
The pike fishing on spinning in April

Of all the spring months most getting pike fishing on spinning in April when the pike feeds intensively replenish spent on spawning power.

However, even at this time despite the relatively high activity of the predator to capture, you need to know the place of internship, to choose the right tackle and bait for fishing, to choose the optimal tactics of fishing.

Where to catch pike in April

The first step to catching pike in April is the right choice of place for fishing depending on the type of the reservoir:

  • On the river pike after the spawning period occurs in areas where the water has become transparent and well-heated, thus attracting flocks of fry – small backwaters and bays, backwaters, old people with a depth of 1.5-2 meters.

When the warm spring in April, in a large number of pike found in small streams with slow flow, reclamation ditches, and in places of their confluence with the larger river or lake.

  • On the lake in the still water pike hunts in the shallows overgrown by vegetation, close to shore snags, bushes, on the flats bordering the pits, on the sandy spits at the mouths of rivers or streams that feed the lake with fresh water.

Tip! When finding promising places for pike at this time should pay attention to close to shore, sticking out of the water to the flooded trees, snags, pits in bottom topography and other places where the pike can ambush, being close to large concentrations of small fish.

When catching pike on spinning in April

In April, the activity of pike in a day differs from the summer or autumn:

Unlike summer in April in the early morning pike inactive before the sun begins to warm the shallow well areas, where come to feed on schools of fry, the predator is not powered. But it is fishing that to every rule, exceptions do happen.

Spinning for pike in April

As in any other time of the year for fishing lures pike in April has great importance correctly selected and balanced tackle.

How to choose spinning for shore, boat

The choice of the rod depends on fishing conditions, the type of baits used and the characteristics of the transaction:

  • Coast spinning for pike in April at a small distance casting will fit the rod length 240 cm with the test from 5 to 20-25 Gy.
  • For boat fishing use a shorter rod length of at least 210 cm with the same test, and shore spinning.
  • Structure of the rods are chosen based on what baits you plan to fish: lures, twisters and rippers require a Blanca with a fast or ultra-fast systems, spinners – fast or medium.
  • The tip Blanca for fishing wobblers should be hard, while for jig silicone bait – thin, flexible and sensitive.

As for pike, the class active and the angler has during the whole fishing constantly to keep spinning in his hands in order not to tire the hands apply light, flexible and durable fishing rods from carbon fiber.

Coil, cord, leash

No less important in spinning tackle in addition to fishing rod has a reel with fishing line or cord, and metal leash.

These pieces of gear must meet the following requirements:

  • Used spinning reel size 2000-2500 with finely adjustable front drag with at least 3 bearings.
  • Fishing line – monofilament spring is most often used quality braided cord cross-sections from 0.1 to 0.16 mm. to Tie a fishing line/braid to the spool you need to properly
  • Leash –apply thin tungsten, copper or steel up to a length of 15-20 cm, equipped at both ends with a swivel and clasp.
The best bait for pike in April

For pike on spinning tackle fishing in April used such lures as:

  • Crankbaits, floating and suspender type “minnow”is used in places with little depth and plenty of grass or snags on the bottom. In the spring often are “working” on pike lures are painted in natural colours.
  • Spinner – small vibrating and rotating, often equipped with “moustache” – antiseepage used for transactions through the thickets of last year and fresh grass.
  • Silicone baits – twisters and vibrohvost length of 5-9 cm, white, red, yellow, clear lemon-yellow color. Larger lures used for fishing on the edge of the pits bordering the shallows where the pike often goes hunting. Smaller twisters and vibrohvost supply offset hook and catch them at a small depth in the aquatic vegetation near the snags and bushes.

The best spinners for pike in April ( Top 3)
  • Lucky John Shelt Blade 03 – 11-Gromova rotating blesna with the core in the form of balls or oval petal having a different coating on both sides.
  • Williams Wabler W30 – classic pike spoon oval oscillating formidling 57 mm weight 7 oz., imedalplace snaruzhnoy surface and a rib in the middle.
  • Аtom RB-N 10 gr. vibrating spoon classic jajtsevidnymi rigidly welded single hook and a wire loop hook for preventing vegetation.

Wobblers for pike in April (Top 3)
  • Jackall Smash Minnow 110 SP – best suspender type minnow for pike in the spring with a length of 110 mm and a weight of 18.8 grams. Due to the small working depth (0.5-0.8 m.) and the variety of colors allows you to fish for pike in weedy shallows,on the driftwood.
  • ZIP BAITS Khamsin 70 SR – Wobbler-type “shed” with a neutral buoyancy with a length of 70 mm and a weight of 9.5 gr. The working horizon of the lure is 1-1. 5 meters. Well “works” on low flow and stagnant water.
  • Zip Baits Orbit 110 SP – another catchability suspender minnow, available in several size versions: from the smallest with a length of 65 mm and a weight of 5.7 oz., up to the largest 110 mm lure weight is 16.5 gr.

In addition to spinners and crankbaits gives good results for pike in the spring in April with soft lures.

  • MANN’S TWISTER 040 – the classic Twister with a ribbed body and a Crescent tail.Available in a wide variety of snap-ins and sizes.Spring did well when fishing passive pike in the cool water.
  • Pontoon 21 Homunculures Hightailer – made of soft, movable and edible silicone, this Twister has an elongated body(length 82 mm.) with a channel for the passage of the hook inside.
Vibrohvosta (rippers)
  • Manns “Stalker” 55 mm – small classic Ripper of a lemon-yellow color with Cernymi sequins. Vibrohvost has a ponytail, which made the incisions, increasing its mobility when posting and the attractiveness of silicone fish for pike.
  • Megabass Revolt SK 90 – Ripper worm-like ribbed body and big butt on a movable tail. Vibrohvost has a very active game, and the material exudes in the water attractive to the predator scent. One of the best silicone baits for pike in the spring.
Fishing technique

Fishing for the toothy predator in April requires some training in the technical plan, and of course you must know the behavior of the fish and have some fishing technique:

  • Throw – throw bait depending on the desired distance of lateral or vertical way.As pike though actively powered, but it is not to be missed walking distance of the prey, cast the lure,spinners or Twister should provide as near as possible the wiring at the intended place of ambush predator.
  • Wiring – when fishing pike in April, the transaction should be smooth, not fast. So when fishing crankbaits jerks make smoother, making periodically pause of 3-4 seconds.Often teachingby replace the standard transaction type “stopandgo”, which is slow under the coils without jerks doing long pause. When fishing lures and silicone baits use slow and medium is uniform and smooth, when dragging baits on the bottom after the fall, the jig transaction, respectively.
  • Cutting – with any suspected stroke, perform a sharp and short brush sweeps. You should not do cuttings very bulky and extremely strong – attack may be the hook tees, lures or lure in a snag,grass,branches. The strong leap will help to ensure that the hook will certainly “dead”, and in the worst case can lead to breakage of the tip or upper rod of the tribe.
  • Towing – if the feelings on the hook a small pike-deltoides,given the strength of the rod and cord it can be fast enough to pull to the shore. Medium and especially large pike, you should draw out gently and slowly, using the method of “pumping” – making potico fish rod, a reel immediately exhausting the resulting slack.Summing up so the big pike to shore or the boat, it slid into the bucket landing net or touch bahorykom.

Finally I would like to recall to observe the unwritten ethics of fishing and the existing legislation in the field of wildlife protection:

  • Small pike smaller than 40 cm should be released back into their native element – this rule applies not only in April but throughout the year.
  • Before going fishing, you need to verify in the absence of a ban on fishing for pike at this time – otherwise the meeting with the inspectors “as a water bailiff” in the presence of fish may result depending on the total weight of the administrative or criminal case.

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