
The main characteristics of meat rabbit, its use and nutritional value

Most nutritionists say that rabbit meat is more useful to humans than other types of meat. The product contains a full vitamin and mineral complex essential nutrients and well digested.

Mostly the rabbits are grown by private breeders and small farmers. Less animals are bred on an industrial scale.

It has a good effect on the quality of sold meat, because the more you trade, the higher the probability of using hormones and antibiotics to reduce morbidity in individuals and rapid weight gain.

Useful properties

The composition of rabbit meat include the essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body, such as lysine, tryptophan and methionine. They are involved in processes of growth and tissue regeneration, production of hormones and enzymes. The presence of these substances has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and immune system.

The product is rich in b-vitamins, especially Riboflavin (B2), which plays an important role in maintaining human health. Its deficiency is extremely dangerous and can affect the functioning of the organism as a whole.Fewer rabbit meat contains choline, thiamine, cobalamin, pyridoxine and folic acid. The vitamins of this group provide energy metabolism in the cells, regulate the nervous and digestive system. Also rabbit meat is a source of vitamins A, C, PP, E. it regulates the immune and reproductive system, are involved in metabolic processes and growth.

The composition contains a set of useful trace elements, such as:

  • iron;
  • molybdenum;
  • copper;
  • fluorine;
  • cobalt;
  • iodine;
  • manganese;
  • chrome;
  • zinc.

As well as macro-elements:

  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • chlorine.

The content of vitamins and minerals in rabbit meat is much higher than other types of meat.

It is important to note that the product contains useful heme iron is much better absorbed(absorbed) in the body than non-heme iron.


The caloric value of rabbit meat unlike pork and beef, very low. It is in the range of 150-180 calories, depending on variety. With regard to energy ratio(b/f), rabbit meat is 85% protein and only 9-11% body fat. Therefore, the product is simply irreplaceable in the diet. Moreover, this protein is easily digested almost completely (90-95%).

Rabbit meat for weight loss

Of the many products rabbit meat is the most appropriate for weight loss. It is rich in protein and has low calories. The ability to saturate the body without overloading the digestive organs, distinguishes it from pork, lamb and beef and is considered to be more useful.

Rich chemical composition of trace elements and macronutrients helps to restore vitamin and mineral balance, even with the poor diet. The acceleration of exchange processes and regeneration of muscle cells is impossible without complete proteins.

Rabbit meat is well absorbed by the body and refers to the lean meats, so it is in good standing with the doctors. To use in food dishes of rabbit is recommended not only for weight loss but during pregnancy, in the period of rehabilitation after surgeries, treatment and prevention of anemia, ulcers, gastritis.

Why rabbit is so useful?

The rabbit belongs to white meats. Fresh meat has a light pink color and dense structure. It is better to give preference to the carcases of calves under 7 months of age. A young rabbit does not accumulate in the body harmful substances, which are used in agriculture for growing grain and other crops. Depending on breed, weight, young individuals can vary significantly. From this it followsthat to determine the age of a rabbit based on the weight quite difficult.

Dishes of rabbit are not only a tasty delicacy, but also extremely beneficial to the body. Therefore widely used in nutrition and healthy eating.

This is due to several factors, due to which the rabbit meat is so prized by gourmets:

  • Excellent taste characteristics, which increases the options for cooking.
  • High rate of complete protein in 100g of meat (21,5 g).
  • Useful for all ages, even for young children.
  • Low fat and low calorie.
  • Completely hypoallergenic product that is easily absorbed by the body.
  • In a carcass a small number of bones and tendons, and the meat content is about 85% of the total weight.
  • The presence of 9 essential amino acids, including omega 3 and omega 6.
  • Rich in vitamins (b, A, C, E, PP) and mineral composition of rabbit meat.
  • The source of heme iron that is better absorbed by the body, is indispensable for anemia, pregnancy and deficiency of Fe.
Dishes of rabbit

Before cooking the rabbit is divided into front and rear parts. If necessary, cut excess fat to reduce calorie ready meals. The back part is usually baked or barbecued, it is more fat. The front part of the diet, it’s often stewed or boiled. Also very popular is the whole roasted rabbit in the oven. It is important to note that rabbit meat needs marinating, the dish was not too dry. It is also recommended to soak the rabbit in salt or vinegar water to get rid of peculiar smell. Marinated the rabbit is cooked much faster, allowing you to prepare flavorful hot dish for 30-40 minutes.

Possible contraindications to the use of the rabbit

The rabbit is a moderate content of nitrogen bases of purine series, which can cause possible harm to the body. It should be noted that any meat contains purine compounds that subsequently collapse to form uric acid. These components are involved in the metabolic processes in the body and are not harmful substance. But in certain diseases, impaired metabolism and excretion of uric acid, therefore its accumulation in the joints and kidneys.

For example, in the presence of gout and gouty arthritis, renal disease, eating foods containing purines, are strictly contraindicated. Also in any pathology of the endocrine system is attentive to the selection of products that include this component.

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