
Ordinary bird blue tit blue tit: description

The phrase “Better a bird in the hand is worth two in the Bush” everyone knows. The bird really able to fit in the palm of the person is relatively small in size bird. Today this bird can be found almost everywhere.

About its appearance, diet and behaviour will discuss in this article.

Ordinary bird or the bird tit belong to the order Passeriformes, family simicevic, kind of ordinary blue tit. It resembles his other relatives, the only difference is the size of the beak and tail.

In the ordinary plumage of blue Tits is dominated by blue, yellow and gray. The head of the bird is decorated with a kind of cap juicy blue. The forehead and cheeks a representative of the family simicevic white, the beak on the contour of the frame the strips of dark blue color. The neck has a strip-like collar. Back this kind of Tits gray, blending smoothly into the blue tail. The wings have a gray-blue color, the abdomen of these specimens is yellow.

Females are less aggressive plumage colors dominate more relaxed. The color is rather yellow-white or greenish-white. Besides, the female less than the male. The weight of male is around 13-15 grams, and body length does not exceed 10-12 cm Color young males are tuskgee than in adults.

Unlike the rest of its congeners, the common blue tit loves to sing. The voice she has melodic, the bird itself is extremely active and agile.


An ordinary bottle of wine can be found almost everywhere. In all countries of Europe except Iceland are inhabited by a bird. They live in the East, in Asia, in Russia, and even Africa. The bird rarely wanders from place to place, prefer to lead a sedentary life. Trying to settle near bodies of water, in a wooded area.

These birds are extremely unpretentious. In winter time the bird remains in an inhabited place, it can survive even the harsh winter. And also live in city parks and squares, where, after walking people remain remnants of food going to feed the Tits.

Recently the nest of ordinary birds began to meet even on lampposts and road signs. Birds have to adapt to modern conditions of life, especially because deforestation is the main problem today.

Nature Tits

  • The nature of the ordinary Tits can be called a militant and combative. Start fighting for territory, willing to enter the fray with other representatives of the bird, for example, sparrows.
  • Most often conflicts surface during mating season. Males desperately competing for any female between them.
  • In relation with the person the bird is very curious. She watches over the people, but do not lose vigilance and caution.
What eats the blue tit?

Chickadee and winter pleases the human eye with its bright plumage. However, according to statistics, 9 out of 10 Tits in the cold season die. The reason lies in the fact that these birds are warm-blooded, and for the normal functioning of thermoregulation ordinary blue tit in winter need more food.

It is known that the Tits are insectivorous, i.e. the main diet of these birds consists of insects such as:

  • flies;
  • horseflies;
  • locusts;
  • grasshoppers;
  • tracks;
  • earthworms.

Besides insects, Tits eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. Tit, who settled near the agricultural land of farmers, helping to preserve the crop from the invasion of harmful and voracious insects that destroy crops.

In winter, the compassionate, the townspeople lure birds living in urban squares and parks. However, be sure to know what you can feed birds of this breed, and that can hurt the delicate organism of feathered beauties.

What to feed birds in winter?

We all know that birds prefer to eat grain and sunflower seeds.

Tits love sunflower seeds and bacon, which should be raw, i.e. fresh.

  • No salt, no more bacon for the birds to give you should not.
  • In the list of prohibited products, you can also make fried foods. Tit is able to snatch a slice of something grilled, but it can adversely affect bird’s liver.
  • Fresh black bread can’t give strictly, he took blue tit happens zavorotok intestines.
  • You can’t treat women this kind of wheat, it contains toxic, harmful substances that have adverse effects on the poultry organism.

Millet you can feed, and even necessary.

Breeding blue tit

Sexual maturation of this species occurs at the end of the first year of life. It was at this time the bird begins to actively seek a mate. And at this time males begin to divide the territory. His “property” males guarding zealously and selflessly. Strangers instantly expelled from the territory.

Males Tits have their own unique mating dance. Choosing a “lady love”, male, fur fluffed and tail fanned, pressed to the ground and twitching of the feet, dancing. Dance is necessarily accompanied by leaping and melodic singing. The female needs to say Yes, after that, the pair begins to sing along.

Nests usually are settling in the hollows of trees. A prerequisite is the height of cavities: 2-4 meters above the ground. So the parents are trying to shield from danger their offspring. If the hole is not wide enough, the parents extend the entrance, visibily wood. The nest is built of flexible branches, soft grass, moss, feathers and animal hair. In the construction of the nest involves only the female.

These little birds are able bring their young twice in one season. Brood appears in early may and late June. On the day the female lays one egg, the whole egg is 7-10 pieces. In appearance it is a small egg with a cream shell with brown blotches.

The Chicks hatch after 14 days from the start of incubation. The mother almost never leaves her nest unattended, feed the female brings male.

If Chicks or eggs are threatened, the parents make sounds similar to a hissing snake or buzzing hornet’s swarm. Thus, they scare away enemies.

The Chicks are born blind and naked. Gradually they acquire a bloom then appears covered with feathers. After 13-15 days, the Chicks leave in independent swimming, they can take care of myself without the help of parents. Male and female are preparing for the emergence of a new offspring.

It is known that Tits are monogamous. With one partner, they are able to live for several years and sometimes their entire lives. The life expectancy of the common blue tit is 10-12 years.

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