
Drops from worms and fleas at the withers for cats

The cat – an animal restless. With rare exception, this furry creature out on the street, so almost each individual is a carrier of worms and fleas. In addition, cats like to lick themselves, therefore, increases the risk of Contracting at the time of touching them.

The remedy can serve as deworming. To get them to eat pills is impossible, therefore, drops from worms to cats on the withers the best option.

The main substance

Drops on the withers in its composition are combined with a solution, so it is used as from worms and fleas. Part of the preparations include ingredients that are not harmful to the cat, even if she is pregnant.

In medicine consists of the following components:

  • permethrin. A very effective cure. However, it should be used with caution. To monitor the cat, so she doesn’t lick the medication, because when injected into the body, it can have a negative impact on health. To cause a copious flow of saliva, which side will seem as epilepsy;
  • fipronil. This is the same permethrin, only more modern. Here minimized risk of toxicity;
  • pyriproxifen. Shows weak activity in the fight against the worms, but is a threat to migratory larvae. According to recent reports, the drug is contraindicated in pregnant cats;
  • ivermectin. A very effective drug that gives excellent results;
  • praziquantel. The composition is a little different from the previous one, but its effectiveness applies only to worms. From fleas to use it is useless.
Useful tips

The bulk of the drops flavored with flavoring substances. Except that this fragrance repels insects, drops has the ability to stay on the shoulder, for a long time. But it also has a drawback. Strong smell causes the cat to go to the source and lick it off, which leads to bad consequences.

The application of drops possible before vaccinations, since they have no relationship with their components. As a result, no poisoning will follow.

Drops on the withers are very long term efficiency. This is particularly evident in cats, sitting at home. Slightly worse is the case with cats who live on the street, however, and they have, the duration drops to one month.

Unfortunately, these drugs have disadvantages:

  • there is no certainty that the drop will certainly help;
  • even a drug like ivermectin could benefit from some parasites, and others will be powerless;
  • medications can cause allergic reactions.

Given these implications, veterinarians do not advise to use these funds to pregnant cats, as it is unknown how they will affect future kittens.

To be sure, drugs from worms and fleas, it is better to use caution. Apply a small amount on the tip of the tail. If Allergy symptoms will not appear, you can safely use it.

How to use the drug

These rules are very simple. Hand near the withers, is moved over the hair. Each hand squeezes a drop. Grind the drug. Moreover, within a few days the cat is not recommended to bathe and comb. In some cases, applying a preparation from worms, can they handle the whole back of a cat. Then the tool can give a stronger effect.

Depending on the medications according to the instructions, determined by the size of his dose. Make sure to drop from worms remained at the withers and not get into the eyes or ears. If this happened, be sure to rinse eyes with plenty of water. Pour it in the ears is strictly forbidden. For this purpose, use sticks with a damp cotton swab on the end. They clean out the ear cavity.

If one of the drops fall into the body of a cat, anything terrible will not occur. As long as she ate it in large quantities. Therefore, the birth of kittens, up to seven weeks to process funds from fleas and worms cannot. At such an early age, means, getting into the stomach can bear great danger. There is also the likelihood of disease the cat that is constantly licking their young. Of course, she will not die, but within a few hours the cat may torture vomiting.

Preparations from worms

Here are some cure for worms:

  • profender“. Sold in the form of drops. Depending on the size of the cats varies and the cost of the medication. Of the package included two pipettes and caps. The preparation is applied in the form of droplets on the withers. After a while he absorbed the skin. From the age of the cat, and changing the dosage. The first application of it, probably after two months, when weight 0.5 kg. Medication devoid of side effects, so it can be used from worms, even a nursing cat;
  • stronghold“. The drug has a basic component – selamectin. It is very effective against worms. Of all the drugs, it is the most used because it has many positive aspects. After instillation, already after 30 minutes with the cat can play. This substance is very water resistant. Two hours after instillation, the cat can be washed in water, and the effect of drops will remain the same. After 6 weeks it is permitted to use the drops for kittens and cats during pregnancy. The action of the drug starts on the second day after application. Worms disappear and not appear for over a month. This means worming is very popular;
  • prazitsid-complex“. Application is permitted kittens from two months. You can’t use it on the weakened animals and cats lactating children. The kit includes only one pipette, therefore, if the animal is large, then one pack will be enough. The tool is harmless and can be applied to many diseases, including worms. Use it monthly, and as a means of prevention;
  • drops “bars sport“. This medicine is created on the basis of substances such as praziquantel and ivermectin. Quickly soaked in blood, it moves in the body. Already two months old, you can apply it to cats. A very effective remedy for worms.
Control of fleas

Fleas should start to destroy from the first days of their appearance. The processing is done not only cats, but also the entire surrounding environment.

Here you can use the tools:

  • collars. Used only for prevention, but not treatment. Have a number of disadvantages: easily lost, they shrink after getting wet, sometimes torn;
  • shampoos from fleas. Have many disadvantages. Bathe only cats with short-haired cover. You cannot wash the weak or pregnant animals, because there is destruction of your skin;
  • sprays. Also, there are many shortcomings. Sprayed on the fur, the droplets remain on the surface and the cat licks them, which often leads to poisoning of the animal. Best to spray sprays in the room, getting rid of there fleas;
  • drops. The best way of eliminating fleas. From the field of application starts the effect of their actions.
Drops from fleas

When buying drops, it is necessary to consider the factors: age of the cat as the animal is healthy and his weight.

The application of drops is on the withers, because it is the most inaccessible for the cat place.

To drugs flea are:

  • means “Lawyer“. It drops on the withers for cats, made in Germany. They constitute the basis for the following substances: Imidacloprid and moxidectin. The attack is the nervous system of fleas, causing her paralysis. Drops are applied on the withers during the month once. This is often enough to kill fleas for a month and a half. However, in the future, to prevent preferably on a monthly basis to repeat this procedure. Proper use means no side effects;
  • front line“. French manufacture. The drug is designed to protect from fleas. Principle of operation – the uniform distribution on the skin without penetrating into the blood. The drug is based on components such as fipronil, excipient, ethanol. The principle of operation is the same violation of the nervous system of fleas. Period of drug action, 1.5 months;
  • dironet“. Have the same principle of influence, and based on the substances: praziquantel and ivermectin;
  • bars“. Manufacturer – Russia;
  • ivermec“. The basis is the component of ivermectin. Thanks to this substance, is reinforced process to produce butyric acid, which leads to paralysis of fleas;
  • inspector“. Have a basis in the form of moxidectin and fipronil. The effectiveness of the medication against fleas is that the parasites are killed instantly. The duration of exposure to parasites for up to three months.

Worms and fleas – insects are very unpleasant. However, they can be addressed. Just for this you should arm yourself with patience and knowledge, and the result will come.

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