from other species.
While catching a perch one cannot make any definite recommendations. It can occur throughout the reservoir, in any layers of water, with the possible exception of too deep holes and places with particularly strong currents. Nevertheless, general recommendations on choosing a place for fishing can be given. The main “selection criterion” perch habitat – is the presence of shelter and sufficient oxygen supply.
Rivers are places where even in winter rarely there is a lack of oxygen. This happens because the current constantly mixes the water, takes the dead plant remains down, takes oxygen from the surface when the thaw brings melt water to the ice, allows you to take some oxygen from the ice hole or polynya.
The main habitats of perch on the river are areas with a weak current, backwaters, bays. The depth there may be different. It is noticed that on the river perch rarely hold on too deep places, preferring thickets of coastal plants. There and should catch them.
For catching is of great importance way. For example, if you catch among aquatic plants on a one-hook fusion, on a boat, the probability of a hook will be less. When catching the same on winter wobblers and hooks will be more, and it is desirable to choose another place. In such places it is better to choose thickets of plants when there is a section of free water above them. Catching occurs before reaching the vegetable carpet, when the game of bait is lured out of the fish to the top, forcing to make a throw.
On the rivers there are two situations – when the perch does not want to come close to the shore and when it is literally buried in it. In the latter case, there are fishing, when they catch, where literally 30 cm of water are under the ice. And the most different fishes can peck – from fifty-gram okushkov to handsome men on kilogram weight. However, the largest still prefers great depths.
Where the perch does not come close to the shores, it usually still holds somewhere nearby. For example, near the thickets of reeds, last year’s sedge or water lilies. Usually it is at a depth of two meters. On the channel itself, where there is practically no vegetation, rarely leaves. In such places the largest perch prefers to keep. But the capture of copies of more than 800 grams and was previously a rarity, and even more so now. So it is better to tune in to ordinary fishing and look for it in the vegetation.
The reservoir is a blocked river. This is a reservoir with a weak current or without it, where the bottom is formed by two sections – a flooded flood plain and an old river bed. Reservoirs are usually elongated in length, their width can reach several tens of kilometers. The usual suburban reservoirs, which are created for the navigation and supply of cities with water, have a width of about 1-3 kilometers. Some reservoirs are so large that they can be quickly attributed to the lakes.
On the reservoir, the depth is usually higher than on the river. However, the perch does not change its habits and prefers to stay on the flooded flood plain. There is not enough interesting for him – usually there are few shelters, great depth and, as a result, poor visibility. At the same time, there will be much more feed and shelter in the floodplain areas for him.
The perch habitat here can be diverse. Usually the bottom of the reservoir is already formed and is no different from the lake or river. Such reservoirs are often cleaned, they can have artificial shores. Perch likes to stay among the flooded barges and concrete structures. Apparently, metal and concrete give a weak chemical reaction in water and this attracts fish. You should always try to catch near the edge of the embankment, pier.
However, in some reservoirs the perch does not like to go to the flooded area. In this case, even a shallow perch will stand at great depths. Why this is happening is unknown, apparently for many years he has genetically formed an attachment to this particular habitat.
The lake is the favorite reservoir of anglers who prefer perch in February to any other fish. This is not by chance. On a large lake, you can stumble upon a flock of a couple of thousands of individuals, catch a lot, pull out a hundred beauties from the water in half an hour. On a deep-water lake, such as Ladoga or Rybinka, perch is found throughout the water area. On shallow lakes, such as Plescheevo, Ilmen, he prefers not too great depths and thickets, like on a river or a reservoir.
Quite often, this fish is caught on peatlands. There he has an unusually beautiful bright color, solid size. Despite the abundance of food, lack of oxygen affects the activity of fish in winter. However, in February, even there, the bite is activated, you can hope for a good catch. Oddly enough, small perch there is one of the best live bait. Pike on peatlands prefers it to the roach, and to the shallow paleshchiku, and crucian carp.
When searching for fish on the lake, knowledge of the reservoir is of great importance. You know, where and in what place in February the fish bite, where you should go exactly – you will have a catch. No – catch a dozen fish for the whole day and that’s it. This is due to the fact that only in limited areas the fish remain active throughout the winter, the so-called wintering areas. There the perch waits until the reservoir is free from ice again and is actively feeding.
When searching for a good place on a new lake, you should ask the local anglers about the bite and watch where people mostly catch. Without this, fishing can fail. It is also worth seeing where and when fishing competitions are held. Usually they pass where fish is sufficient and repeat from year to year in the same place. By the way, February is the main month of all winter competitions in various types of fishing.
Bait and bait
Perch is a predator. When searching for prey, he focuses mainly on the organs of the lateral line, vision. It has a stomach, which differs from, for example, carp fish, which do not have it. One time after eating, the perch is saturated and does not feed for a long time. Therefore, a large amount of bait should not be used to catch it. After eating, he will lose all interest to the bait for a long time. Unlike the same bream or carp, which will stand near the feeding area and gradually chew without a break.
Nevertheless, the lure for the perch is still used. This fish constantly moves on a reservoir, especially on the lake. To keep her near the hole a little more, having provided a series of pokolyovk, the fishermen poured fodder on the bottom of the stern. It is used in not very large quantities and only where the fish has already been found. To attract a perch from bait from afar is a bad idea, as it does not react very strongly to odors. However, according to some, the smell of fish blood causes his appetite and causes him to grab the bait more actively. However, most attempts to attract his smell end in failure.
Lures on a perch are used depending on the method of fishing. Due to the fact that perch fishing is very sporting, many people use only artificial baits. When catching them, the biting is caused by exposure of the organs of vision and organs of the sideline of the fish – it senses their vibrations from afar and then approaches, becoming interested.
Yet it is easier to use natural bait. First of all, they must be alive and stir in the water. This may be a worm, maggot, bloodworm, live bait. Natural bait is used when fishing independently or with a game. For example, one of the best gear on a perch – with a nozzle moth. The perch is attracted from a distance by playing the mormyshk, and then, when it comes up, sees on the hook the edible and familiar moth and grabs it. For other tackles with a natural bait, the game is usually not used.
Ways to catch
Packed mormyshkas
Mormyshka – a small piece of heavy metal, lead or tungsten, with a hook hooked into it. Catching on it is carried out with the help of a short winter udilnik, equipped with a special signaling device – a gatehouse, or a nod. The fish is attracted to the bait using the game – short high-frequency oscillations of the bait. The game can be accompanied by a parallel movement of the bait up and down, pauses, the so-called wiring.
Nozzle mop on the perch – the most popular gear. At competitions she always gives the best result. Can take both small and the largest perch. The best success usually brings a small snake. In order for it to play well even at considerable depths, it is necessary to use the thinnest fishing lines, and the mormyshka itself should be made of tungsten.
Used as an alternative to the classic nozzle mormyshkam. Usually they have more weight. can be used both without nozzles in general, and with various infusions in the form of sponge rubber impregnated with aromatics, edible silicone, etc. Usually they are larger than the nozzle ice caps and have more weight.
One of the most popular unwatchables is the devil. It is a small lead body with a hook hooked into it. Due to the large mass and simple stable game, this is the only jig that can be used at a depth of more than two or three meters without losing the game.
Spinners, winter wobblers and balancers
The most “sporty” bait for catching perch. Fishing for a winter lure requires the drilling of a large number of holes, skillful play with bait and knowledge of both its tackle and the habits of the fish. When it comes to fishing, the presence of which can show whether there is a fish under the hole and how it behaves is very important. This increases the angler’s catch two to three times.
The lure’s game consists in periodic baits to a certain height and pauses, when it returns to its original position with a characteristic game. Here it is customary to distinguish carnations, which almost always vertically return, gliders that fall down on their sides, and carrion, which make a strong departure to the side and then return back upright. With increasing depth, almost all jigsaws begin to nail. Many so-called “non-fragile” in fact are winter fronds, since they have a similar game and a long body, in particular, the so-called “long devil”.
Balancers and winter wobblers have a little body, which is located in the water horizontally. Their game is similar to the game of spinners, but at the same time a pause is made significantly more. At the same time, the lure makes a jump to the side with a wide amplitude and effectively returns back, making this or that loop. Balancers are made of lead, and wobblers are made of plastic and other materials. In this case, the balancer will have a more jerky, sharp game even at great depths. It is the ability to catch at a considerable depth without changing the nature of the game – the main plus balancers in front of the blades. They also attract fish from a greater distance.