

Finch – a common bird of the forest zone in the Western part of Russia. The variegated plumage: upper part of head bluish-grey, back brown, rump greenish, lower body wine pink hue. On the black wings and tail visible white stripes and border.

Female are more modest, the main color is brownish-gray, and the stripes on the wings less bright. In the autumn, after the moult, the plumage of the males becomes less contrast.From spring to mid-summer heard a ringing singing Finch with a peculiar stroke at the end of each song. Posavka these birds like the tit pinecone, but when anxiety or the rain Chaffinch rumit.

This reel is of medium size: body length of about 16-16,5 cm, weight 23 g. the Beak is of moderate length, not as thick as the bullfinch, not so thin and sharp, like the goldfinch. The form and length it occupies an average position among the different beaks of finches.

Food of the Chaffinch in comparison with other finches more diverse, It is less granivorous than they are, and invertebrates in the diet play a significant role. Chicks are fed almost exclusively on animal food. In summer eats mostly small beetles, bugs-defenders, Hymenoptera and larvae of butterflies and in spring and autumn the seeds of wild cereals and other grasses.

Traces of Chaffinch fed seeds series

Traces of the feet of finches found on the raw after the rain forest road, and in the sodden spring plowing and before the snow, until the last birds have not yet left our shores. Feed Finch moves across the land mainly in short irregular, typical of most finches. The jump length is about 9 cm, the width of the trace track about 4, imprint size 3,1×1,4 cm, he Can move around and leisurely pace. Characteristic signs of feeding leaves.

In the spring flocks of chaffinches pick up in the fields of crumbled weed seeds and insects along the way, peck. Looking around the field where she fed the birds, I found wings of winter scoop eaten them. But if I hadn’t caught feeding birds, learn what bird ate the butterfly would be impossible.

Nests finches build on a variety of trees. In the middle lane I have often found them on birches, aspens, oaks, lindens, fir-trees. His accuracy and carefulness of finish nest of the Chaffinch can be considered one of the most beautiful of birds ‘ nests. In addition, it always seems very warm, soft and cozy. Most often, the female arranges it in the bottom extending from the stem is a bitch n a height of 2.5-6 m. But you can find the nest and at a higher altitude, and not only the trunk but also on the branching boughs.

They are made of green moss and lichens collected nearby, so they are easy to take for growths on the bark. Inside the nest on top of dry grass and roots lined with wool of various animals, bird feathers or plant down. The diameter of the nest is about 9 cm, height 7, the wall thickness about 2 cm; the size of the tray 5×4. The construction of the nest takes a week.

Over the summer, a Chaffinch feeds up to 2 broods. Eggs of first clutches (5- 7) can be detected in the nest in different numbers may. Egg size about 19.8×14.6 mm. In harmony with the socket they are very beautiful – the correct form, with well-defined acute and obtuse ends, greenish-blue raspberry-pink shade of the background is scattered in the form of a vague shadow deep purple spots and a bright dark-cherry point.

Laying female incubates for 13 days. Chicks are fed by both parents. The first days in the nest clean, the adult birds tolerate fecal capsules Chicks. But, growing up, the Chicks start to hang the tail off the edge of the nest, freeing the intestines. The leaves under the nest and the edge of the nest are much soiled with blobs of dung.

Finding an empty nest of the Chaffinch, with numerous white markings, it can be assumed that the breeding is successful, and Chicks successfully flew from the nest. In the second half of June, the finches begin construction of new nests.

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