
How and what to catch redfish in our waters

Perch – a fish that has long been called so for big eyes (from “Oka”). One of the most common fish in our waters. Found in Russia, almost universally, prefers the temperate climate, large quantities present in lowland rivers, lakes, and brackish parts of the White, Baltic and Azov seas.

The size of the perch can be vary greatly depending on the specific type of fish. On average, its length is about 20 cm More than half a meter giant sizes only reach a depth Humpbacks.

Perch is a fish of prey. Ichthyologists say that the fish species may actively hunt both day and night. But most often hunting perch tries to go to the period of twilight (morning or evening). Often inhabit off – the bass fell to the liking of coastal vegetation in such conditions the fish are easier to disguise. Often perches hidden in the recesses of the piers, wharfs, piles under water. Here the fish are not so hot in the summer. But deep-sea perch to shelter try to look for snag pits, deep pools and cliffs.

How to choose the nozzle and bait for perch

Bass is “omnivorous” predator: you may eat various small animals: small crustaceans-gammarids, larvae of insects, worms and leeches, and small fry, small young frogs, gobies and shipovymi. Bass is not particularly enumerates in food, which can be a hint to a novice fisherman.

When fishing for perch you need to pay attention to the season: different times of the year fish may give preference to any particular “delicacy”. Let’s try to understand the basic types of bait.


This kind of bait fishermen often choose: it is easy to find in the barnyard in places where perepelova manure. The worm is red-brown color has a very distinct aroma that will attract perch. Before fishing this bait, you need to lie down in a box with grass. If you are hunting for a major deep-water bass on a single hook is better to put the bait on multiple worms.


Fishing for perch on bloodworm is a great option for the fisherman. The fact that this kind of bait is for fish, natural food, since the larvae Dergunov and mosquitoes often hide in the muddy bottom of ponds, lakes, rivers. Bloodworm is best to use during winter fishing. For fishing you will need special hooks for attachment of such bait. One hook is usually worn up to 3-4 baits bloodworm in one bundle.


This type of bait represents the blowflies. They have a conical shape, characterised by bright white, or light yellow color. Maggots are well kept on the hook. And their survivability allows the fisherman to cast into the water stirring the bait, which is attracting bass. Maggots are often used during the summer catching bass when other baits observed a smaller bite.


Use leeches as bait is recommended only in the case that you are hunting for large deep-sea perch. The nozzle is also well suited for summer fishing. Leeches even on the hook retain sufficient mobility. This kind of bait is recommended to fishermen who carry out fishing for perch in the forest lakes.

Larvae of dragonflies

This type of bait can be found in standing waters or river bays. Collect the larvae in the stems of aquatic grasses where they often crawl. This bait is good in April-may. It was during this period larvae from the water moved to the Staley plant, where and become a delicacy to coastal fish.

The bull-sandy

In recent years, this small fish is particularly common in fresh water, where it becomes “food” for larger fish. To catch a bait in the sandy shallows in large numbers. As the nozzle of the bulls clinging to the hooks. In the process of fishing, however, have to ensure that the bait does not jumped and not dived into the rocks at the bottom of the reservoir. Try to keep the rod at a distance from the bottom of the pond.

Of course, you can choose for perch and other baits – we have listed only the most common variations for summer and winter fishing. By the way, is the bait to our database you can buy already on arrival to stock up on it in advance is not necessary.

Perch fishing in the estate “Maksimikha”

If you want to spend a few days on vacation, enjoying the steady and calm hunt on a perch, come to our fisherman’s HOMESTEAD! Only 60 km journey from Moscow, and you’re there. We will provide you with all the necessary equipment for catching fish and our ponds regularly replenished with new and new perches! The official website has all the necessary information about the prices of accommodations and fishing dates, when were zarabianie of our bass ponds.

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