
Home decorative rabbits: husbandry and care

Home decorative rabbits – is not only cute four-legged friends, but also a great opportunity to earn. For this you need to decide to breed rabbits and to choose the right kids at the pet store or from a breeder. But how to care for these Pets?

What is necessary for their breeding? Details will be discussed below.

How to choose decorative rabbits for further breeding

There are some basic rules of choosing a healthy rabbit for further breeding.

What you need to pay attention:

  • the age of the baby, which should be at least 1.5 months;
  • fluffy baby should be alert, curious and well-fed;
  • rabbit fur should be smooth, smooth and shiny;
  • on the skin of the animal should be no damage, scratches, lumps and pustules.

All decorative rabbit feel well at home. Today, there are several species of these adorable Pets, but many novice breeders prefer to make this short-haired Pets because the care for these much easier. In General, these Pets are very comfortable in terms of content, because they will not need to walk, they do not spoil furniture do not emit any unusual sounds, besides they are very nice on the hands. He lives a pet long enough, about 12 years old.

Breeds of fancy rabbits

The most popular decorative breed of domestic rabbits is “sheep fold”. The name of the animals was due to their long floppy ears.

But besides him there are other types:

  • forest dwarfs Shorthair – these rabbits have short sleek fur and small ears;
  • breed Rex – these animals fur has a plush texture;
  • “Sheep fold” – they have already been mentioned, these rabbits have long drooping ears, and they have a very calm disposition;
  • Angora rabbit – this pet is quite long fur, reaching 20 cm in length (the care that should be permanent and very thorough);
  • germelina – these Pets have very dense and thick coat, this will be uncomfortable to live where predominantly hot climate. Moreover, females of these rabbits differ very obstinate character, and males laziness. For novice breeders of this breed – not the best choice.
The maintenance of ornamental rabbits at home: tips for beginners

All decorative rabbits, regardless of their breed, require very careful maintenance, so without certain knowledge is not enough. Experienced breeders and do recommend to purchase a cage and all the accessories and the attribute and then the animals. You will also need to take care of a comfortable temperature in the house, after all, these furry animals are very sensitive to heat, freezing temperatures and high humidity. Domestic rabbits does not tolerate drafts and caustic substances in the air.

The most suitable temperature for these Pets from 18 to 20 degrees. Humidity should not exceed 50%.

The heat can wipe Bunny’s ears with a cloth soaked in cool water. The fact that the ears for these animals – on heat transfer, which are the wreaths. With the help of Bunny ears can cool down or warm up, prisionais them to the different subjects.

All decorative rabbits – very, very fragile animals. They have a very weak spine and brittle bones, so they should be picked very carefully and hold it tight, as if the Bunny will fall from the hands, it can very seriously hurt or even killed.

All rabbits must be contained only in the cells. They do not contact with other Pets. First, such communication – stress in itself. Second, the cat or dog will attempt to play with home bunnies, and there is a high probability of injury.

In any case it is impossible to have such animals to families with young children. Many negligent parents often do not explain to children the rules of communication with young animals, and children, in turn, all the while trying to grab the Bunny behind the ears, coat and paws. Thus, the poor animal begins to experience severe stress, which can lead to disease or even death.

As has become clear, all the fancy rabbits are very gentle and sensitive creatures, so their cage should not stand on the drafts and direct sunlight: from drafts, these animals can easily get sick, but the heat does die. All equipment (manger, tray, feeders and waterers) should be very well fixed, as the Bunny may occasionally play with them and tilting in a cage, and this is not desirable because the litter from the rabbit always needs to be dry.

By the way, about the litter: this should be either straw or sawdust. Three times a week as a minimum, you must change the litter, otherwise the damp in the cage, the animal can pick up any gastric disease.

Many, not knowing the details of the maintenance and care of decorative rabbits, talking about the unpleasant smell coming from these animals. But experienced breeders in a hurry to dispel the speculation: these animals do not have smell, if you care for them properly. Regular cleaning cages and caring for animals themselves will ensure the cleanliness in the whole house without other flavors.

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So, it was already mentioned that the cage of the animal must be in a dry place away from drafts and sunlight, and the litter should serve as sawdust or hay.

Now it is necessary to understand all details:

  • thickness of litter should be approximately 3-5 cm;
  • the feeder should not be very easy, best suited ceramic (then Bunny hardly will easily be able to flip it);
  • the drinker is recommended to install automatic so they always had access to fresh and clean water;
  • rabbits do not need in the fresh air, but in fine and dry weather, it is sometimes possible to deduce on the grass, using a special leash;
  • if the animal walks around the apartment or house, you should close all Windows and doors to prevent drafts. Also the process should be monitored closely to prevent possible injury;
  • for all decorative rabbits need a special brush to be able to scratch the coat of the animal, which often stray tangles.
All about cells: how to choose, how to keep it animal

It is worth to clarify that a huge cage for small Pets do not need to buy: the best option is a cell size of 1 m. If the rabbit is large enough, you can buy a cell size of 1.4 m. Housing of a smaller size to buy is not recommended, even if the rabbit was still small, because very soon he will grow up in a small cell he will be closely uncomfortable. Rabbits are very agile, so he will need at least a little space for movement. A cage that is 4 times bigger than the animal – this is the rule that must be followed.

The bottom of the cage must consist of a pallet and grid, so it was easy to clean.

If the animal is female, and it is planned that such a female will soon give birth to kids, in the cage you can install a special home where she will be able to hide their offspring. But here it is necessary to consider that the cage needs to be spacious. For the rest of the rabbits houses are optional and can be set only for dwarf breeds.

Where to place the cage

The first thing that immediately need to exclude is the location of the cell from the battery or under the air conditioner. Many inexperienced owners, ignoring the advice of breeders, unable to decide what the sources of heat and cold – this is the right place for animals. But they forget that everything what is good for man, could be dangerous for a small and fragile animal. You will need to remember: superheat and subcooling disastrous for decorative rabbits!

It is also worth to keep away furry pet from noise sources, so no need to put the pet cage next to his computer, hoping that it would be convenient to operate and observe the animals at the same time.

Forget about such popular places as a corridor, hallway and kitchen. Again, it can be very noisy, there can be constant drafts.

It is best to put the cage in the corner of a quiet room where the sun does not Shine directly in the window where there are no draughts and noise. In private houses, the owners often install special cages and sheds, which is very convenient.

How to clean the cage and get rid of the smell

The tray of the cage should be cleaned at least two or three times a week, the litter should always be dry and clean. From time to time does not hurt to wash the cage entirely, using a special disinfectant, which then need to thoroughly rinse. Summer cleaning of the cage should be conducted more frequently.

Is to say that decorative rabbits are very clean animals, so no smell they exude. But unpleasant “aroma” from the litter or feed – it is quite possible phenomenon.

Smell only sexually Mature rabbits, and it’s nothing to do. Swimming will not save you from the smell, and if it interferes too household, and then the animal can sterilize (if there is no purpose of breeding rabbits). You can sterilize the animal at an early age.

Feeding your rabbit

The main diet of this animal should consist of feed, hay, twigs, and water special mineral stones. Kids need to give 1 tablespoon of feed per day. Adult rabbits should eat every day 1.5–2 tablespoons of feed.

Hay in the cage should be plenty, for this you need to constantly monitor. Order rabbit sharpened his teeth, he should be given twigs of fruit trees as well as aspen, birch, poplar and oak. Summer sprigs can be taken from deciduous trees, and in winter with pine.

In pet stores sell special crayons and salt pebbles for rabbits. These things need to periodically buy, as they are very rich in minerals.

Treatment of ornamental rabbits

The most common disease among these animals is stomatitis, coccidiosis, pasteurellosis, infectious rhinitis, myxomatosis, Staphylococcus. It requires regular vaccination that may hold experienced veterinarian.

Often their catches and intestinal disorders, diseases of eyes and ears, which also will need the advice of a physician. Intensive growth of the incisors can be adjusted with the help of feeding rabbit with twigs, this was discussed just above. Very dangerous for these Pets worms, because they rabbit may die, so 3-4 times a year pet needs deworming.

About puberty

Novice breeders who are planning to breed these furry animals are interested in the question of when the animal can bring offspring.

These symptoms can easily determine sexual maturity fluffy:

  • rabbit being overly active and aggressive enough;
  • no longer goes in the tray and leave their droppings wherever they like;
  • starts to dig the floor or the bottom of the cage;
  • marks territory;
  • the female begins to pluck at his feathers and to equip the place for posterity;
  • both males and females begin to stick to all round, starting from the rest of the Pets and ending with the hosts.

Once a pet begins to show similar habits, it can be “knit” to produce offspring.

Games with rabbit

For a rabbit it is important to have fun, as toys would fit him a balloon, a ball with a bell inside, a box with lots of holes for entry and exit, and a wooden carrot, flax cloth, and even the cardboard sleeve of toilet paper. The game for these Pets is an important part of life. If you deprive the rabbit of fun, he starts to peel the Wallpaper in the house.

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