
Diseases of rabbits, their symptoms and treatment

In the list of diseases of rabbits more than 25 infectious and non-communicable diseases. And as practice shows, to treat rabbits in many infectious diseases just doesn’t make sense.

This activity is often troublesome, costly and, unfortunately, not always successful. After all ill rabbit is a bacilli carrier of infection, he has a weakened immune system, so for further reproduction of such a crawl is not allowed. At best it can only be used for meat.

But if the ill rabbit is a breeder of particular value, to try to cure it still stands.

Infectious diseases of rabbits, their symptoms and treatment

Infectious stomatitis

The most susceptible young rabbits up to three months and females. The mortality rate reaches 30-50%.

Signs of disease:

  • pierced tongue with a white coating;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • profuse salivation;
  • diarrhea.

If the rabbit salivation wet fur on the chin, neck and dewlap. The paws also become wet as the rabbit rubs it into her face. Such animals it is better to remove from the herd.

For the treatment of patients and any other rabbits several times a day, mouth smeared with alcohol or a solution of copper sulphate.

Also in the treatment of stomatitis apply white powder streptotsida: inward and outward, which is poured into the mouth of the rabbit, 0.2 g. several times a day and at the same time sprinkle the muzzle.


Acute epidemic disease, whose source is infected animals. The major vectors are mosquitoes, fleas, ticks in the period from may to October.

Signs of myxomatosis:

  • swelling of the eyelids and the anus;
  • tumors on any part of the body;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • inconspicuous spots on the ears.

The disease is not treated, cases of recovery occur only if the disease is light (so-called nodular) form.

The only way to prevent infection is vaccination of livestock herds ranging from 30-day-old rabbits. Strictly after 3 months there is a vaccine against myxomatosis. The duration of immunity that protect the rabbits from the virus, is 9 months, so animals are vaccinated after 8 months after the booster vaccination (re-vaccination).

Infectious rhinitis (infectious rhinitis)

Cause of infectious rhinitis in rabbits are micro – Pasteurella, which are always present in the body even in healthy rabbits. However, the disease erupts when a weakened immune system, which provoke constant drafts, unsanitary conditions in the rabbitry and unbalanced nutrition. Successful recovery occurs in 65% of affected individuals.

The incubation period of the disease – from 3 to 6 days.

Symptoms of infectious rhinitis:

  • frequent sneezing and runny nose;
  • purulent discharge from the nose (which indicate that the infection has penetrated into the lungs).

During treatment balnum rabbits to treat for 10-14 days with a pipette instilled into each nostril 5 drops of antimicrobial drug. For the treatment of pasteurellosis is also prescribed intramuscular antibiotics biomitsin.

The appearance of the disease is possible in rabbits of any age, but most often the disease is observed in spring and autumn. If not treated at Crawley runny nose caused by the common cold, he in most cases goes into an infectious form of rhinitis.

Pasteurellosis (haemorrhagic septicaemia)

The causative agent of pasteurellosis – rabbit Pasteurella, Bacillus from Pasteurella family, living on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. The incubation period is 5 days. Mortality ranges from 15 to 70% of cases.

Signs of disease:

  • increasing the temperature to 40°C and above;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • shortness of breath;
  • of mucus from eyes, pus from the nose.
  • bloating and gastrointestinal disorders.

In the treatment inthis herd size (not only patients but also healthy rabbits) once the injection is administered terramycin or twice with an interval of 8-10 hours a solution of biomitsin.

All adult animals from the herd to prevent drug vaccinated against pasteurellosis. The procedure was repeated after 7 days. Young rabbits injected with the serum against pasteurellosis also with repetition.

As 1.5 months of age rabbits are vaccinated.


The germs – germs paratyphoid groups affecting the gastrointestinal tract. This is a fairly rare disease that affects rabbits of all ages and breeds. Most often, the infection happens in the spring and summer through everyday life, when sources of infection are generally insects, rodents, birds which convey the infection through food, water, hay for bedding.

Signs of disease:

  • lethargic, depressed condition of the animal;
  • ruffled the fur of an animal;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, profuse diarrhea, feed refusal;
  • miscarriages in pregnant females.

Treated infected rabbits for 7 days, 2 times a day mixing in wet food furazolidone. But being in the same cage with them animals without signs of disease 1 time per day.


The disease caused by rabbit coccidia – celled parasite that is not visible to the naked eye, which is located in the digestive tract of the animal. Affects mainly the young age of 4 months, causing much damage to the flock. Infection virtually all infected rabbits, but only when a weakened immune background, caused by poor living conditions and substandard food, coccidiosis causes mortality of the herd. The incubation period for coccidiosis – from 2 to 4 days.

Signs of disease:

  • loss of appetite, depletion;
  • mucous membranes of the mouth and eyelids of the rabbit acquire a jaundiced color;
  • diarrhea with blood;
  • tousled hair;
  • a distended stomach.

For the treatment is prescribed a course of sulfadimetoksin, which is used for 5 days. The drug is mixed rabbits in a humid feed. Repeat the treatment after 5 days.

Also treated with furazolidone for 7 days, once 30 mg/kg.

For prevention and treatment are applied simultaneously norsulfazol and ftalazol, then the treatment is repeated.


Rabbits are very susceptible to staphylococcal infections, which causes the bacterium stafilokok. The incubation period of Staphylococcus up to 5 days.

Source of disease are infected rabbits and other animals. The spread of the disease contributes to unsanitary conditions in cells, protruding sharp objects, dense content of the herd, the result of which are conflicts and getting the rabbits wounds, abrasions, cuts and bites that catch the infection.

Signs of disease in rabbits:

  • sores and ulcers on the body and internal organs (lungs, kidneys, liver);
  • the foot to me (on the feet appear festering wounds that heal slowly);
  • mastitis (mammary glands are inflamed, with pressure secreted milk with pus);
  • poor appetite, exhaustion.

In the treatment of skin lesions (bites, scratches, abrasions) are lubricated daily penicillin, streptomycin, zinc ointment. Abscesses are lubricated with a 5% solution of brilliant green or 3% solution of phenol. Feet are treated with ointment Vishnevsky.

Within 2-3 days 2 times a day intramuscularly administered penicillin with streptomycin.

When mastitis is assigned intramuscular injection of penicillin (every 3-4 hours), and Breasts rubbed camphor oil.

Psoroptosis (sudneva or ear mange)

The causative agent of this invasive disease is the itch mite, parasitizing in the deeper layers of the skin causing inflammation and itching.

Symptoms of the disease of rabbits:

  • Ear mange in rabbits shaking his head, combed the ears appears pus and thick crust of dark color.
  • When sadavoy scabies is a loss of hair and scratching of the affected areas.

For the treatment of the lesion liberally soaked in a 5% solution of HCH or turpentine with vegetable oil to soften crusts. Crusts are removed and the affected areas of skin once again smeared with the same composition.

In severe cases, apply the method of dem’yanovich – mite affected areas are treated 60% aqueous solution of hyposulphite of sodium. Then the same will be processed 5-10% aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid.


The causative agent, the fungus trihofitii. The disease spreads rapidly across the surface of the skin.

The symptoms of the disease:

  • the skin peels off;
  • wool breaks off and falls;
  • formed bald spots with dark crusts.

During the treatment the hair around the bald patches astrosaurs. With the purpose of softening the crusts of the lesion wetted with a solution of lye, or green soap. The softened peel is processed 10% alcohol tincture of iodine or 10% alcoholic solution of salicylic acid. Removed from a sick animal hair and crusts destroyed by burning.

Non-communicable diseases rabbits: symptoms and treatment
Tympany (bloating) and flatulence (flatulence)

When swellings of intestines and stomach is a disruption of the composition of the intestinal flora and fermentation processes caused by the rabbits eating poor quality food (rotten hay), abundant feeding roots, causing bloating (cabbage) or poisonous plants (lupine, Colchicum autumnale, etc.).

The symptoms of this was caused and flatulence:

  • flatulence in the stomach, abdominal wall taut;
  • strong cramping in the gastrointestinal tract, lack of appetite;
  • obstruction of the intestines, constipation;
  • when tapped on the belly of a deaf heard a knocking;
  • depression, shortness of breath.

Constipation rabbit do an enema and give 5-6 grams of dissolved Glauber’s salt.

With the purpose of treatment through the mouth of a 5% solution of lactic acid or 10% solution ihtiola followed by massage swollen abdominal walls.

Catarrh of the stomach and intestines (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract)

The Cathars are divided into acidic and alkaline catarrh.

Signs of disease:

  • At acidic Qatar rabbits refuse to eat, the body temperature drops, the animals often defecate, the feces liquid with an acidic odor.
  • At alkaline Qatar appetite in rabbits is missing, they rarely defecate, the feces has a smell of rot.

For the treatment of acid Qatar 2 times a day inside give sintomitsina, with severe diarrhea – 1-3 teaspoons of a solution of tannin or oak bark.

In the treatment of alkaline Qatar 2 times a day and shows the salol, but instead of water give a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Rhinitis and bronchitis

Diseases are of a catarrhal character. To their development predispose drafts, sudden temperature changes, cold wind, damp weather, getting wet, animal, dusty feed.

Signs of disease:

  • sneezing, flow from the nostrils;
  • shortness of breath.

For treatment of rhinitis several times a day the rabbits drip 5-6 drops of solution furatsilina in the mixture with a solution of penicillin.

Bronchitis daily give sulfadimezin, as well as intramuscularly administered penicillin every 3 hours.


Disease caused by lack of vitamin D and impaired calcium-phosphorus metabolism, common among the young.

Signs of illness:

  • curvature and thickening of the bones of the limbs;
  • the delay of rabbits.

For the treatment and prevention of rickets in the diet of animals injected vitamin D (alternatively, fish oil), Mel (1-2 Gy), bone or fish meal (2-3 gr.) phosphate or lime (1 oz.).


Disease of the eyelids caused by being hit in the eye, sand, dust or irritation corrosive substances that eventually can cause blindness rabbit.

Symptoms rabbits:

  • watery eyes;
  • redness of mucous membrane;
  • there is a thickening of the century;
  • pus from the eyes and agglutination of the eyelids;
  • clouding and ulceration of the cornea.

For the treatment of rabbits at the expiration of pus under the eyelids lay a 2% boric ointment or iodoform. Reddened eyes smeared with boric vaseline.

Rabbits with proper care relatively resistant to diseases, but we all know that the basis of the disease should be its prevention. Rabbitry and utensils should be cleaned regularly to fight against mice and rats are the main vectors in the courtyard. But when the breeder is taking measures for prevention of disease, questions about diseases of rabbits and their treatment does not occur.

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