
Fly fishing casting technique

Flying cord – that most concisely and fully describes the fly fishing . Skillful casting technique stems from its rhythmic harmony. Throwing motion looks effortlessly light , smoothly elegant . Flight of the cord , it seems , denies all the laws of gravity .

Looks great but to learn it is extremely difficult – there is such a view among anglers . This fear of learning difficulties – something that deters many of them from being able to try fly fishing .

However, fly fishing is not a mystical act , but the result of several synchronized actions , each of which begins and ends quite automatically , as soon as you learned , like swimming or Cycling . Without a doubt , the ability to cast – has a certain value . Proper presentation of the flies implies , among other things , and well-executed casting . Real fishing starts when there is some inner confidence in their abilities in relation to casting . One thing is for sure : you don’t need to be born superabrasives in order to successfully engage in fly fishing .

There are enough great nabrasyvaetsya that are not proved from the point of view of the catch , and , on the contrary , there are a lot of anglers with a record catch , which , from the point of view of casting , show modest results . For all their importance, casting and filing of the flies – only a part of the process of fishing on a fly , although frightening in its complexity .

A throw over the head

In our days quite often expressed the opinion that to learn the casting alone is not possible . To some extent, it’s true . Under the guidance of experienced teachers , the learning process goes much easier . But to pass “school of nopaste” there is no need ! Thousands of people have become enthusiasts of this sport , not “ending any schools” themselves . Most importantly , the desire to learn the basic , fundamental principles of equipment of nopaste .

The first “sense of the rod and cord” comes after a few hours of training on the meadow . It will take quite some time , and seemed so terrible, the casting will be mastered . Here in this moment and you should go fishing , because nothing teaches the cast how the practical exercises .

I want to reiterate : it is important that all gear was properly fitted . Simple enough to pick up all the pieces , focusing on AFTM codes applied by the manufacturer . As for what rod is most suitable , everyone opens it for himself , over time . For beginners it is recommended that a graphite rod with medium action length 2.2 – 2.4 meters , with cord class 5 – 6 bright colors . You should use the maximum AFTM – Kass fit for this rod , because a heavier cord easier to control even at short distances.

At the end of the cord attached to the underbrush in length , approximately , with the rod , with the tip of 0.20 mm . For the first attempts you can not use the fly , but under any circumstances you should not unhook the undergrowth , as the underbrush gives all the power and amplitude of the cord with a thin tip . Training “a fly without a hook” does not get stuck in the grass and fairly safe in the ” emergency contact “.

Learn to cast.

We must remember that the weight for casting creates a cord , and a tool for casting is the whip . Thanks to a powerful backswing of the whip is “charged” with energy , and it is transmitted through the cord . Thus , the initial inertia of the mass of the casting that comes from the whip , goes to the cord , causing it to unbalance , and the cord is bent in the air at the curve .


When you add additional synchronizing force during reciprocating movements of the cord to keep the cord in the air , you can increase its speed , the cord becomes elongated and controlled , and the front sight may be filed at a given point . In practice, it is easier to perform than to explain . Well , went to the meadow to develop a sense of the rod and cord .

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