
Bait on bream

Of course, catching bream on a bare hook is almost impossible. Therefore, it is clear that when catching a nozzle is of the greatest importance. Everything is important here: what to choose, how to hook, where and how to catch, how and how much to lure .

When searching for food bream explores the bottom of the reservoir. It is especially important that the nozzle is located directly on its surface, and not hung in the water. In some cases, when fishing in stagnant water, it can be assumed that the nozzle is located on the stems of aquatic vegetation – for example, a leafy leaf . Bream in such places more often searches for a nozzle not from the bottom, but collecting nutritious food from plants, insects and larvae. At the very overgrown bottom, it is more difficult to find food, since it is difficult to navigate in a dense plant carpet and there is little chance that he will find exactly what is hooked and not something else.

Bream can detect the nozzle with the help of three sense organs: smell, sight, and organs of the lateral line. Smelling helps the fish to distinguish odors. It is this sense organ of bream that allows the use of prikormku when fishing and helps to attract him from long distances.

Eyesight highlights pieces of food at the bottom that fish may like, as well as suspicious objects at the bottom. However, the particular acuity of the bream does not differ, although the spectrum of colors distinguishable by it is several times larger than that of a person. Tactile organs and the lateral line react to vibrations produced by animal nozzles, to their movement along the bottom and surface of the sludge.

After the nozzle is found, the bream begins to eat it. He does this not at a single point, but over a certain area around the nozzle, drawing everything from the bottom into the mouth. Here two other organs of the senses of the fish are involved – touch and taste. With the help of touch, the bream can recognize that the nozzle is too light or heavy for its size, feel the hook inside it. The taste allows you to understand how the food will be nutritious and pleasant, and whether it should be swallowed further, or whether it should be spit out.

Here, the sensory organ of the fish is not affected as hearing. When searching for food, bream uses it very rarely. But it is more than possible to scare away the fish, slamming the water with a rod or a paddle, or stomping along the shore. Bream hears everything very well. He will not go where it’s noisy, he’s not comfortable there. On the contrary, in quiet places, especially in the early dawn, it can be caught, observing absolute silence. It is noticed that on rivers with the passage of bream less cautious. Apparently, the water jets give a steady sound background, which drowns out part of the vibrations. Therefore, for beginners, it is best to start learning how to catch bream in the current.

Animal nozzles

Among animal baits when fishing for bream, a worm, maggot, bloodworm are commonly used. They are usually used because they are easy to get in large enough so that you can add to the bait, and use for bait on the hook. On other bait bream, of course, can also be caught. The caddis larva, dragonfly larva shows itself perfectly. However, it is difficult to find them in sufficient quantities.

The mechanics of catching animals on nozzles is as follows. They are added in a certain amount to the bait. They move on the prikormochnom spot, attracting fish. Among them, bream can come across a bait with a hook. Usually it is on top of the main spot and there is a greater chance that the bream will take it. It is very important that the nozzle itself moved at the bottom and was somewhat larger than what was added to the bait. Catching and adding to the bait need the same nozzles, so that the bream, in the mood to find something, found exactly this, but with a hook inside.

You can successfully catch on animal nozzles and without adding them to the bait. In this case, the fish find food on the feed spot more easily when it is guided along the lateral line organs. For example, on a spot of bait, a fish can immediately select a stirring worm, hooked on a hook, and take it.

For catching it is more practical to use a worm. The worm stays alive for a long time in the water – more than ten minutes. It is well preserved during transportation, it easily sits on the hook. When fitting it is not necessary to bring the sting out, because when hooking, the worm easily breaks through. In this case, however, you need to use a hook with an increased beard, so that the worm could not slip from the tip.

When added to a bait worm, some crumble with scissors. It is not right. Although fish are attracted to the scent of worm fluids released during grinding, the sliced ​​worm lives on the bottom for no more than three or four minutes, and the whole worm lives much longer. Attracting fish from a far distance, emitting movement at the bottom, it is the whole worm that is best able to. There is one difficulty. When fishing on a feeder in the feeder, adding whole worms is not always possible due to its size. Therefore, it is possible to crush the worms here, but this should be done so as to cut into as large pieces as possible.

The main drawback of the worm is that it can easily be pulled from the hook by a different trifle, even if it is unable to swallow the hook itself. Therefore, when fishing, they often use a sandwich – a worm and a moldy worm, a worm and corn, a worm and oatmeal, etc. Although a trifle is capable of patting the worm, it will not be able to pull it off the sandwich, and after the bream comes it will get it. This approach is especially widely practiced by lovers of bottom fishing.

Maggots – another practical bait when catching bream. It can be bought in a store or bred independently using a special trap, which allows you to avoid contact with the bait for flies and allows you to immediately pass maggots through the sand. It is planted across, for the thick part. It is extremely rare to use one marsh or two, usually putting three or more.

It is believed that two maggots cannot be used on bream, since they will create a propeller effect and entangle the leash. In practice, this rarely happens, and you can put two and three. Given that the bream has a large mouth, it is optimal for him to stick at least four pieces. So he will notice them easier at the bottom.

When fishing for maggots, one must remember that he remains alive in water for no more than three or four minutes. Therefore, every three to four minutes, it is imperative to re-tackle and fit on a new one. Sometimes they practice catching dead maggot. In this case, it is scalded with boiling water. Some athletes also make it dry to such a state that it will smell. They assert that such a bream is biting simply madly, being guided by smell. However, an ordinary angler is not suitable, because fishing should be fun, but not disgust from smelly maggots.

Living maggots themselves, despite the unpleasant appearance, are quite safe in terms of health, if they have not had contact with the nutrient medium for more than three days. The fact is that these larvae secrete a special enzyme that has an antibiotic effect and destroys most of the dangerous bacteria in the environment. However, after fishing, you still have to wash your hands, and it is also desirable to avoid contact with objects that are taken in the mouth, for example – with cigarettes. This is a general rule for fishing – before you eat or smoke, you need to wash your hands with soap and water.

Bloodworm less popular in lechsovoy fishing. The fact is that in the summer, at the height of the bream fishing, it is not so easy to get it, and it is expensive. You can, of course, use frozen small moth for bait. However, this will no longer be a living component, but just a protein portion biologically attractive to fish. For less money you can, for example, buy dog ​​food in a jar and add it to the bait purely for smell.

For bream fishing it is necessary to use a fairly large moth. They are putting him on special bream crochet hooks. They are made of very thin wire – 0.15 mm or so. They have a large enough bend so that you can pinpoint large fish well. A large bundle is planted, about ten pieces, or a bundle of the same size prepared in advance. It is better to plant it with a bundle connected by a special rubber band, and to harvest them before fishing with a special device.

Against the use of most animals baits, especially moth, says the fact that they are easily pulled off the hook, small fish. If you can get rid of the roach on the hook by starting to catch in a deep enough place or using a large hook, which she is unable to swallow, then the ruff will not save her from the bites. The cost of such attachments is large enough if the angler buys them in the store. They require some treatment to keep them in the heat of the summer. Therefore, more often when fishing for bream they use vegetable baits.

Vegetable nozzles

They exist a great many. It is not possible to examine them all in one article, and their effectiveness is extremely different in different reservoirs. Somewhere a fish can peck wildly at a pea paste mastyrka, somewhere it prefers pasta, and somewhere it bites well only on semolina pancakes, and it ignores mastyrka in general. All this is determined empirically. Therefore, it is best to take with you some animal baits, which are effective almost everywhere, and a few vegetable ones, in order to determine what it will be better to peck at. In the future, you can use the already explored bait.


Nozzle number 1 for bream. It is prepared by mixing in an equal amount of water, which is taken from the croup. The result should be a thick paste that can not be picked up, but which is easily wound on a hook with a stick. You can fill the syringe with this paste by pulling out the piston and sucking it through the hole for the needle inside, and then pushing it with the help of a syringe – this way it will stay fresh longer in the summer heat and less stain your hands.

There is no point in fearing that it will wash away over time. Even when fishing on a strong current, it will almost always be at the bottom, where the stream of flow is much weaker than on the surface, and the flow on the bottom surface is generally zero.

The main problem of semolina – it can suck small fish off the hook, which it is not able to swallow. Therefore, it is effective only in the case when it is known that a bream flock is standing on the bait point and only the bream will peck. Usually bream rarely coexists with other non-predatory fish, pushing it away with its presence. It is optimal to catch on something else, less susceptible to razderobanivaniyu, and then, when catching the first bream, go to the oatmeal. With the departure of the pack, when a lot of empty trifles begin, it is worthwhile to switch to another nozzle again.


Nozzle based on semolina, when semolina is added to pea porridge and it swells there. The result is a paste that you can take with your hands and stick on the hook with balls. It produces a clear protein odor in water due to vegetable protein from peas, which fish like and which they like. She, like semolina, can be sucked off the hook with small roach and gustera, who are not able to swallow the hook, so it is better to use the same tactics as with semolina.

Fishing paste

In some reservoirs have a furious efficiency, depending on the type of paste. It makes no sense to focus on color or smell – the fish feels and sees everything much sharper than a person, and perceives synthetic colors and smells differently. You just need to remember the type of paste, which pecked on, and continue to buy only these for these conditions. The rules for catching pasta are the same as for mastyrki.

Corn and Pasta

Overall nozzle, which can not be swallowed by a trifle, and attracts only bream. Corn is used from canned food. Special canned fish are sold, where the corn kernels are of different sizes and are selected for catching which size will be better to peck. Macaroni use the smallest horns that are sold in the store. When fishing for corn, it is imperative to bring the point out of the grain, because it has a hard enough skin that will be hard to break through when hooking.


Makuha, or sunflower oilcake, is used in southern areas. Makukha is ground in a coffee grinder or blender and added to semolina. Further from it make the composition like a mastyrka, steaming in a saucepan or microwave. In some reservoirs it is very successful to catch on a fly, especially in summer. It has a strong odor that spreads rapidly in the water, as well as a fat trail that attracts fish.

In general, catching on vegetable nozzles of bream is a more rewarding occupation, especially when bottom fishing. There is no need to re-tackle often to change a dead worm or moldy worm, it is easier to hook up. However, effective fishing will only go in summer, when the smell spreads well in the water. When the temperature decreases, the osmotic pressure in the water column will be lower, and smells will diverge much worse. Therefore, it is better to use animals nozzles.

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