Pergolide. Most winter anglers from that word stings the soul, and in the right hand occurs in a sustainable “nervous tick”… Relentless scrutinizing through the window in the indicators for thermometer… With the hope that by morning it will be the coveted negative.
Searches on the Internet that weather site, which in spite of everything promises a cold – all this is familiar and familiar…
But it also happens that no pleas and spells penguin brother did not give result. Well, no ice, and that’s it! On the calendar winter, and the street plus… And plus, as we know from school physics course, water is not transferred into the solid state, though you burst!
Here and this year is “pleased” us with this weather. therefore, using the forced inactivity, I decided to reflect at leisure about how to catch parvaldu, perhaps, the most famous and common fish – largemouth bass.
But not just bass and big Perch selectively, such that it is capitalized!
Classic fishing works bass is described as “ubiquitous, numerous and very voracious, and that’s completely fair. And to understand what a “perch on the first ice”, you need to build a the classical square. Here only the first two postulates is likely to be “sailor”, and this “humpback” is only voracity: apparently they do not read Sabaneev…
How to find and catch not ubiquitous and, unfortunately, not that many (well, at least greedy) big perch, I wanted to tell. I have to say that the following is based on personal experience and does not claim to absoluteness and infallibility.
So, what and what I am fishing for big perch.
Rod. I use the so-called “balalaika” and consider it unmatched in Okuneva fishing. When choosing a fishing rod be sure to pay attention to the gap between the coil and the housing of the rod – it needs to be uniform and minimum, otherwise you tortured frequent overlap of the line over the axis of the coil. The main wish – rod should be light, and all the rest – a matter of taste and habits.
Nod. This element rods so individual that not even going to recommend anything – everyone chooses what suits him best: a spiral Mylar stripe, bristle… I use nod, made of clock spring medium hardness with lengths of approximately 7-10 cm
Fishing line. The postulate “the thinner fishing line, the more bites” challenge wouldn’t dare, but the line is thinner ∅0.12 mm do not use, because my goal is big bass, a fiddle with the “humpback” under kilogram at line ∅0.08 mm maybe sports, but too long: 0.12% time five pieces to remove!
Jig. Catching up on “ant” – solder or regular cast. I recommend a jig with a sharp brand of hooks – it’s worth it.
In recent years crocheted to tackle two ant: lower – larger, and 10-15 cm above is “micro ant” the size of a grain of millet. Quite often it is the “baby” is attacking a large perch, and roach rarely miss the’ forge “kasavu”.
Bait. NO!!! If you want to catch big perch – throw bloodworms along with motility or give each lestnica. This fundamental condition is that the bait should be.
Game posting. How many times I have heard from friends of fishermen that, say, “naked” I have to catch it is impossible, because so quickly shake the nod – I can’t!
So you do not need! It is rather not in the oscillation frequency, and its stability and uniformity throughout the transaction. Sometimes perch are much more willing to bite on smooth fluctuations than the “jitters”.
Also increases the number of bites alternating transactions with different oscillation frequency.
For example, three transactions with frequent oscillations, and the fourth is smooth. So first find your own rhythm – such a frequency that you can consistently maintain throughout the entire lifting jigs, and experience to master other frequencies and options transactions.
The main postulate: one transaction – one frequency.
Equipment. One wish maximum ease of ammunition and mobility, since fishing remains an active and very agile. Sharp and easy Icepick is also imperative because in one fishing have to punch hundreds of holes.
Now actually about how the pond among the hordes of “sailors” to find majors. It happens so often: say man, where he caught a nice perch, and he says, well, I was there – one little thing… What can I say… But still just a big fish you need to find. Therefore, the thesis focuses your attention on the problem.
On the pond looking for any anomalies: changes to depths, snags, remnants of aquatic vegetation, etc. Very often I had to find the Parking lot of big perch on so-called “navel” – of the local elevations of the bottom, and the difference in depth was sometimes no more than 20 cm, but it is in such places firmly standing in the large specimens, and there are two or solid “sailors”. Sharp drop offs on the edge is also a favorite Parking lot for perch and large bass will stand only at a certain depth, and the remaining horizons is a trifle. Well, with the snags all clear: find a snag – found perch.
Do not neglect places with very little depth- at the first ice large perch can stand even at the coast at a depth of 20-30 cm!
If the hole bite small perch – safely go further: where is the “humpback” no trivia. This feature often helps you make new holes, and each peck “sailor”, and in another hole of bites, not at all… Search this “fishless” area should be more carefully – probably somewhere nearby is a flock of large perch.
There is no point in doing more than five transactions in a hole. If poklevok is not present, and perch here. I generally only do three transactions, and if they are empty, move on. The same applies to the hole where you caught the perch and the bite stopped – boldly go to the next hole and that will give “breathing room.”
When fishing on “the naked ant” sometimes there are so-called “blows to the teeth”, and then bite into the hole usually stops. One or two of the control wiring and you can move on to a fresh hole, and for this to come back in 10-15 minutes: during this time, perch will “forget” about inedible your jig.
If you have found a perch, the distance between holes can be reduced to 1 m and then to move around the holes, which were biting. After me to fish places the ice resembles a colander, but only 20-30 holes 5-10 are “cool”, in other bites or little, or none at all. Therefore, all subsequent move should only be made by scoring holes.
If “cool” holes bite stopped – feel free to continue the search for a new pack: to stay and wait for perch here will again begin to bite, is a waste of time.
“Cool” hole needs to relax. Here’s a perch feature that after catching several fish the hole at some time need to “rest”: let striped relax and rest from your jig. Just don’t understand how you can earn one perch in a large crowd, in my opinion, is nonsense. My advice – finding a Parking good perch, try not to gather around the “toadstools” from across the pond: they don’t catch anything and you catch will not.
Often a flock of perch rises higher and higher from the bottom of their harvested counterparts, often grabbing the jig is almost in the hole. Therefore, at shallow depths it is reasonable to do multiple transactions to the ice edge.
That’s basically the whole theory in search of big perch.
And practice is a constant movement from hole to hole ignoring any non-fish size. The size of this, as you know, everyone has their own…
Hope the ice this winter, we will definitely wait for, and my simple tips will allow you to surprise your households selected striped beauties.