In the wild stands out for two species of birds: neprilichnye birds and migratory. Latest make seasonal migrations from one place to another because of environmental or feed changes.
Also, the reason flights in warm or cold region is a characteristic feature of reproduction. In this case, if one of the animals prefer areas with high ambient temperatures, and the other remains in cold regions and does not feel any discomfort from such a lifestyle.
All the representatives of the migratory birds are very hardy and mobile creatures, capable of flying thousands of miles to find a course to the warm countries, and return home without outside help.
Today we will talk about the main types of migratory birds, their external characteristics, life cycle and interesting features.
Known for migratory birds
To the class of migratory birds are those species that migrate to warmer climes with the coming winter cold. This is due to the fact that they are warm-blooded and average their body temperature is 41 degrees Celsius, regardless of outside temperature.
In this regard, the bird can tolerate cold, but to get food to restore the normal internal temperature of a frozen land cover becomes very difficult because of what she will fly in a more comfortable area. For this reason, the birds say goodbye to their Homeland and fly thousands of kilometers to foreign countries with a satisfactory climate.
Among the most famous varieties of migratory birds include:
- swallow;
- the lapwing;
- Blackbird singing;
- of the lark;
- the Robin;
- Oriole;
- the ridge forest.
In addition to the above group, in our regions is found and settled. Its members remain for the winter in their native lands, and the main reasons for migration are associated with lack of forage or breed characteristics breeding.
When birds make seasonal migrations?
It is important to pay attention to the fact that the birds fly away to warmer climes gradually. The first thing his native land, leaving those species that feed on insects and have an excellent singing abilities. After conducting many studies and ornithological expeditions were able to identify an interesting pattern:
season flights discover birds such as:
- swift;
- swallow.
After they leave his native land wild aquatic birds, including swans. It is not strange, because with the arrival of cold weather the ponds densely covered with ice veil, and the environment is the natural habitat of these animals is significantly reduced. When September comes, getting ready to fly the cranes, and then the rooks.
Close seasonal migration to warmer regions geese and ducks. The last flying after all the others. In addition, there were cases when the birds did not leave his home and remained to winter on the pond. However, this occurred very rarely, in the winter when the ponds remain open and not frozen. For this reason people began to say that the ducks are on their tails cold winter and Blizzard.
Nomadic and migratory birds – what is the difference
Representatives of the migrant groups will leave the area regardless of environmental circumstances. Genetically they have the instinct of self-preservation which involves a seasonal shift of the home. Anyway, but nature does not hurt.
To migratory birds include:
- grouse;
- pika;
- woodpecker;
- grouse;
- crossbill;
- the Jaybird;
- tit etc.
For canceling the migrating individuals, wandering leave the natural place of residence only after an independent assessment of the situation. Before making the decision, they study weather conditions and food base. If winter does not portend severe frosts, Siskins, and grosbeaks bullfinches not refuse the opportunity to spend the winter at home. But if the birds sense the approaching severe cold, they without hesitation leave their Homeland and move to a warmer climate.
The rapid development of ornithology and science in General has allowed to highlight the many amazing facts about flights of birds. Now we know how birds can navigate the air and to form thousands-strong pack for long journeys.
Absolute navigation of the aforementioned creatures provided by the magnetic field of our earth. For example, Starling finds its way from the southern regions to the North only due to the innate understanding of the direction of the North magnetic pole. In addition, it quickly identifies your current location and creates a route for the return.
In the formation of large flocks of birds are guided by the dynamics of the light and dark elements. Birds maintain a certain level of density, which enables to accurately gather the necessary information from relatives through different gestures and actions.
The most famous migratory bird – rook
Among the multiple greatness of migratory birds, the rook is considered to be very popular. Many people still call him a “Herald of winter” because of the native terrain the bird leaves only in the late fall (usually in late October or mid-November). Home bird is back in the first days of March, depending on climatic characteristics of the region where she lives.
Ornithologists distinguish one unique ability of this bird – it can mimic human speech as well as the great parrots. The adult bird grows to 45 cm and weight ranges from 310 to 490 grams. Externally, the rook is a little different from the crow, and the main characteristic features are the pronounced slenderness and the surface of the feathers, painted in black with a purple tint.
Rook has a thin, but very straight beak. With it, the animal gets food from the most remote sources, such as from the ground. The choice of food, the bird applies an open mind. The diet can be earthworms, and rodents, and plant food.
Rook plays a very important role for the flora and fauna because they eat a variety of forest pests, including:
- bugs;
- tracks;
- rodents etc.
Another well-known bird is the swallow. In the absence of facts and scientific evidence, perhaps no one would have believed that so frail and tiny bird can fly thousands of kilometers from home. But the bird really makes a seasonal migration twice a year. However, during this procedure, many individuals of the pack are dying and don’t reach the specified location. Not excluded cases of mass extinction of an entire pack, which was due to weather changes.
Exterior features swallows look flawless. The bird has long wings and a clear section of the tail. She can hardly walk on land and spends much of his life in flight. It is important to note that even sleeping and mating occur in the air.
In the wild, there are about 120 species of swallows. Due to unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention swallows may be found virtually everywhere. Today they are not only in Antarctica and Australia. As food birds use only insects, which they get from the ground or searching in the bark of trees.
About this amazing creation knows even a child. In people, it is known for its magnificent choir features and amazing looks.
For many years, ornithologists did not know why the Nightingale makes such beautiful sounds and sings most of his life. As a result of long studies were able to determine that when singing the bird is oblivious to the dangers that surround it. She humbly lowers the wings down and continues to get incredible pleasure from favorite activities. That would be great if people also belonged to the art.
With the advent of winter cold, the Nightingale moves to North Africa, but in the middle of April back home. In this period, you can hear the first songs of this amazing tiny creatures. As soon as the insects, the life of the bird has a new key.