
Grayling fishing on small rivers

Grayling can rightly be called one of the most beautiful fish of our Russian fish fauna. Its big dorsal fin like a bright sail is decorated with slender and strong body this beautiful noble fish that live only in clean water bodies of our vast country.

The unforgettable classic of our hunting and fishing literature L. P. Sabaneev wrote of him as follows: “the Name is common in the North of Russia, non-Russian and has a Finnish origin”

“In many ways its grayling is as if posredstvom link between the salmon and whitefish” “Grayling are easily distinguished from all other fishes by a huge dorsal fin, which is sometimes difficult, almost reaches (males) jazykovedne adipose fin that characterizes the whole family.

For grayling on microrack

Grayling fishing in the Russian North and in Siberia – business as usual. There this fish is according to its frequency almost replaces so familiar to us roach, which is present in almost every river and lake. In many reservoirs of the Siberian grayling reaches a respectable size. In search of the same trophy Europeans have to go to the Russian North. There, if you are lucky you can catch the largest grayling on the planet. Who, after all, though very long, was lucky to catch a fish weighing 4675 g!

In this article we are not talking about trophy fishing in the edges nepuganye fish, which often meet a bear than a colleague on hobby. We will talk about grayling fishing in the European part of Russia, where he runs a small, fast forest streams that abound in our Northwest and the nearest region. I must say that the capture of handsome grayling larger than 300-400 g – here is an event, and fish under a kilo and more real trophy and likely a record for this river, so let him go a matter of honor, for he is the real media elite gene pool in the pond.

Tackle for grayling fishing on small rivers

Therefore, the most common and popular tackle – spinning class ultralight (with the dough to 5-6 g) or light up to 7-8 g. Better if they are trout for “strimonas” catching what is usually stated on their letterhead. The grayling is quite tender lips, so hard rods we definitely contraindicated. Even when using delicate tackle frequent gatherings – it is quite normal. Monofilament fishing line is preferable to a expensive thin cords, which inevitably killed many feet in the unraveling of the “beards”. They are formed due to twisting of the line turntables in the subsequent casting of light lures, especially in windy weather.

However, if you have a very good spinning reel, we quite successfully catch hruscov and with a cord provided smooth operation of the friction brakes. This is an important point. The clutch together with a pliable blank trout rods will help curb grayling, which is wildly resists struggling and could break my lips. Need to relax before fishing the brake to the fish, bite after making your main first pull, immediately lost a lot of his strength. Then lowering the tip of the spinning down, starting to draw out our trophy, not giving him the opportunity to go up to the candle.


In fact, fishing conditions are the same as when fishing for wild trout, and both species often inhabit the same river and at purposeful catching one, the other is simply a bonus by-catch. This is especially true when using small turntables, there is not even always guess who is behind the next rock and grab the lure on the next cast. The only thing in ambush behind a rock in a fast stream just beyond the shallows in 99% of cases it will be the grayling. A trout prefers a more peaceful place downstream behind rocks and snags. In the shallows can be caught only trout, which at this point is simple-simply crossed the barrier.

Time for grayling fishing

Caught our handsome”sailing” begins as soon as the river will be back after the spring flood in its bed, and the water again becomes transparent. By the time he has time to spawn. A few weeks later spawning you can get quite active nibble, however, do not expect special Jora, such as happens with pike.

In the spring and early summer grayling hunt in search of food at the bottom. Bait is better to use heavier, to be able to fast for to spend them as deeply as possible. Alas, it is frequent snags for snags, rocks and other bottom obstacles. Not to scare fish, especially if the hook happened in a promising place at the first or second cast, do not immediately go into the water and unhook the lure. Needless to tear it off. Better to cut a piece of twine or cord, and after careful trawling of the point, to pick up dangling threads, remove the bait from the snags. Loss baits on microrack small, since the depth of these reservoirs allows you to easily move in their direction in waders or even wading boots.

A surge of biting grayling can sometimes be seen in the time of departure mayflies. During this period, fly tackle takes precedence over our tents, for “sailboat” on the alert only for the fact that privodnaya gently on the water and it looks like an insect. In General, fly fishing in grayling fishing spinning wins the tackle, but even in such times, wise anglers do not give up and manage to catch the same hruscov using bombard and fly fishing flies. Not the best considering the suitability of most of the forest microrack, because of their small width and overgrown banks, fly casting, still spinning in General, we should recognize a more effective tool and certainly more versatile.


For successful fishing we are forced to understand what factors currently affect the choice grayling Parking places. So interesting the fishing. It is impossible to accurately predict every future departure for a specific river, you can’t plan for luck, every time you have to adapt to certain conditions-water level, transparency, flow velocity, temperature, atmospheric pressure, food habits of fish in this period at this pond. The overall pattern can be considered is that the grayling prefers places with clean and cold, oxygen-rich water; the higher the water temperature, the closer the grayling will shift to the chute, rapids, or channel ditch.

Technique grayling fishing on small rivers

Tactics for catching grayling is very similar to trout fishing. In the first place angler you need to learn the differences in the Parking lots of grayling and trout. If they live in the pond together, the angler can determine pretty quickly where rests the trout and grayling where. If trout in the river there, the grayling occupies almost all the typical places where it should stay.

A characteristic feature of the grayling fishing spinning reel is slow spinners. This gives a much greater effect than when fishing for other fish. Always the winner will be the angler that picked up the bait, which this current can be a maximum of slow. Grayling unlike trout rarely actively stalks prey, it is hunting expectant nature. He catches more often on the spinner, which is held in the vicinity of the place of its Parking.

Great importance is the identification of potential locations. Grayling are almost always standing at the bottom, especially in the spring,and only on the most tranquil rivers sometimes moves slowly in search of food. In streams he hunts across the width of the channel. This should be considered when posting. When grayling sees any kind of edible, passing the pond’s surface, it begins to rise and attack the prey at some distance below its Parking lot. If the examined object was inedible, grayling, turning, going back, sometimes with a small splash that allows you to notice the defects.

Spinning baits for grayling

Grayling caught well on a variety of spinning lures and fly fishing flies in combination with bombard or Tyrolean wand. But the bait # 1 was and still is the good old Troll-“spinner”. Have to sort through a fair amount of these things from different manufacturers to assemble a collection of the most efficient. Construct all brands are different, despite the same basis. Differences in fine detail, often elusive in the opinion of a novice spinner, but they can significantly affect the action of the lure.

Surely every spinner, trying to catch up on hardware, faced with a situation where two similar spinners of the same weight, size and design from different manufacturers on the water showed completely different results. For example, one start up immediately when touching water, the other I have to pull and push half a meter to a meter below her lobe involved in the work.

Of course, the first would be preferable, especially when fishing “spot,” and we just need to bait began to play immediately in the fall for the next stone or twigson where there is no place and time for dispersal and the inclusion of “the pusher”.

Structurally, it all depends on these invisible parameters, such as thickness of leaf, size and shape of the arch, its combination with the axial thickness of wire, selection of core and sometimes even the availability and quality of flies connected on the hook.

For me leaders among the “fans” are long in the first place lure from SAVAGE GEAR and OLD RIVER, and also from PONTOON 21 and MEPPS. These spinners are good heme that work always and everywhere, on any transaction and on any course are as universal as possible.

There are as well the “spinner” special purpose equipped with the heavy core, sometimes with a displaced center of gravity for less twisting of the lines and cords. On microrack us they are unlikely to be useful, their element – the powerful rapids and rifts of the Northern and mountain trout rivers. Many of them are not so good and quickly acquired as described above (often due to heavy cores), but they do an excellent job with a powerful current, where other baits in such a rush just throws up.

If someone still have an eye on a small river with a strong threshold, a couple of lures can come in handy. Of the most compact we can safely recommend FIELD HUNTER Kit Hit from a larger -SAVAGE GEAR Caviar. In extreme cases, if you do not want to spend money on bait that will be rarely in demand, you can bring a couple compact lead or tungsten weights in the form of “bullets”, “olives” or “Cheburashka”. When fishing on a strong current, they can be fixed above the bait. It will not allow the thread to throw the helicopter up with the passage of the rapids.

The turntables of the type “inline”, for example, from MARTIN PANTER petal planted directly on the axis of rotation, without the handle. This design allows to make effective the transaction on the jet without crashing petal after clashes with stones, moreover, rarely there are hooks. This type of lures not in vain loved by many charusathien. Any transaction is preferable to the slow motion, most importantly, to not lose the game spinners.

Spoon lures are not as stable on fast rapids, but quiet sites like the grayling of not less than “turntables”. Usually anglers use “spoons” with a weight of 4-5 g, is especially good models developed for trout fishing.

Wiring spinners

Typical wiring for lures when fishing for grayling often comes down primarily to “upstream”, that is the transaction. Given the high speed jet, for reliable operation petals “fans” we need to quickly turn the handle of the coil. It is desirable to have high-speed reel with a high gear ratio, like all the famous SHIMANO St radie.

The second option would be posting “the demolition”. The cast is made slightly upstream, and then pull the spoon that she was involved in the work. Then the game sets itself over, but it is always necessary to make sure that she did not get off. When fishing line or cord will unfold at right angles to the flow, the rotation of the petal lure will change, and it is at this point often the attacks happen grayling.

Standard efficient place on the rapid river – a shadow on the flow behind a large boulder. It can be said, the constant point. It can stand even a few grayling. Fishing a point with the mandatory posting of the spinner for the obstacle, it is desirable to make more than once.

Silicone lure

Grayling can be tempted and silicone bait, especially when he’s not too active. For installation handy little jig head or just a small jig, tungsten is better. Bait -worms, nymphs, “maggot,” “moth” or just cutting out pieces of larger baits, if nothing suitable was not at hand.

A small light Rybacki, drawing in a slow current, and on the rapids demolition when stretched the sand – here is a small and simple inventory of the kinds of animation silicone lures when hunting for grayling on a small river. For this it is useful Microdrive spinning rod with soft malleable tip, which is very favorable to delicate lips grayling. The slow pace of posting is also important when using silicone lures.

Lures for catching grayling

A separate issue is the cranks. They also fish for grayling. Of course, they often come across larger fish, but small “sailboat” sometimes would not mind to try this unusual taste.

Lures spinner provide additional opportunities, because they are easier to manage on the course. As in trout fishing, come first sinking, then suspender and floating. The latter are useful in that they can float along the current to the probable Parking fish that sometimes brings success. Of course, fishing in the fast current only those models that are able to cope with it, the rest will be just thrown to the surface. The most popular sizes – 25-45 mm, more suitable for large rivers more.

When fishing for grayling on lures is usually made lateral casting, then bait moves with the demolition on the diagonal.

Another option is posting against the current. The line you need to podmahivat very, very slowly, with pauses. Wobbler in this case, it moves against the jets, snuggling a little closer to shore.

If grayling is nearly idle, you can do so. Throw Wobbler against the current, it will perform the main task-will carry the bait past the fish stops. Even if it is very passive, passing in a natural way likely production will surely draw your attention.

Hunting for grayling is always an adventure, intrigue, unforgettable impressions of the beauty of the surrounding wildlife. Moreover, each such outing will be useful in sporting terms, as it involves Hiking on rough terrain several kilometers of rough.

To get caught grayling with them is not worth it, and so they are not very much on these rivers, better of thanks to let them go back home, to come back here next time, there was someone to catch.

One thought on “Grayling fishing on small rivers

  1. However, if you have a very good spinning reel, we quite successfully catch hruscov and with a cord provided smooth operation of the friction brakes. This is an important point. The clutch together with a pliable blank trout rods will help curb grayling, which is wildly resists struggling and could break my lips. Need to relax before fishing the brake to the fish, bite after making your main first pull, immediately lost a lot of his strength. Then lowering the tip of the spinning down, starting to draw out our trophy, not giving him the opportunity to go up to the candle.

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