
On the Volga river there are many unique places for fishing

One of these areas is located in the upper reaches of the Gorky reservoir and is considered to be probably the best. Here during the big roach anglers flocking from Uglich, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Yaroslavl and Moscow.

The uniqueness of the place due to the confluence of three rivers – the Volga and Unzha Namdi. Rivers above the confluence are interesting individually.

Opposite Yurievets course of the Volga is slowing, as the width of the spill is one and a half tens of kilometers. The course is divided into threads that are below the city into two beds, and after a few miles, again meet in one pronounced direction with a wide irrigation along the right Bank.

Many good places to catch fish near the riverbed on the course or in the pits, which are located in the flooded channels of the Unzha and Nemda.

The main objects of hunting in the winter are perch, pike-perch, Bursch. Only the “chosen” purposefully catch a roach, which becomes the object of mass hunting only for the last ice, when from the bottom up the herd. It was at this time come here, even the fishermen, living near the Rybinsk reservoir.

The best available fishing places located near the dam that protects the city Yuryevets on the Volga. Near here is the channel of the Volga river, a constant flow eliminates the possibility of Zamora, the fish is always active. Along the dam at the bottom of the cross are numerous underwater sand. The bottom topography is cut up in places and shallow water interspersed with holes. Makes it easier to catch that for weak or average. If you locate the stall with the spit in depth, then actually to run into a flock of small roach or big perch. The use of bait makes no sense, since the jig with a nozzle peck only small roach, perch and ruff “suburban” size.

Although there are exceptions, when on a break the weather roach regularly being caught standing jig with a large moth. But I must say that such cases are rare and need a very neat tackle. Safer to take the “devil” and even better “nymph”, which in addition to the well caught roach and a decent perch, and ruff. If the angler cannot psychologically go to baitless jig, it is better to change the moth maggots – definitely will be catching bigger fish. We must not forget that local fishermen used very successfully as bait larvae of dragonflies and “rat”.

Another interesting and accessible to pedestrian anglers choice for fishing even in “gluhozime” is located at “the cross”, which was on the opposite, left side of the channel, opposite the city centre. To the left of the “cross” submerged river-bed of the inflow with the depth of 8-10 meters. Along the slope always walk a decent perch, it is likely to catch smaller fish on a jig with a bunch of bloodworm. To the right of the “cross” located extensive beach that stretches to the Islands.

Here fish out of the most recent ice. For the shallow you’ll snag pit. Here at a depth of from four to seven meters, you can catch burbot on the small imitation fish, but in recent years burbot is becoming less and follow him on foot about five miles not interested. Further, Akpavie Islands, you can find big perch.

A little to the left of the city, above the Volga, with the edge of the channel of the left Bank is one of the most interesting nearby places to fish for both winter and summer. Here at a depth of five to six meters is the underwater forest of tree trunks. The trees stand vertically, and therefore, if you lower the bait, and the descent is two meters, then it means that the lure got to the top of the felled tree. Between the trunks of the trees kept the perch grams for two or three hundred, and large ruff. You can catch a minnow and balancer, but it is better to Jack with a planting bloodworms or maggots, or even better, “Balda” without a nozzle on the hooks.

Another very interesting place, but miles away in six or seven from the city, is located downstream, on the left side of the channel. It is located slightly below the tip of the Islands. Here, the edge of the channel goes to the hill with a depth of three meters. From the hill in the direction of the left Bank is gently sloping drop-off in the depth of the old channel. On the hill all winter catches of large and middle perch on the rockers and the Jack, and on a gentle slope from a depth of from four to twelve meters is quite possible to catch a big walleye. Walleye is best blesnet not on followers, but on the long and narrow vertical spinners. The length of the spinner reaches twenty centimeters with a width of just two.

I must say that winter fishing on the Volga, radically different from fishing on the reservoirs. Fish here all the time walking in search of food and oxygen. Small bait big fish just don’t notice.

Another very nice place is located more downstream with the right Bank. Here vast shoals of about six to eight kilometers away. The depth over all shoals varies from one to two and a half meters. The bottom for me is reminiscent of desert dunes. The bottom without grass and driftwood, vegetation is found only in the coastal strip. With the onset of warm and stable weather here in the channel come in large shoals of smaller roach that is caught on a jig and out bloodworms. With the advent of the edges on this “table” rises “sea” roach around the reservoir. In recent years there have been many cases of bites carp. In those places where carp are caught purposefully, and it’s place in the Elnat river (right tributary of the Volga above the Vellore), local fishermen catch between submerged logs on a worm or a larva of a dragonfly.

For catching bersha, it is advisable to use a jig head on the hook which is baited with sprat. Frozen is much worse, as less durable. For some trade sprat has become a very lucrative business and the price of this fish on the pond in the fishing season increases many times, so you should think about how to stock it in advance, for example, on the road in Ivanovo (fishing tackle shops). Some anglers are very successful instead of sprat began to use a jig head on purpose, that is hung on the hook vibrohvost brown or gray.

The problem lies in the search for Bursch. It can be found in a pit with standing water and pretty decent flow on a sand spit. Often flocks of Berchem are for irrigation, near the bed, on a completely flat areas, and they can be found only “knocking”, that is to drill a hole by hole. This tactic is closest to the tactics of pursuit-reaching schools of perch. That is, the holes are drilled almost every meter and a half, but unlike Zander, if the rest of Berchem discovered, running more is not necessary.

Tactics for catching that perch, roach, large perch, a little different. In any case, the fish must constantly to search, the search area may be large, and it is difficult to find fish without a snowmobile. For on line is always rather strong, and to move in winter, even on light cars is extremely dangerous. When crossing the channel always have to stick to Packed trails and roads.

In order to somehow be sure that not remain without a catch, you need to constantly explore the lake and observe the actions of the local fishermen, and even better to seek the services of huntsmen. It is very desirable to have at itself not only Navigator, but also a sounder that will save a lot of time and effort. Moreover, on the pond there are dozens of beautiful places where a sharp hill the size of thirty square meters with a depth of three meters, surrounded by pits with a depth of seven meters eight. To find a place without a Navigator six to eight miles from shore is possible at very clear weather, when visible onshore landmarks.

With the start of water discharge, the fish slid to the bed and for are pike and big roach. They are the same day in places out on the coast, the alluvial mounds, but biting a short while. Such hillocks on the Volga a lot in the area of Yurievets to Kineshma.

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