The Siberian bear is well known to all the inhabitants of Russia the beast. It appears in many fairy tales and stories.
The correct name of this animal is Siberian brown bear. It is one of the subspecies of the brown bear. Where does and what is characteristic of this kind – this will be discussed further.
Exterior features
Of course, most perfectly imagine the appearance of the Siberian bear and had seen it on pictures, photos or at the zoo. However, encountered in the wild an animal can make a lasting impression.
This animal has the following features:
- Siberian brown bear is one of the largest of its brown relatives.
- Length of a body reaches two meters and weight ranges from 400 to 800 pounds.
- Females are usually smaller and weigh up to 300 pounds.
- From Siberian bear a powerful and muscular body with a massive strong paws.
- Color completely corresponds to the name of the animal – it is dark brown, that is brown. The dark hair on hind legs.
- Remarkable Siberian bears and huge claws that reach 8.5 inches in length.
The main living areas is a large part of Eastern Siberia. Siberian bear lives in the taiga forests from the Yenisei river to the territories beyond lake Baikal. It is found in the district, Stanovoi range, as well as in Yakutia. In addition, the Siberian brown bears are found in the North of Mongolia, Eastern Kazakhstan and in the forests of China.
Siberian bears, like most of their relatives, alone. In winter, they traditionally lie down in hibernation, while during winter sleep of bears cubs.
As the home of the Siberian brown bears prefer dense forests with fallen trees, would be located pond – lake, river or swamp. Animals are produced in ponds or fish willing to eat, and ponds serve source of water and bathing for Pets.
Food Siberian bear
These animals are known to be omnivorous. Being primarily carnivores, they absolutely do not disdain vegetable food. In the summer the bears are willing to eat berries – raspberries and blueberries, for example. Also Siberian bears like nuts, roots, plants, fresh shoots of shrubs. Of animal food they love to eat insects, larvae, and also very fond of fish which is expertly caught themselves. They can also have the carrion.
But on big game animals hunt mighty extremely rare, despite its impressive size. For wild animals such as boar, deer or elk hunt only young and strong males.
Reproduction in the natural environment
The Siberian bears mating season starts from may and ends it by mid-summer. At this time, males fight fiercely for females, arranging each brutal fights. Only the strongest of the males gets the right to mate with a female.
After six or eight months, during hibernation, bear cubs. This is usually two or three cubs. The development of the cubs is a long time: they have a whole month after birth, are blind and weigh the appearance of only a pound. All the while the young feed on mother’s milk and spend the winter in the den with her.
But in the spring, when it’s time to leave the den, the Siberian bears are already pretty developed for an active life. They have smartly run, everywhere following the mother. With bear her children spend two or three years of life, all this time she teaches them to be independent, learns to hunt and provide for themselves. The male in the rearing of cubs does not participate, completing their “family commitments” immediately after mating with the female.
The interaction with the person
In spite of its impressive growth and strong impression, the Siberian brown bear is a desirable production for some of taiga hunters. However, hunting an animal for entertainment is dangerous for both sides. Often hunting ended in failure for the hunter, not for his victims – sometimes even deadly.
Bear meat is pretty tough and is considered food for everybody. Hunting of these animals is often organized for trophies, in the form of skins or, for lovers of the hunting ornaments of the head. Also very much appreciated bear fat, which is considered medicinal and is widely used in folk medicine. It is used for colds and various respiratory diseases.
The usual meeting with the owner of forests in natural conditions, it is undesirable for any person, unless he put the hunt. However, bears do not tend to attack the person if he will not compel. Seeing in the distance a large animal, it is better to try to ignore it without attracting attention and causing aggression. There have been many cases when people ran into a bear in the woods and all peacefully dispersed in different directions.
In addition to such aggressive interactions, these animals are near humans in zoos and reserves.
To maintain such a wild animal always requires special conditions:
- the presence of a large space;
- the pond, where the animal can swim or fish;
- enough feeding;
- suitable living conditions resembling the natural habitat of the Siberian bear.
But, of course, feel comfortable in this big and proud animal feels in the wild taiga nature.