
Causes and treatment of eosinophilic granuloma in cats

Like other beings, cats may have different inflammatory diseases. Among these common and not too common disease – eosinophilic granuloma. Provoke its beginning the cells related in structure to white blood cells called eosinophils.

Initially they are part of the immune system of cats, but failures in their work, a number similar to the symptoms of diseases, United by a common name. The disease is not a simple and easily treatable, we must persevere to restore pet health.

The causes of the disease

The exact mechanism of eosinophilic granuloma is still unknown. The doctors can’t answer the question why cells that protect the body from viruses and bacteria, suddenly begin to create health problems. There is a theory that eosinophils are mutated under the influence of pathogens.

The factors that trigger onset of the disease, include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • allergic reaction to food;
  • hypersensitivity to any external stimulus;
  • caused by fleas and ticks dermatitis.

The main thing – to be attentive to your pet in order to notice the beginning of the disease, because any disease is easier to cure in initial stage, not leading to chronic process or disease progression.

Varieties of the disease

Just allocated to three types of disease, distinguished from each other by place of occurrence and manifestations:

  • The most severe form of the disease can be considered to be eosinophilic plaque. The most frequent localization of this type of tumor arises in the abdomen or thigh of the animal. Age and gender do not affect the incidence and severity of the disease. The photo shows that the plaque represents the blubber to 5 mm above the cover of the skin the formation of the red color. The affected area is edematous appearance and causes severe uncontrollable itching. Inside exudate accumulates, which when the leakage is corrosive to the skin of the animal that causes severe pain.
  • Easier manifests itself eosinophilic plaque, which can also occur in animals of any age and gender. In different parts of the body the cat to appear bald, which are accompanied by redness. With further development of the disease appear itchy weeping wounds. They often can be seen on the neck, back and hips.
  • Eosinophilic ulcer always occurs on the tongue or upper lip pet. Initially, there is a slight redness, which gradually increases in size and can reach 5 inches in diameter. Pain this type of granuloma does not deliver and faster all of discover because of available localizations. Most often affects animals female. Ulcers appear not only in the mouth but in the throat, therefore, can interfere with the cat to drink and eat and she will lose weight that the owner will immediately notice.

In all three cases can be inflamed next to the centers of the granulomas in the lymph nodes that is easily detected on inspection at the vet.

How is diagnosis

A specialist will be able on external signs to determine eosinophilic granuloma and to distinguish it from diseases with similar symptoms. But for confirmation of the diagnosis will need to conduct a histological examination of the inflamed tissue by taking a sample of them. After all, benign, and malignant tumors, abscesses and some other diseases can occur similarly.

Tissue examined under a microscope on the subject of typical granulomas inflammation. Determined the quantitative content of eosinophils. If it is considerably exceeded, it is safe to diagnose. Even if not precisely defined subspecies granuloma, treatment because the tactics of therapeutic measures in all types of granulomas will be the same.

It is very important to identify the factor contributing to disease. Usually, if a component is excluded , provoking allergies, treatment is faster and more efficient. It would therefore be necessary to conduct Allergy tests. The definition of the allergen takes some time, but this procedure is important. It is possible that the disease has an autoimmune cause, in this case treatment will be aimed at reducing symptoms.

Some species of lichen can be similar in appearance to granuloma, but, unlike it, ringworm is transmitted to humans. Therefore, you should not try to self-diagnose. Any damage to the skin the cat needs a vet.

Treatment of eosinophilic granuloma in cats

In connection with the version of the involvement to the appearance of granulomas pathogens, antibiotic therapy occupies a leading place in the treatment of this disease and usually gives off. Cat for 3 weeks give twice a day the medication “Doxycycline” or 1 time per week injections “Cyclosporine” (only need 4 injections). Dosage you calculate the doctor, depending on pet’s weight.

To eliminate itching on the skin often used hormonal drugs, they have a good effect but cause rapid addiction. Over time, this symptoms may in fact increase. Besides, the immune system will suffer. Prednisone is most often administered at the appearance of eosinophilic granuloma in cats, the treatment is carried out until until the sores would not heal up. Cancel the drug gradually, watching to avoid any recurrence.

Is there any prevention

Pet need to organize a full and proper nutrition, observing that the food was not an allergic reaction. It was the scratching from allergies can be the basis for the manifestation of eosinophilic granuloma.

The skin of the pet should be regularly inspect to identify dysfunctional symptoms. After all, if the lesion is large in size, the treatment may fail to join secondary infection, and the animal will die.

Matters and health care for the cat. It is necessary to regularly brush and wash a special hypoallergenic shampoo eliminates the accumulation of germs.

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