
Tiger hunting

This waterfowl is widely spread on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries. The family of ducks has a considerable number of waterfowl, on which you can hunt.

And today we will tell about one of them. You probably met it on our water bodies many times. This duck is called a teal-teal.

This small bird barely reaches the size of half a mallard. The drake in the wedding plumage is painted brownish brown with a grayish tinge. The head is brownish with a characteristic white strip above the eye. Abdomen of white color; sides light gray; the mirror is dim, greenish. The wing feathers have a bluish tinge. The female is much more modestly colored. Her outfit mainly consists of gray, red and white feathers. The male after moult becomes like a female.

Tidbits refer to migratory birds. Moreover, the teal teal makes quite long migratory flights, rather than other ducks. It hibernates in Africa, on the coasts of Turkey, Greece and other southern countries. At the nesting site arrives quite late, about two weeks after the arrival of the mallard, and flies before other ducks. Like other ducks, it avoids reservoirs in thick, dense massifs. It settles on small reservoirs – small rivers, small spills of rivers, lakes and swamps. Loves water with dense, but low vegetation along the coast.

The teal is basically a carnivorous duck. The basis of its diet are snails, leeches, tadpoles, water insects and fish fry. During the breeding season, it can eat certain parts of water plants.

Immediately after arrival, teals are split into pairs. The breeding season for these birds takes place with the love games typical for all ducks. Bird nests are arranged within a hundred meters from the pond or next to it, but always in a dry place. Usually the female lays about ten eggs. Nasizhivanie made only by duck. The male is only a short time near the female, after which it flies away to moult. Incubation lasts 21-24 days. Ducklings dolts are quite independent and much quicker than the chicks of other ducks. Grow very quickly, and at a month’s age already fly. Approximately at this age broods of chirch and other ducks gather in flocks.

On the teal, as in other ducks, hunts are usually hunted in the fall. Hunting for this bird is not difficult, because it is more trustful than other members of the family. Therefore, hunting with stuffed animals or with manks is the best way to get this bird. To lure the chirps you just need to arrange a large number of scarecrows or profiles in the form of a duck flock. Once the profile for hunting for ducks hunters made themselves, from plywood or tin. Today, quality stuffed animals for hunting waterfowl can be purchased at a hunting store. As already mentioned above, the teal is a pretty stupid duck, so you can buy stuffed animals or make them yourself to hunt for it. Even if the stuffed animals turn out to be inaccurate and unnatural, hunting will not hurt.

Teak ducks can be easily recognized by the features of take-off. After all, few birds can boast of the ability to fly vertically and land even on abundantly overgrown vegetation reservoirs. How does a duck manage to demonstrate such a skill of flying? The secret lies in the anatomical features of the wings: they are very narrow, and also have well-pointed ends.

In nature, there are several species of this bird, but the most common are teal whistles and teal teal. Duck-calf duck in water

Teal whistle is the most numerous bird in its habitat. Its weight may be different, but you will not meet all very well-fed birds: from 200 to 450 g.

These crumbs have an unusually beautiful color. The head and neck on top of the drake in a wedding dress are painted in a rusty-brown color, and the chin and neck from below are black. Both sides of the head are decorated with bluish-green stripes with a rich reddish tint. The stripes have a narrow border of white, which stretches from the eyes to the chin.

The color of the upper part of the trunk, as well as the sides and the podhvostya – light gray, diluted with strips of black. Back from below and pernevostya painted in brownish gray. Approaching the bird closer, you can see that the very tadpole has a beautiful velvety black border. The color of the abdomen is light-ohrist, and the mirror is saturated-green. Chest, and also struma dotted with beautiful black speckles. The color of the paws is gray with an olive shade, the beak is black. The color of the tail feathers is white.

It is easy to distinguish a duck from a drake. In the color of its plumage, brownish-brown colors predominate, diluted with black spots.

The mirror is the same as that of the male, but it is already a little already adorned with a white border. Throat of white color. Legs are the same as drake’s.

In summer and spring, the color of the male changes: it becomes more monotonous and acquires brownish-gray hues. Then you can distinguish it from the duck only with the help of a mirror (the color does not change the whole year) and by the characteristic black color of the beak. Female color is unchanged.

Teal-cod is not as common as its above-described counterpart. Even from a great distance, one can distinguish a whisker from a whistle, because the bird is given a wide, noticeable strip of white, which is located above the eye. Also, the beak is longer and has a monochromatic dark gray color (at the base the beak of a whistle is colored orange-yellow).
His weight is ho

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