
Features ferrets at home (what to feed)

Let’s talk about what conditions you need to create your pet to provide proper care and quality feeding. Perhaps, many wondered, what you eat ferrets?

How and what to feed this funny animal, you can learn from the article.

Care of ornamental ferrets

Make your home ferret (Freda) was in great shape, it needs a clean. Therefore, the first criterion of proper maintenance is the systematic scrubbing of the cage and all of its content: the trough, tray and bowls, changing bedding, and, of course, General cleaning of the apartment.

Fredo should not be washed very often, as after bathing appears specific “Horny” smell, tend to worsen. If your pet is not too loves water procedures, enough to bathe him a couple of times a year. Sometimes, it is possible to process fur special wipes or sprays. For bathing, use scented shampoos “without tears” specifically designed for ferrets. Wash animal you can not only shower, but also in a warm bath, everything here depends on where your pet is most like. After bathing, wipe the skin with a clean towel or allow to dry.

Trimming the claws should frede once a month. Be careful not to injure the animal. Until the ferret gets used to the procedure, it is best to invite to the aid of someone from the household to hold the animal until you cut it’s nails.

In addition to all one monthly treatment – cleaning the ears. For this you may use special drops for ears, or simply oil. A few drops should be put in ear with a pipette, to massage, then scrub the dirt with a cotton swab and wipe dry.

Ferrets moult in the spring and in the autumn season, replacing winter fur in the summer and in reverse order. Usually moult lasts about two weeks, while the animal is heavily scratched. To help him, neatly visivite old wool or comb out its special brushes. At this time, it is desirable to feed the animal a special vitamin complexes. Besides, Pets need to make a paste for removing hair, it is labeled “for cats”, but wonderfully fit and Horie, moreover, they somehow take it for the sweetness.

For entertainment Frette offer a variety of toys. It’s all kinds of tunnels and pipes, which are animals with great enthusiasm, running around, besides, provide strong balls so they are unable to gnaw through. In addition, ferrets love all sorts of boxes and cloth. Besides, necessary cozy cabins, for the creature could hide. And of course, you must devote sufficient time for training and games with your pet, especially if the house is inhabited by only one ferret.

In the summer season, you can output Fredo for a walk, however, you have to watch then that animal is not overheated. You can display in the winter, but only when there is snow, the more the better. Because for ferrets is a huge delight to dig burrows in the snow! You can’t walk in particularly severe frosts and sleet, but temperatures only brings them immense favor. On the busy avenues of the leash not coming down, make sure that your pet is not picked up different stuff from the earth. If you want you can take your ferret with you to the cottage, be sure to create a dog Park. In particular, do not allow your animal to freely walk around the area, because the ferret can get lost.

What to feed the ferret at home

Menu the ferret is based on one of two types of feeding:

  1. food dry;
  2. or natural food.
Caring for pet ferrets

The ferret is a predator, saturating mainly rodents, then natural (natural) feeding necessary to take into account these characteristics. So, what to eat ferrets? The best products for freak is poultry meat, offal, eggs (to boil) and fish (in small quantities). Diet (feed) twice a day respectively, if it is a natural products. In plant-eating animals hardly needs, for this reason, reception add no more than two percent of substances of plant origin.

Stop your choice on the trout, cod, mackerel or flounder. Of dairy products, the perfect cheese, but within reasonable limits, or a small piece of cheese as a dish. When natural feeding ferret important vitamin supplements, mainly in the growth period, pregnancy and shedding.

One of the menu for ferret is “falsecase”. The name speaks for itself – through the grinder rotated offal of poultry, any meat, a little fish, a bit welded cereals and vegetables, all of the components we chill and mix. In ready porridge to put vitamins and mineral supplements.

However, in our time, rationality feeding falsecase is puzzling, as the recipes are used on fur farms, where on the first place good quality fur, not the health of the animal. Increasingly heard from the mouths of specialists in the following phrase, it is best to feed pretok small chickens and rodents. The closer to nature the better.

Dry food for ferrets

Natural feeding of the ferret is associated with numerous problems and only by experienced gorewada. If you haven’t kept a home pretko, it is better to stop the choice not on natural feed, and the dry component of prepared feed of a professional class. It is quite convenient, as in the feed are all needed animal ingredients, you simply provide the animal home condition: continuous access to water and feed.

At the moment there are premium-food for ferrets consciously, but food for cats of prohorovna, or rather, food for kittens, because it needs ferrets in a caloric substances in the full sense of the word comparable with the needs of kittens up to one year.

For example, if you wish to have wholesome Fredo, then in any case, do not purchase feed and average degreeis also dog food. It is best to buy food, including poultry meat. Horovody suggest appropriate feed:

  • for ferrets – food-premium from companies such as Evo, Bosch and Eagle Park;
  • for kittens high-end series Eagle pack, Purina, Innova, Yams, hills, NUTRO choice, Eukanuba.

As treats you can give the animal has a meager amount of vegetables and fruits, and not to exclude citrus. However, do not get carried away, you need to stick to the Golden middle. Also in pet stores , you can find an abundance of “hrusteam and revloc” intentionally for ferrets, but they are too high in calories. Therefore, large quantities do not give, but only treat. Of course, feeding a pet correctly. In principle, with well-organized menu at the ferrets not support treats.

Ferrets are rather complicated animals. Caring for a ferret is comparable to the content in the dog house, and therefore, to approach the care of your pet is necessary with all responsibility and seriousness. When you gain skill and learn about all the components of care Friday, most likely, turn into unwavering “koremana”, which are already unattractive hamsters, Guinea pigs, charming cats and turtles. The thing in the extraordinary charm of these exotic animals. In addition, the condition on the content ferret and observing its habits is one of the most interesting classes for animal lovers.

What else can you feed ferrets is strongly not recommended?

  • First, to give them food from the table, especially all kinds of sausages and smoked products, sweets, flour;
  • Second, certain types of fish – Pollack, hake, blue whiting, saithe, haddock;
  • Thirdly, cow’s milk;
  • Fourth, foods containing onions and garlic.

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