
Breeding chickens at home. Tips for beginners

To date, breeding chickens at home for beginners considered to be the case melogliptin and generating good profits. The breeders do not have problems with dietary meat, fresh eggs are not translated in the house of the farmers.

It is important to make the right choices, find suitable for breeding breed of chicken. At the moment there are several breeds of poultry, completely suitable for breeding at home.

Almost all the farmers agreed that the most suitable for home breeding and keeping of the following breeds:

  • Loman Brown;
  • Pushkin striped-motley breed;
  • Kuchinsky jubilee breed;
  • Poltava clay breed;

Hens breed Lohmann brown are considered to be the record for egg production. The cross is considered to be an egg, was bred in Germany, on a farm Lohmann. Employees of this farm’s goal was to breed a new egg breed chickens, unpretentious in life. And the goal was achieved.

Representatives of this breed possess a small weight, and all laying hens. The weight of the birds does not exceed 2-2. 5 kg, this little hen in the year is about 320 eggs, large, brown shell. The eggs weigh around 70 grams, the yolk bright orange rich color.

Novice breeders need to know that the age of hens is extremely short-lived. Alanskie chickens for about 3 years heavily Deplete the body laying hens, so the herd will often have to be updated.

Breeding chickens at home and the farming of chickens at home for beginners will not be difficult. Moreover, what breed of chickens by gender can be discerned from the first day of life, female Lohmann brown is brown, with a reddish tinge, and the males yellow.

Pushkin striped-motley breed chickens appeared only 20 years ago, in 1997. Officially standardized in 2007, and since then the bird has taken its rightful place, loved by breeders and farmers.

This breed is considered to be meat and egg.Keeping, growing and breeding the hens of this breed does not require much hassle. The chicken is quickly gaining weight, the taste of the meat is great, but rushing this bird well, up to 220 eggs per year. Egg weight average, 58 grams, but the high fertility of the order of 90 %. Puberty this breed reaches 5.5 months.

Hens are distinguished by a mottled color, dominated by black and white colors, but sometimes males are pure white. Chickens for broiler weigh a bit, about 2 kg, males reach 3 kg.

This rock has one peculiarity. If the person holds out arms to her, the chicken sits on the ground and pressed her Breasts. This suggests that this breed is not inherent in the fear of man

Kuchinsky jubilee breed recently bred, she’s only 17 years old. In 1990, this breed is officially registered, and farmers immediately appreciated the new breed. More relates to broiler type cockerels weigh almost 4 lbs. Females weigh up to 3 kg, per year carrying about 180 eggs. Eggs large, about 60 grams in weight.

Keeping, growing and breeding chickens Kuchinsky anniversary, as noted by breeders, is very easy. In the first year has been the highest performance, in subsequent years the productivity is decreasing. The breed is able to lay eggs year round egg production is suspended only during the moulting period.

Puberty this breed reaches the age of 5 months to lay eggs, the hens start in 6 months.

On view is a large bird with reddish-brown plumage, the males are black, dark blue feathers in the tail. The feathers have a double border, this creates the effect of spraying.

Extremely aggressive, unsociable and don’t live well with other breeds of chickens. When breeding chickens at home with this breed is not recommended to settle near other relatives, roosters are extremely jealous of their own territory, outsiders are not tolerated.

Poltava clay rock hens has been bred in the Ukraine..the Contents, cultivation and breeding chickens of Poltava clay rocks will bring a profit in the first half. Considered to be the breed of egg-meat, laying hens have a small weight, about 2 kg, males weigh about 3 kg. of Eggs in Poltava chickens are medium in size and weigh up to 55 grams. The shell is brown.

Color ranges from yellow to yellow-red. Sometimes there are blotches of white on the background of the main color. The adults are very unpretentious to weather conditions, but the young and very young Chicks should be protected from the cold, their contents must be treated. The character is rather peaceful, the fight will come reluctantly, if absolutely necessary.

Tips for feeding

A novice breeder before breeding and keeping aicinosa or meat breeds of chickens at home, have to learn all about the interests of his breed.

Growing chickens at home for beginners with proper preparation will not be difficult.

Special attention should be given to the young. To include young chickens aged from 6 days to 3-4 months. In this period of life individuals are especially in need of care and attention.

It is important that all critical components were ingested birds in a timely manner.

Correctly made diet for every day will help the young quickly gain weight, strengthen the immune system.

Conventionally, there are three main components that are necessary for young Chicks:

  1. Food in the form of a slurry;
  2. Dry food;
  3. Dairy products and eggs;

Mushy food farmers called mash. It is prepared ahead of time, the food is poured boiling water and infuse for one hour in a sealed cover. Necessary to prepare every day, so in order to save you should carefully calculate the portions. The mash is not stored for a long time, as it loses all its useful properties.

Then comes the turn of dry food. Chicks should be given feed that is already pre-prepared and properly arranged. Usually in the finished feed is already sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals, essential for young Chicks.

As for dairy products, it is absolutely impossible to give fresh milk. It upsets your digestion. Since 6 days old, it is recommended to give the grinded cheese, boiled egg and chopped green onions.

We should not forget that green food is an integral part of the daily diet and content.

Experts suggest as additives to use:

  1. Nettles (young);
  2. Dandelion leaves;
  3. The woodlouse;
  4. Clover;
Proper arrangement of the henhouse

Correct a chicken coop will save the brood and adults from hypothermia and frostbite. You first need to choose a room. Each individual must allocate up to 0.3 m of free space. The floor in the room to concrete in the case if on top of the concrete will have a good litter. Often use make from sawdust or wood floors. This will help avoid frostbite in the winter.

Ventilation is extremely necessary. Problem will help to solve the installation of ordinary Windows. In the winter time it can just not open, then all the heat will remain in the room. In warm time of the year a ventilator will provide fresh air and prevent oxygen starvation.

Roost and nest must be in the chicken coop. Chickens can’t sleep on the ground, so you need to provide a spacious roosts for sleeping and just relaxing. Each bird must have a 30 cm free space. Yes and rush more comfortable in the nest than on the ground.

Feeding adult

Feeding adults is virtually no different from feeding chickens that adult individuals are necessary to give a calcium-containing components. Crushed chalk, small shells, bone meal helps bird to maintain the required level of calcium in the body.

Often it is due to lack of calcium and other useful minerals a bird dropping on your feet. This is the first sign of disease development.

Generally, chickens are exposed to three types of diseases:

  • Infectious (salmonellosis, colibacteriosis, pasteurellosis);
  • Non-communicable (atony of goiter, beriberi, cloaca)
  • Disease is parasitic in nature (fleas, ticks, lice);

As prevention of all three types of diseases considered to be appropriate care. The bird let and unpretentious in life, it needs care. The most important thing is ensuring proper nutrition and the right facilities. Disinfection in the control of infectious and parasitic type disease necessary, at least once a month you need to do a complete disinfection of the premises where live chickens and a thorough inspection of the birds. If during the inspection of the detected infected or infested bird, it must be isolated mandatory.

If you have symptoms of illness,if the bird fell on the feet or other ailments, you need akin to calling an expert. To self-medicate you should not.

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