
Bathing a chinchilla: tips on choosing quality sand

Bathing chinchillas – the question is very interesting. This is due to the fact that it is representative of the few animals that prefer dry cleaning of fur.

A large number of birds and animals with pleasure makes bathing in the dust, producing the same movements as in the water. With chinchilla occurs a little bit different situation.

In the wild natural environment in the water she bathes, and illustrated it with the following reasons:

  • habitat;
  • the lack of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • the structure of wool.

However, this small animal are very clean, and loves to swim. In turn, swimming is not only the hygienic aspect, but also emotional: it raises the spirits, as to the pet and owner. At home uses a special bathing sand chinchillas, and the choice of which must be approached responsibly.

The choice of bathing sand chinchillas: recommendations and options

First and foremost, you must remember that absolutely can not use silica sand. Particles of quartz are quite large and have very sharp edges that will not give the opportunity to clean the fur of the animal, and will only bring harm in the form of a whip of fur. Bathing with river analogue is also prohibited for this reason.

Owner must understand that it is the quality of sand dust, intended for bathing of the animal, affects the attractiveness of appearance of its woolen cover.

Determination of the presence of quartz in the composition of the bathing sand for chinchillas is quite a simple procedure. First, you need to pour a small amount onto the palm and closely examine under fluorescent lights or near other light source. If was discovered luster, it confirms that the sand contains quartz particles. And if you can see that it is matte, this is suitable for “bath procedures” chinchilla. Secondly, you can RUB sand between your hands – from a quality must remain a light residue, like chalk, and quartz – sense “scratched” the skin.

Properties of high-quality sand

When choosing a high-quality view, consider the following options:

  • the presence of intense bactericidal properties;
  • the absorption of moisture, unpleasant odors, harmful substances contained in the feces of the animals;
  • suppressing the development of fungi, bacteria.

Production material of sand for swimming should be a natural mineral, which is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and won’t provoke allergies on the skin. The ideal option would be volcanic dust, in which chinchillas bathe in a natural environment.

Proper bathing chinchilla in the sand: the principle, frequency, duration

For the procedure continues to the bottom of the bathing pour a small amount of special sand for chinchillas to cover it 5 inches tall, and then put bathing or other suitable receptacle in the cage.

The frequency of treatment should not exceed 3 times per week with a duration from half an hour to an hour. Such a large difference is associated with the activity of chinchilla during the process. For example, if it is for 20 minutes in the bathe, half an hour is enough, and in the case when for all the hours she gets in her two minutes, time is extended. However, you should be careful, because if too frequent procedure, the skin may become dry and start to crack, which will cause constant itching and discomfort in the animal. Naturally, this has a negative impact on both the external and internal condition of the chinchilla.

The use of sand for chinchillas: duration and interaction with other substances

When you are finished bathing, sand dust should be cleaned of debris that was there, by sifting through a fine sieve. Through time, it must be replaced. When bathing is not placed in a cage on all the time, and fit only for the duration of the procedure, bathing, special dust can be replaced every three months. When postoyannom finding a rutting pit in a cage, it is necessary to change 15 after bathing. Sand dust that was used many times on a monthly basis to decontaminate by calcining for three minutes in a microwave or oven.

In a therapeutic or prophylactic against fungal diseases of fur in the sand, you can pour sulfur powder or fungistop, which contains purified medical sulfur, and talc. The dosage is calculated fungistop one bathing one chinchilla, and one teaspoon. The drug is a superb sanitizer.

Thus, buying adorable animal, future owner should know that the chinchilla bathes in a special sand, which affects the beauty and structure of its fur. Thanks to the sand it has the ability to thoroughly clean the skin from gathered dirt. But since not every sand is suitable for this purpose, the newly minted owner needs to learn the nuances of choosing a quality sand and know the procedure swimming.

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