
Animals of lake Baikal: a unique inhabitants of the shores of lake

In addition, the Baikal is the deepest on the planet the lake and nature reserve, it is also a fascinating world in which the lives of many different animals.

Many plants and animals that are inhabitants of lake Baikal, listed in the Red book. Moreover, nowhere else in the world they live in, as lake Baikal is the only habitat of these creatures.

Let’s find out who are fortunate enough to live on the shores of the unique lake.


Outstanding representatives of the fauna of lake Baikal are seals. They love to take pictures of tourists.

But not everyone knows amazing facts about these animals:

  • in fact, these inhabitants of Baikal seals. Delighted that the animals are facing extinction. The reason for that is a perennial activity of the enterprises which dump waste into the lake. Today, these animals of lake Baikal are protected very strictly. Literally every seal is equipped with a chip and has his “observer”;
  • scientists still don’t know exactly how these animals were on the lake. The most credible theory about their migration in the period of glaciation. I believe that the seal came from the Arctic ocean;
  • almost all of the time seals are in the water, and pop in to fill your lungs with air. On Sunny days, especially in early autumn, the animals love to get to shore or a reef, lounging to soak up the rays of the sun;
  • ringed seals spend the winter off the coasts, under the snow, hummocky in parts. During the winter they breed. Females Mature earlier than males and reach sexual maturity by 4-4,5 years. Males – 5-6 years;
  • the female seals bears baby 11 months. Kids are born, usually in the period from February to mid-April. Females can give birth up to 40-45 years! The life expectancy of the seal favorable conditions is approximately 50 years. Usually once one baby is born, sometimes two. A newborn weighs about 3.5-4 kg and his body covers white fur;
  • the weight of an adult is between 50 and 150 kg;
  • Nerpa feeds on fish, representatives of golomyanka-goby. A day the animal is 4-5 kg fish. For one year the seal can eat order 1 ton of fish, and will continue to be a graceful swimmer, capable of reaching water speeds of 20-25 km/h.
  • Another representative animals of lake Baikal is the elk. Moose live in all of Eurasia, but on the lake they are rare and different from other elk first size. The average weight of a moose living on the lake is 400 kg, but the weight many males – more than half a ton.
  • The growth in the bottom edge of the withers is equal to 2.5 m, and the minimum body length is 3M. the Most beautiful and powerful horn has a 15-year-old moose.
  • Under favorable conditions, the life expectancy of the elks is 25-30 years.
  • The horns they dropped in January, and a new one begins to grow in early March. Rutting time – September-October, and calves are born in may-June.
  • Moose live in groups of 4-8 individuals, eating grass and shoots, and in winter the bark.
Musk deer

Interesting inhabitants of Baikal are small deer – musk deer, which are sometimes called “saber-toothed”.

The indigenous people tell a legend about how the deer love the lynx, and as a result of this love was born the musk deer.

  • These animals, like seals, are on the verge of extinction. The reason is poaching. Males are the source of musk, which is the basis of many recipes in perfumery and medicine, and poachers are hunting him, and that kabegami.
  • The maximum weight of musk deer is 18 kg, and body length – 1 m. the Horns are missing, but the males have fangs, which deftly scoop with trees, lichens, favorite food of deer.
  • The rut begins in late October. Calves are born after 190-200 days after that.

Live in a world of lake Baikal and the wolverines – at first glance, helpless, clumsy creatures. In fact, they are fast, agile and ruthless predators belonging to the family Mustelidae. They resemble a miniature bear. On average, the Wolverine grows in length up to 1m.

This tireless hunter and traveler during the day can overcome the 40-50 km in search of prey. Food serve him:

  • poultry;
  • rodents;
  • eggs;
  • carrion.

A predator may attack a dying or wounded deer.

Indigenous residents tell many tales about the cunning and treachery of Wolverine that easily is cut with a moose.

A certain time of mating is not, however, the offspring the female Wolverine gives birth, usually in the winter, it has done a tunnel in the snow. It is interesting that the fathers somehow know about what’s happening and come. They care about the family – bring the female and cubs food.

The female can give birth twice a year, but observations conducted since 1969 show that this phenomenon is rare.

The life expectancy of wolverines – 10-15 years. On the lake they have only one enemy – the wolf.

Red wolf

Just unique inhabitant of our wonderful world. Very rare. In his appearance as if combines the features of a Jackal, wolf and Fox. Once the red wolf lived in Russia throughout the territory of Altai, Buryatia and in Primorsky region.

Now the population by artificially restore the lake, with animals from Northern China.

  • The size of these beautiful furry animals are the same as a German shepherd. Now the lake is home to several groups of wolves that eventually turn into large flocks.
  • Lifestyle of red wolves is the same as wolves usually. They hunt together for prey, but seeing the Wolverine, all of a sudden start to chase her.
  • Clear the pairing period no. Wolf carrying cub 60-65 days, and the number appearing at one time on light of cubs is 2 to 10.
  • Wolves become sexually Mature by one and a half years, and mate to begin with two years. And these wolves are monogamous – couple find a life.
  • Live in packs in caves and caverns.
  • Life expectancy of 12-15 years.

In Russia they have become rare due to hunters and poachers. The shooting of red wolves was fought because their tails have a length of 50 cm and is very similar to a Fox.


Brown bears living in the wonderful world of lake Baikal, grow in length up to 2.5-3M, and in the withers height between 1.5 m and above.

This slow animal lives a sedentary life, but if necessary can go in search of food up to 300 km and return.

  • Baikal bears are omnivorous, but prefer fish.
  • Dormant can stay up to six months.
  • Den building more thoroughly than European bears.
  • Clear the time of mating no.
  • For once a bear brings 1-4 kids who first hibernation spend with my mom.
  • The reserve bears live 20-25 years.

To tourists this predator alone is easy, but to meet him is not easy, as he prefers to live in inaccessible places.

Do not reproduce every season, cubs are born usually 3-5, the male does not care about family.

Food of the lynx are:

  • foxes;
  • hares;
  • deer;
  • eggs.

From an ambush. The wolverines remains neutral.


The legendary snow leopard. This beast can’t be killed, even if he attacks. To protect yourself tourists are allowed with tranq Darts.

This animal is so rare.

  • Since 1969, cases of attacks by leopards on humans were recorded.
  • Predators prey primarily on ungulates.
  • Resemble cats.
  • Every animal has a chip.
  • Weight ranges from 55 to 65 kg, body length – from 1,05 to 1,1 m.
  • Prefer to mate from January through March, the offspring appears in 100 days – from two to four cubs.
  • Today the reserve is inhabited by 49 leopards.

The hard fate of this animal, because hare serves as food for many predators of the lake.

  • The weight of the animal is 2.5-5 kg and its body length reaches up to 0.5 m.
  • Dig deep holes and 8-9 M.
  • Feed on plants, in winter, they eat bark and branches.
  • In the year zaychiha gives 3-4 litters of 2-6 rabbits.
  • Live rabbits Belyakov large “families”. Often come to the aid of their own kind.

On the shores of lake Baikal, a unique live foxes. Only this one’s red Fox calmly respond to people. Seeing a group of tourists, they do not go and start “posing” by stretching into a smile face. In return tourists leave them food, so benefit from filming foxes video.

This gracious animal differ from congeners in European forests.

  • Weighs Fox – 10-15 kg, and the length of its body is 80-90 cm (without the tail). Tail length of 60 cm, it serves as a “stabilizer” during the run.
  • Number of teeth – 42.
  • On Baikal foxes live 15-17 years old, while in other places their life expectancy is 3-10 years.
  • Burrows the foxes only need to shelter from bad weather or danger for the breed. Fox could easily sleep under a Bush.
  • On the lake, among other things, foxes eat fish, worms, and larvae.
  • Some time pairing no, but prefer to give birth in early spring.
  • Kids brought up by both parents. Monogamous. Each family lives on “their” territory. If food is enough, to the “guests” calmly.

Animals of lake Baikal are closely interrelated with each other and with the lake. It catches the eye. Many tourists tend to get into these protected places, and who have been here will certainly wish to visit this wonderful world again!

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