
Breed chickens khaysek: breed chickens hajseks brown

Every farmer at the stage of choosing breed of chicken for your farm interested in the question about what the hen better. Egg and meat breeds of chickens are many. Each variety differs in size, appearance and cost.

In this case, it is important to find the most suitable one in many respects, the bird. One of the most popular varieties is the breed of chicken khaysek. Consider the article on the origin, characteristics, conditions of detention of juveniles and the main advantages and disadvantages of the breed.

Breed chickens khaysek: origin, features, characteristics

Chickens Khaysek quite familiar to many as a cross. Khaysek do not belong to an independent species. Brought this type chicken by crossing the two families. A white Leghorn and new Hampshire. Both species have two kinds of colour of the plumage. Crossbreeding was the dog with white and brown color respectively.

This kind of chicken dated semidesyatye years of the twentieth century. On breeding breed chickens khaysek worked for the Dutch breeders, known at the time of the farm.

Hajseks brown: productivity

During its operation, the selectors have set a specific goal – is a new breed, which will be based on the impact of the protein product. The end result allowed us to outshine all expectations of scientists. Small weight chicken khaysek brown can demolish an egg weight of 65 grams. If your average weight to two pounds, one chicken, maybe a year to carry about three hundred and twenty eggs.

In addition, khaysek brown has a long productivity. With the goal she will be able to cope at the age of two years. To date, there are two varieties of the breed hajseks. Both are quite popular in farms around the world.

The characteristics and appearance of chickens hajseks

Breed chickens hajseks is characterized by two main subspecies, which are some of the differences between external and productive look at them in detail.

  1. Hajseks white. Hens of this variety are characterized as cheerful, hyperactive and mobile animals. They are small and delicate. The weight may not exceed 1.7 kg. Body have white color without pigmentation.
  2. Breed chickens hajseks brown. This chicken has a universal branch. Its ancestors were four types of rocks. It has a stocky and sturdy physique. A male can reach a weight of about 2.5 kilograms, and the female no more than 2 pounds. Has yellow-brown plumage. Sometimes there are problems whitish tips.

Two hajseks have different characters. Brown chicken more phlegmatic and calm. They manifested great resilience and resistance to change of diet and climatic conditions. White, on the contrary less able to adapt to change and more active.

On external signs it is possible to find the similarity of certain shapes.

They should include the following points.

  • grace and ease during movement;
  • the proportionality of the body of the chicken.
The nature of breeds of chickens khaysek

Special attention should be given to the fact that unlike many of poronota chickens, khaysek white and brown not conflict. White chicken have some sort of sensitivity to stress and they are more vulnerable. Brown behave more calm and not panic.

White khaysek may be of interest to those farmers for whom it is important early maturation. It is worth noting that this subspecies is ready for wearability including six months after birth. But Mature age of hens should be considered for three years. The hen can give up to 280 eggs.

Egg output have a rich nutritional value and have a low rate of cholesterol. White chicken khaysek need a special spice in many ways. But minor deviations do not affect the overall performance.

Hajseks brown believes more ayanokoji. The chicken is able to give more than three hundred eggs. In this case the final product will have a powerful shell. On the fecundity of chicken nothing affects. Even if you reduce the amount of food. The only condition which is important for birds is the content in different conditions.

The maternal instinct of hens hajseks

The artificial origin of hens hajseks led to the fact that maternal instinct as such, females have almost none. It is extremely difficult to breed breed khaysek natural method. So basically the only way of reproduction is the purchase of young stock on poultry farms. In rare cases, youngsters derive at home in the incubator.

To determine the sex of the parent couples, perhaps in direct relationship after the change of the plumage is a day from birth. Feathers, the males grow slowly. But in females the process is quick. The end result is manifested through day after pigmentation have a gun Chicks is crucial.

Boys have bright feathers and a yellow tint. Girls are more brownish color. A special area should include maintaining climate control for the younger fluffy offspring. The thermometer should be higher than for adults. Hypothermia females entails death of the whole brood.

During the brown and hajseks white aktiviziruyutsya growth is important to the feeding of young. Usually dogs prefer the surrogates, and the combined mixtures. And also, in the diet can introduce cereals and vitamins. Vitamins picks up only a veterinarian, in accordance with the age requirements Pets.

Food chickens hajseks

One of the highlights of the development of the Sussex – it is their food. The diet of chickens should make a comprehensive menu. In the first two weeks Chicks are fed up to six times a day. To eight weeks of life serves four times the food. To achieve two months of age reduce the meals to three times.

In the menu of Chicks include four main ingredient.

  • the grain is crushed as;
  • feed;
  • egg white and yolk boiled finely chopped;
  • grains and cereals, vegetables (served in the form of mash).

The adults love to feed with reinforced minerals. Per day per hen has one hundred and twenty grams of feed, rich in vitamins and protein.

Consider what should be included in the diet adult chicken.

  • oats;
  • barley;
  • corn and legumes;
  • wheat, cake and meal;
  • vegetables;
  • roots;
  • nettles are young;
  • potatoes boiled;
  • fresh fish and meal of fish;
  • chalk, charcoal and ground walnut shell.

Feed chickens only in a separate container, which is filled with sand. Thus, they can clear the crop and the sand will serve as an additional source of calcium. Water poultry must be fresh and with observance of a certain temperature. Optimum temperature is above 22 degrees Celsius.

The growing of chickens khaysek: care and maintenance

To chickens white and brown maintain their productivity. For tog,so they feel comfortable they need certain conditions. It is especially important to the poultry house once a month has been disinfected. As well as purified from various parasitic forms of a fungal plaque, fleas. It also eliminates the presence of rodents in the house.

Regardless of which subspecies hisaka contains it needs in optimum conditions. Chickens are hardy and are adapted to any method of growing. But breeders have developed a special method of care in which the laying hens can reach the peak performance.

The minimum requirements for the cultivation of this breed is attributed.

  1. The presence of dry litter. Regular monitoring of the cleanliness of the flooring. Litter requires constant updating of sand.
  2. The house should be well ventilated. In addition, it is desirable that the conditions in the hen house was warm. The minimum temperature at which chickens will be carried throughout the year is twelve degrees Celsius. But the optimal temperature for keeping hajseks is considered to be twenty below average.
  3. The constant availability of fresh water at room temperature.
  4. The presence in the chicken coop roosts and nests.
  5. Additional lighting must be on for ten hours.
The arrangement of the coop to breed chickens khaysek

Proper maintenance of this breed ensures excellent productivity. But how to equip the life of chickens in a chicken coop at home? It’s pretty simple, you have to regularly follow the simple rules.

First, the bird should not live in distress. Remember that the coop you need to build so that one square meter accounted for no more than four individuals. If you ignore this rule, chickens will behave aggressively and nervously. In addition, they will eat their own kind.

Secondly, the chicken coop should be no such thing as dampness and drafts.

Thirdly, the frequent ventilation of the habitat of Pets.

Fourthly, the insulation of the floor. Bedding can be put in addition to sand, cuttings of trees, husks of sunflower seeds or hay. The optimum height of the flooring shall be not less than eight inches.

Fifthly, a few times per month the litter needs to be changed. And also to disinfect.

Sixthly, at a distance of 60 centimeters from the floor you need to build roosts for hajseks.

In-seventhsof x, when building nests to make their hay.

In the eighth, walking distance from the bird needs to be feeders and waterers.

In the ninth, permanently you need to monitor the cleanliness of the chicken coop and poultry health.

In such conditions at home, the hen will bring the greatest number of eggs. Do not forget that in winter you need to insulate the coop to the indoor temperature was not below 12 degrees.

Tips for those who want to have hajseks

Regardless of what kind of chicken you are planning to have a white or brown offer you a note of a few tips from experienced farmers.

  1. To eggs fell from the nest and broke, podstolice litter of rubber.
  2. In order that the young performed better diet need to be changed regularly.
  3. In order for hens to adapt more quickly to the nest, place the ball for table Tennis.
  4. As soon as the youngsters prepare for him room.
  5. When building a chicken coop, use muted and bright colors. Do not use dark and bright colors.
  6. To increase appetite in birds, you can use colored feeders. Checked that the appetite increases with eating from the trough of blue or orange color.
  7. In order that the youngsters used to the water troughs to fill to the brim. Gradually reducing the amount of water.

Hajseks holds the record for laying eggs. But with proper care you will not only get high production of chicken, but tasty meat.

What ill khaysek and prevention of disease

At the stage of rearing it is important to monitor the sanitary conditions in the chicken coop. Despite the fact that the immune system of this breed is stable. They die of infectious and fungal diseases. Among white and brown distinguish the presence of helminthiasis. The most dangerous diseases of the immune system in birds may not be sustainable without a special vaccination.

Vaccinated on time will save the animal from the following ailments.

  1. Disease Marek.
  2. The Disease Of Newcastle.
  3. Bursal disease.

In addition, quite often there may be specific difficulties. Because of the large size of the eggs put off quite often seen a double yolk. Such symptoms can lead to organ damage of the oviduct, bleeding or esclavo.

The advantages and disadvantages chickens khaysek

Summing all this, we will hold the main line between advantages and disadvantages one of the highly productive species.

The benefits should include.

  • Small weight and beautiful appearance.
  • Friendly nature and immune to any diseases.
  • Stable productivity even with reduced volume of food.

The disadvantages of the breed is attributed the insistence of the white family to feed and content. Breeding origin. Thus, farmers regularly need to update the number. And also, the impossibility of breeding.

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