
Looks like the Koala and the color of their fur

The Koala is a marsupial mammal of the infraclass of Marsupials, as well as the kind Koala. Experts still don’t know what kind of animal is a Koala: the bear, raccoon or someone else.

A Koala bear or a different bear from Australia is one of a kind animal food which consists of a single vegetation, namely eucalyptus leaves.

Appearance and description of koalas

Few people can boast that they live watched marsupial bear, but many were watching him through video or photos. It really Koala resembles in its appearance a small and clumsy bear. For example, her tail is represented in the same form as that of the bears – he’s so small, its almost invisible on the trunk of the animal. Despite this, the Koala is simply impossible to confuse with any other species.

The appearance of this animal is quite unusual and memorable.

The Koala is a small animal. The weight of this animal can vary from seven to twelve pounds. So, the fur of the animal looks thick and short, and the colors in this greyish. In the area of the abdomen of the animal is spread a coat of light color. The eyes of an animal than the shape of the head is quite small, and the nose and ears are large. The claws on the paws of the animal are long and sharp. Primarily the claws are the Koala for easy climbing trees and clinging to trunks and branches.

Where there is a Koala?
  1. The Koala is considered a Marsupial type animal, and to live she was accustomed in Australia and on nearby Islands, the only exception is the island of Tasmania. These marsupials bears used to settle near water, as it was on the banks of rivers and tropical forests. These forests and are considered the main place where you can easily meet a Koala. Marsupial bears are on the South, East, and North of present-day Australia.
  2. Marsupials bear live in these woods, where there is tropical or sub-Equatorial climate. So, here he may find a lots of tasty and healthy food for her – eucalyptus. This plant is necessary for the animal, because it is the only food source being.
  3. On the surface of the earth koalas down very rarely and only when they need to switch to a more plant areas to receive new portions of nutritious grasses.
What koalas eat?
  1. Marsupials bear used to eat only eucalyptus leaves, despite the fact that this plant contains a poisonous substance for Cola – hydrocyanic acid. But this substance does not threaten the life or health of marsupials bears, because his body to her not so receptive. In addition, nature has created a kind of protection for the animal. So, in different seasons marsupial bears eat different kinds of eucalyptus (in different seasons of the year these species of eucalyptus include a smaller amount of hydrocyanic acid than the others). But there are situations when the animal is still etched eucalyptus leaves.
  2. In the world there are more than 800 species of eucalyptus trees, but the bears used to eat only bark and leaves 120 of them. Mainly marsupials bears eat eucalyptus trees that grow along the banks of rivers, where the soil is most fertile. Thus, the branches and leaves of these trees include fewer poison. And Vice versa in the eucalyptus trees, which grow in the dried soil contains a lot of poisons and poisoning acid.
  3. The daily rate of calories for the koalas is equal to 300 -1100 grams of feed. While animals eat only juicy and fresh leaves from the eucalyptus. There is an opinion that marsupials bears do not drink water, but it is not, because the animal, though rarely, but drinking water from different sources, which occur on his journey. Water for these animals is not so important, because in the leaves of eucalyptus contains more than 89% of the necessary fluids for normal functioning of the body. Mostly koalas drink water only in the case when it is not enough in the body or they are unhealthy.

Koala almost motionless for 18-20 hours. In this period of time the animal is usually hard enough, tree branches with his paws, asleep, or crawling on the trunks of trees to find a new batch of fresh leaves. Also the animal is able to chew leaves, which are in the process of feeding it folds in the inner area of the cheeks.

The animal jumps from tree to tree with only one goal, to find new food or to escape from his pursuers. Another unusual skill marsupial bear is his ability to swim well in the water. The slowness of the koalas based on their diet, as it includes too little protein. To all this, koalas have a low metabolism, they have several times slower than other mammalian creatures.

Is to replenish minerals in the body, koalas have to eat dirt.

The farming of marsupials bear at home is almost impossible, because it simply will be nothing to feed. In the southern part of the country, for example, on the territory of Sochi, there are trees-the eucalyptus, but there are varieties that would be able to use koalas were not found.

How is the reproduction of individuals?
  1. Koalas are usually a big part of my life living alone and only at the time of breeding, they gather in groups. This group includes one male and 2-5 females (number of females may be relatively more). The mating process of animals also produce on the trees. The reproduction of individuals occurs one or more times in one year.
  2. The period of nurturing kids is one month. The light appears most often only one cub, which has a length of about 1, 5 cm, and body weight, reaching up to 6 grams. As the Koala belongs to the marsupial type of animals, the bag when growing calves used for quite a long time – for 6 months.
  3. The kid who grows up, goes back to his mother. After 30 weeks after the birth of the little bears, when he becomes a little more, he can already eat liquid stool, which remains after the parents (this food is essential for animals because it contains all minerals and substances that are very important for digestive balance little koalas). Over time the kids turn into adult and independent individual and start to live by themselves.
Main features koalas

What are the special features of this marsupial bear? In fact the Koala has many distinctive features, and also possesses skills that you do not have other animals.

The Koala is endemic to Australia. If to speak in more detail, the marsupial bear is a creature that lives nowhere else except Australia, only in the zoo. In addition, due to their lifestyle and ability to climb trees and eat only eucalyptus, a small animal is quite quiet and slow.

Another unusual feature of Koala is that they give birth to very small babies, although they have large size and weight. Isn’t it unusual that the parents who have a body mass of 8 kg, you may receive a calf the size of a small grain of peas!

The main opponents of the marsupial bear

The Koala is an unusual kind of animals in the wild, the bear has no special enemies. Why is this happening? There are several explanations.

The main reason is the place of residence of the animal. Marsupial bears live in Australia mostly on high trees, but on this continent there are wood types of predators that would start hunting for the animal. The second reason is the food of the marsupial bear. So, animals eat some eucalyptus leaves, which contain the poison. This poison is completely harmless for the koalas, but can harm the health and even the lives of those animals who want to eat marsupial bear.

The main benefits and harms

The Koala is considered a friendly and cute animal that can easily how to bring benefit to people, and much to hurt him.

The main advantage of koalas is that at the zoo loves her a large number of young children as well as adults. However, many scientists make a large number of experiments on these animals. Because cute animals are protected by law from hunting poachers and illegal shooting for the sake of valuable fur.

Unfortunately, these creatures can bring harm to humans. At a time when koalas become too numerous in one area of the stay and the food starts to end, these animals go to places where it dwells and lives. The result is a small animal may even cause unfortunate accidents. Despite all this, the Koala remains unusual and interesting animals that the professionals have not yet fully studied.

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