
Cage for chinchilla: optimal size, how to make

Chinchilla is not only charming Pets, but also valuable fur, that is why they are bred on an industrial scale.

And that, in either case, these animals should be created all conditions for their comfortable living, so owners and breeders need to pick a nice and spacious cage with all the attributes.

Cage for chinchilla

It is a good spacious cage, equipped with all the rules will be the basis for a healthy life of animals. This is especially important for those people who are breeding these animals, because it is in good conditions, a chinchilla will give a healthy offspring.

Size of cage for chinchillas

Under a typical apartment of the animals can be kept in pairs, for example, female and male. They will bring the issue to a maximum of twice a year, in the same litter can be from 1 to 6 kids. In this case, their housing conditions should be the following sizes: a height of not less than 1 m, while the total area of not less than 0.5 square centimeter

If the animal lives without a pair, then it is sufficient to be cell size 100х50х50 see

The obligatory conditions of good cages for chinchillas should be as follows:

  • the bars of the cage should be galvanized;
  • certainly the presence of pallets that will be easy to remove and clean;
  • the cell should be shelves of wood, located on different levels;
  • inside the cell you need to install a house with multiple inputs;
  • inside should be three mandatory attribute – a feeder, a drinking bottle and a tub for bathing.

In addition, if you have free space inside the cell will also be possible to install the game tunnels and a wheel, where the animal will warm up.

If at home will contain more animals for their breeding, the experienced breeders suggest keeping several females and one male.

You will need to build a complex of several small cells, which will contain the chinchilla. All of this should look like the following:

  • depending on the number of females acquired the same number of cells, which are installed together along;
  • each female is isolated from each other, and the male has access to each of them;
  • for each female should be provided with special plastic collar, through which she will not be able to escape from the cell.

Each cell, regardless of living in it one individual or a few, must always be clean and dry. It should be spacious and without any drafts.

Cage for chinchillas with their hands

Housing for a small furry friend can make and with their hands, the main thing to observe some rules:

  • the material can be plastic, DVD or chipboard;
  • the frame should be made of aluminum;
  • the side walls of the cage are made of metallic mesh;
  • the pan must be made of a metal sheet;
  • all extraneous parts such as bolts, fasteners, etc., must be fixed very securely, chinchilla too fragile animal to her accidentally dropped something;
  • all unnecessary bolts must be removed from the cells, otherwise the animal will swallow;
  • the tray is filled with sawdust, to change that you need every day.
The attributes for cells

In any cage rodent home needs to be the required attributes in the form of feeders and drinkers. But in the case of chinchillas, their list should be a little wider. Now about each detail.


A drinking bowl from which to drink animal should be only a drip.

The fact that this small rodent loves water, but he should not wet his muzzle, paws and coat.

Therefore, drinking should be a small cone with a metal tube and a ball on the end. Itself the bulb should be glass, as plastic models chinchilla chews readily.


It is important that the trough has been steady, because chinchillas are very active animals and can easily turn over all the items in the cage.

Material feeders should be of ceramic or metal and the mount is very stable, making the whole structure will be quite heavy and strong, and playful by nature an animal will not be able to overturn. Here again, it should exclude the installation of plastic models, as the chinchilla will gladly chew on it.

House for chinchilla

A prerequisite for the maintenance of such animal is the housein which he would hide and sleep. This should be a wooden dwelling, fastened with nails or special glue. In the house chinchilla is sleeping in the daytime (Yes, chinchillas are night animals), and at night crawls out of him to Wake up.

This house can be build by your hands using conventional plywood, but we must remember that it will be necessary periodically to change to a new one, like a small animal will periodically gnaw holes in it. In the cage there should be one house for each individual.


Hammock for chinchilla may serve instead of a house because these animals love to sleep in such a kind of Cribs. There are hammocks too quickly, used them for fleece or denim fabric which is folded in two layers.

At the four corners of such tissue is done 4 holes, into which are passed the metal chain. Then these chains hammock is attached inside the cage. By the way, often prefer chinchilla hammocks houses.

Bath bathing

Chinchilla does not like water and never does not wash his or her fur. In a natural environment she bathes in volcanic dust, in home conditions, it requires special sand from crushed specifically for this purpose, the mineral zeolite. This sand also contains a bit of wood ash, medical sulfur, and talc.

Bathing will need a special tray, similar to a round container with a hole. In this tray is filled with the same special sand (you can buy it only at the pet store), then the animal gets into this design and very original way begins to perform bath treatments. Observe bathed in chinchilla sand is very interesting: it falls on the sand and starts with incredible speed it is spinning scrubbing up so his beautiful coat.

Attention! Ordinary river sand is not suitable for bathing chinchillas! Because of his valuable fur of this animal lose its beauty and Shine.

It is important to remember that the bath must not be in the cage around the clock: it put for chinchilla to a maximum of half an hour, and then removed. If you forget the tub in the cage, the animal will arrange there a mess and go to the bathroom in the sand.

Other attributes: staples for teeth, toys, shelves

Don’t forget that chinchilla is primarily a rodent, so he badly needed a sharpener for my teeth. You can use a very solid pumice stone or buy the stone at the pet store. By the way, you can buy simple stones for sharpening cutters of the animal, and are specially enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Since chinchillas are very playful and agile, they are in a cage just need a Jogging wheel. It should be made of any material, but it is worth remembering that the metal structures over time begin to emit unpleasant creaking, as well as chinchilla – animals of the night, the owners are unlikely to sleep well if their animal after a day of sleep will decide to engage in physical activity wheel.

Wheel recommended to be put in a cage, where only one animal. If two chinchillas, sooner or later they will start to fight for the right to ride in it. If the chinchilla is closely in the cage, you can buy for her (or him) a special pleasure ball, in which she can move freely around the apartment. In a cage you can put up special shelves of wood on which an animal will move. In addition, these adorable rodents are very fond of different tunnels and ladders.

The basic rules of keeping of chinchillas

As mentioned above, bathe your chinchilla won’t have, because she perfectly cope with their hygiene on their own, most importantly, time to give her access to the bath with sand.

Chinchillas do not shed. But if the owners noticed that her fur thinned out, so the animal had experienced some kind of stress.

Chinchillas have no smell, as is typical of many other household rodents. If the cells are not quite pleasant flavors, then the owners of not enough carefully monitor its purity.

Chinchilla is a very fragile and timid creatures, so they need to take up very carefully, not to compress and not to compress. It is best to tame her gradually, and not enough movements. You can’t get a chinchilla in the house where there are small children.

Chinchillas do not tolerate the cold, they are much more comfortable in warm climates. But you need to avoid getting into the cell to direct sunlight. You should also hide these animals from drafts.

Chinchillas eat special food that are sold in pet stores.

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