
The clinch or the most famous site in modern fishing

From the most ancient times the mankind in many areas of life uses a variety of nodes. Especially great is their significance in fishing, which, without quality means mating snap-ins loses its effectiveness, and sometimes even reduced to zero.

Incorrectly tied the snap after some time can come loose or break at the binding sites. When properly selected method of binding is lost the strength of snap-on playing and casting. The most popular way of tying lures to a fishing spinning is the clinch. It is compact and not alarming the fish.

Due to the ratio of binding simplicity and reliability of this knot knows almost every spinner, which is at least several times caught this tackle.

The names of the clinch and its history

Clinch has another name – capture. The encyclopedia of knots defines it as a kind of half snake, or a bloody binding. Snake and its variants at all times found the most unusual application.

Ancient Incas who inhabited the state of Peru from the XII to the XVIII century, used the snake method binding for nodular letters. Nodules with different number of coils tied by ropes of different colors, forming its system of accounts or a letter.

Naval fleet in historical times, used the punishment of seamen for theft with blows to the back. The thief was tied to a lattice hatch and hit “cats”, which consists of several braids, each of which ends with a snake knot. The more coils on the end of the braid, the stronger the attack. Therefore, some of the sailors could not stand the pain and died. Perhaps, hence the second name of the serpent binding – bloody.

Note! In modern fishing, there are four gripper binding – ordinary, superior, double and reinforced.

The strength and scope of the clinch

Every fishing knot is its strength and its scope. Similarly, the gripping method of pairing each of its options convenient in certain circumstances.

  1. Regular clinch is great for tying sinkers in the bottom or spinning equipment. With the use of this method of connecting the fishing line retains its strength for up to 90%. This option is good in places where the load of the bottom snap can carry over into snags. In such situations you need sharp jerks of the rod to decouple snap from the weight. Thus, lost only one cargo, and rigging will remain intact. Slightly greater strength has an option, called double. This method of linking than the usual method of mail is not different.
  2. The improved clinch is a great option for tying spinning lures. With the use of this option the fishing line retains its strength at 98%. In addition to spinning lures, this option linking is an excellent choice for tying rope to an anchor, vertluzhnoj, carabiners. Some anglers tie in this way, the hooks, despite the fact that they have their own more reliable ways of linking.
  3. Both basic and enhanced options, it is advisable to use fishing line diameter of 0.4 mm. Both options are perfectly suited to the fishing attributes that have a eyelet or a ring of wire with a small diameter. Large diameter wire lug or thick line with this method of binding is rarely used – it will be hard to lose strength and not be able to fully heal.
  4. Yet there is a hardened version. He has incredible strength and can be applied for both ordinary and fluorescent lines and braided lines. With this variant binding, you need to be careful – he is so strong, that in the event of hook breakage of the snap-in will not occur at the binding sites, and a segment of fishing line or braided line, which can lead to a big expense.
Step-by-step binding of the clinch and its variants

For all kinds of the clinch characteristic fast and easy knit. Before you knit it, you must consider the material of snap – mono or braid. It depends on the right selection of gripper version of the node. For braids only suitable hardened version of the clinch.
Note! If before tightening it a bit to moisten the knot, it will change its structure and easier to heal.
A common variant of a gripper Assembly fit in the following sequence:

cut fishing line with a length of 5-10 cm is passed through a ring or eyelet;

Photo 1. Threading the line into the eyelet.

threaded segment is 6-7 revolutions around the main part;

Photo 2. Make a few turns.

the end of the fishing line is threaded in a loop near the eye;

Photo 3. Start the end into the loop at the ring.

the end is passed into the newly formed loop;

Photo 4. Now in the newly formed loop.

after tightening of the knot cut off the remaining leg, leaving a piece of 3-5 mm.

Improved gripping of the binding is complemented by another point in the algorithm-knit – after threading the end of fishing line in a loop near the eye end of the fishing line must still be threaded through the big loop formed between the strand and the tail of the line.

Knot double clinch fit thus:

  • through the eye two times threaded end of the fishing line;
  • threaded segment of the line do 6-7 times around the main part;
  • the end of the fishing line is threaded in a double loop near the eyes;
  • after tightening of the knot cut off the remaining leg, leaving a piece of 3-5 mm.

A hardened version of the clinch fit differently:

  • through the ring or eye to which to tie the fishing line loop is threaded with a length of 10-15 cm;
  • cut the remaining twine around the entire bundle of wood is 5-7 speed;
  • the remaining end of the fishing line is passed through the initial loop;
  • after tightening of the knot cut off the remaining leg, leaving a piece of 3-5 mm.

Note! In some cases it is easier to fiddle with the lure or swivel to a desired number of turns than wrapping the end of the fishing line around the base.

So, clinch, like any fishing node, has its particular application, a characteristic. The gripper option bundles a fishing snap-ins so practical and popular that is known to every beginner angler. To knit the knot, the clinch and its modifications quickly and easily – and that is the main reason of its popularity. And, of course, this method of binding is inherent in the incredible strength, so we can say with confidence, “clinch” – a satellite fishing trophies.

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