
Extenders for skis on Yamaha snowmobiles

Lining for snowmobile skiing is most often performed mainly from frost-resistant plastic. For models from Yamaha, expanders are selected individually, each has its own size and some other features.

The thickness in mm is approximately the same, each manufacturer treats this individually, but it is not worth taking the product thinner than 5 mm. Next, we consider in more detail which model which pad is suitable.

The operation of any type of equipment over time requires updating and improvement, vehicles for movement in the snow is no exception.

Skis for a Yamaha snowmobile as a spare part can be bought in many stores, but the lining for this component will cost several times less, and will additionally benefit from moving.

Why ski expanders for Yamaha snowmobile

It is not always possible to move on a snowmobile along rolled tracks or untouched snow, a part of asphalt or concrete cuts the snow cover very much. How to overcome such obstacles and not damage the unit? Is it possible to protect skis from damage in such conditions?

Extenders of skis for Yamaha’s snowmobile became an excellent “cover”; they not only protect the component from wear and tear, but also help in something else.

Ski linings or expanders have many different functions:

  • when driving along the road, go to the ground, they significantly reduce ski wear;
  • increase the performance of the snowmobile on the virgin snow, if they have a sufficient width;
  • they will protect the skis from freezing when driving on ice or wet snow;
  • help to quickly overcome snowdrifts and drifts.

It should be understood that on the rolled track lining can impair movement, but on the contrary, they will accelerate the virgin soil, although not significantly.

Yamaha 540

Pads for Yamaha 540 are unique, similar models from other manufacturers do not. A feature of skis is their width, it is 340 mm. Such an indicator will help to distribute the weight more evenly, which will have a beneficial effect on gliding. Thanks to this pad, the cross-country ability of the snowmobile will increase significantly under any conditions.

Yamaha Multi Purpos

Yamaha Cartoon Ski Extenders are used for different purposes:

  • to increase the quality of sliding in the snow;
  • to increase the cross-country ability of the unit in deep snow;
  • protect the skate from freezing during prolonged parking;
  • extend the life of the ski under all conditions.

For Multi Purpos, 1300 mm long products are suitable, and the width should be 300 mm. It is not necessary to attach them additionally, in order to overcome virgin land it is enough just to put it on the horse.

Yamaha Viking Professional

To increase the performance of Viking Professional snowmobile skis, it is necessary to purchase products of this type whose width is 260 mm. The pads will improve gliding, thereby helping to save a little on fuel, and will protect the skis from damage and premature corrosion. It will be possible to install them for everyone, the extenders of skis for the Yamaha Viking Professional snowmobile are simply pressed with skate pins.

The length of the product is 1260 mm, it is precisely these overlays that are suitable for the Taiga snowmobile, which is produced in Russia. Frost-resistant material can be used even in severe frosts, it is the pad that will help the ski not freeze to snow or ice during parking for a long time.

Yamaha Ventura 700

Ventura ski expanders are in many ways similar to Viking Professional ski pads. The sizes will be identical, but in the features there will be one caveat. Thanks to the use of such tuning, the snowmobile of this model can easily overcome any snowdrifts and drifts, it is not afraid of virgin soil even after heavy snowfall.

Sliding with the use of pads is easier, fuel consumption is reduced, but speed indicators are slightly, but increase.

Price of parts on the market and on the Internet

Before you buy the necessary product, it is recommended to study the market. You can ask the prices in your city not for skiing for a particular model or use the Internet for this. Pricing will vary, but it’s worth considering that the parts ordered over the Internet are still over to deliver, which is also money. In local stores, this is usually already included in the price.

snowmobile model store value internet cost
Yamaha 540 from 2200 rub. from 1800 rub.
Мульти Purpos from 2400 rub. from 2000 rub.
Ventura 700 and Viking Professional from 1800 rub. From 1400 rub.

It is worth paying attention to discounts and sales, then the price may decrease by 20% or more.

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