Traditionally, fishing for bream with a fishing rod was carried out during the spring stroke of this fish. In April and May, hundreds of fishermen pounded bridges, set floats and caught one, two or three fishing rods during the course of the bream to spawn.
Now catching bream during spawning is prohibited. However, the very expediency of such a ban is in doubt, because in many regions commercial fishing is permitted during the spawning period, boats with nets go out to lakes and rivers upon permission, and how this is consistent with the ban is questionable. Apparently, nothing bad will happen if the angler catches a pair of good fishes in these months, because they are much more hunted by fishermen.
Bream on the float rod – such a trophy will please any fisherman. After all, the main prey with this method of fishing is quite small fish, and the bream has a rather serious size compared to them. However, to catch a bream with a float, you should seriously try.
When to catch bream with a float
You can catch a bream on a float bait right after it spawns. Cool, of course, not as intense as in the spring, but still the bream is not too careful, and it is more likely to catch it.
However, in this case, you can be sure that the inspectors will not approach you and will not be asked to present the tank in order to fine it. In addition, after a spawning ban, you can fully use the boat, which will allow you to reach many bream-like places inaccessible from the shore.
In any case, it is worth catching on the bream float from spring to the end of summer, when the night dew begins. Later it is worth switching to bottom gear or switching to fishing of other species of fish.
Where to catch bream on the float rod
The best places for fishing are not very wide rivers. The fact is that on the lake or on the big river the float tangible will not be enough distance to catch places where fish can walk. And on a small river, you can throw a float to the very bed, or almost to the bed. Be sure, bream there is no less than in the same volume of water in a large reservoir, but catching it is easier. Of course, if it’s not quite a creek with waterfalls, rapids and shallows, but a river with an average current and even bottom character and a minimum sufficient water area.
Another argument in favor of a narrow river is that it is for them that the spawning movement of fish is carried out. Bream is trying to find a place that is less pressed by a predator, a perch, well warmed up. Small rivers often open early from ice, they get a lot of food and worms from the surrounding fields and meadows, a lot of insects from tree branches. Therefore, catching bream there is both possible and necessary, especially if they fall into large water bodies, where the population of this fish is obviously large.
In such places you can find places with stagnant water, and with the flow. In the course of bream less cautious, more actively swallows the nozzle. In stagnant water, he often keeps flocks and more likely to catch a few fish, attract and hold a flock. It is important to choose places where the depth in the place of catching is at least a meter, and it is better to choose half meter areas. At lesser depths, bream is unlikely to hold on and look for food. On a small river, these will be places under a fairly steep bank, where the river makes a turn and washes it. In such a place a lot of feed from the banks gets into the water, and the bream likes to linger, where it is necessary to catch it.
Who gets up early – God serves him
In the bream it is one of the most important rules. Should come to the reservoir before sunrise. It was at this time that the chances of catching both trophy and ordinary bream are greatest. The fish got hungry during the night of the night and began to actively look for food, going to the coastal areas, where it is available for float fishing.
In a later period, closer to the fall, there is an active evening bite, but it will be at a greater distance from the coast, although you can try to catch and at this time. The day and night hounds of bream are the most random. If you could not catch a bream in the morning, it makes sense to switch to catching roach or other fish, so as not to be left without a tail.
The key to luck is silence and disguise
When fishing for bream, it is of the greatest importance. The fact is that the pack bream is cautious even during spawning. When catching a single fish, it creates a noise that can scare away the whole flock. Therefore, the fishing rod should be such that it can pull the fish on it quickly, without any fuss. It is highly desirable to do without a net and learn how to quickly grab the bream with your fingers behind the head, squeezing the gill covers, and bring it to the shore.
It is very important to have a quick vyvazhivaniya, when the fish do not have time to understand that it was caught, and the rest of the flock is not scared. The bream must immediately be lifted from the depths to the top and dredged with a gliser on the surface so that it does not rest against the water with its very wide body, putting it across.
The cage is also not used, so that the fish wallowing in it does not frighten the rest. The fish is bagged and placed under the seat. It must be remembered that the distance of fishing here is extremely short, and there is such a distance from fish to fisherman that does not happen either when fishing for a donk or when fishing for spinning and other gear. This is exactly the beauty of the float rod – the angler and the fish practically see each other, and the bite itself is transmitted directly to the hand.
Much attention should be paid to disguise. Sit on the water should be so that the sun shone on the angler. In this case, neither the shadow of the angler nor the shadow of the fishing rod will fall on the water and scare away the fish. Or it is worth choosing a place under tall trees, which overlap with the shadow of the shadow of the angler. So you can catch without worrying too much about the blinding sun, which prevents you from seeing the float.
For clothes, you should use neutral colors, in any case – not screaming acid orange. It is necessary to catch sitting, not rising, as the fish practically does not see the seated fisherman, but the one that stands on the shore is immediately noticeable for it, especially in shallow water. At the same time you need to sit low enough, avoiding the use of high chairs and platforms. A low-key conversation will not scare the fish away, but a loud cry – most likely yes. And certainly you can not stomp along the shore and knock something on the water.
The most common tackle for the float is a flywheel and Bologna fishing pole. There are also match tackle for fishing on the float, plug rods, but they are more complex and expensive, and not so popular with anglers. Fly fishing rod is a rod without rings with a deafly fixed fishing line at its end. Bologna has rings and a reel, which somewhat expands the possibilities of the angler.
Nevertheless, it is not very convenient to carry out a full-fledged long-distance cast with a Bologna fishing rod, and in this case it is worth looking at the match gear. Fully reveals the possibility of the Bologna during the use of the float Cralusso Bolo and Surf. They can be used with fly fishing rods. It must be remembered that the ogruska of these floats must be significant in order to ensure their correct behavior in the water.
The length of the rod should not be less than 5 meters, and it is better for the bream to put a six-meter rod. The fact is that fishing on the river is carried out at a distance approximately equal to the length of the rod. The fish takes not the nozzle, which flies with the flow, but the bait, which lies at the bottom still or moves slowly. A nozzle in front of the float is the main condition for successful fishing in the current. And to make it so that the nozzle is not too close to the shore, it is possible only with the help of a long rod. Using the Cralusso float allows you to increase the fishing distance, and using a rod with a reel you can do the wiring at a distance of 10-15 meters from the shore.
For fishing they use medium fishing lines, rather thin leashes and hooks of numbers 10-12, depending on the bait. For example, for moth and moldy worm, a smaller one is used, and when using packed mixtures, dough, peas, worms are bigger. The leash is fastened with a loop on its free end, and a microwatch is placed in front of it. The length of the leash or the distance from the hook to the main sinker must be at least 50-60 cm so that the bream does not feel resistance during the biting. In the immediate vicinity of the hook should fix a small sub-pack. Its weight must be chosen so that the float protrudes out of the water when it is lifted, but no more. In any case, the weight of the subpacking should be minimal and correspond to the weight of the attachment, but not more than two or three grams, and it should be located from the hook in about 90-100 millimeters.
In standing water bodies, bream are often caught with several fishing rods. Usually there are no more than three. This tactic allows you to increase the number of bites. At the approach of the pack, it is possible to bite on several fishing rods, in which case you will have to choose which of them to pull out. Fishing in stagnant water or in places with a weak current allows you to catch at a greater distance from the shore, but the fish in places without a current are more careful, it does not need to spend attention and strength to stay in the water stream and have time to look around.
To attract the bream and the white bream to a certain place, to delay it is the basis for success This can be done only with the help of bait. For float bait is used with a large amount of soil. You can use both ready-made bait, and with the use of cereals, add flavors. The main thing – that they do not scare the fish. Sometimes when catching on a current they apply a feeding trough. It is done according to the type used for fishing on the ring. She is thrown into the water and supplied with a well-visible float. Making the wiring past the float, the angler catches the baited place.
Feeding is carried out with the help of balls, molded by hand. Initially, several casings of a fishing rod are made in order to understand where the float will be or how it will pass. After that, throw balls, a little bit tossed them. They should go almost on the float, a little short. Under the water, they will pass even a little further by inertia of the throw before they fall to the bottom. Feeding upstream is not necessary, as the food at the bottom lies without moving even in a fairly strong stream.
It is very important that the bait balls stay on the bottom for a long time and provide feed for one to two hours of fishing. To do this, prepare different balls. First, make a waterlogged bait or porridge, make several balls out of it and fill them. After that, add a little bit of soil, make a few more and cast it too. And so on, until the whole bait is thrown. The addition of soil to different degrees makes the set of balls at the bottom different, some of them will be loose and immediately disintegrate, others will lie for a long time and provide a long lasting lure.
The amount of feed thrown into the water immediately should be at least 70%. Subsequent feeding is possible, but he will most likely scare away the pack of bream with its noise, so it is better to do everything at dusk, before fishing, and then catch a couple of hours at dawn. On large ponds, the float rod is less likely to be caught from the shore than the feeder, so it is advisable to go fishing too, so as to be guaranteed to catch.