As the hazel grouse is a sedentary bird, it was mostly kept close to their permanent place of feeding.
Therefore, we can easily calculate where there are a lot of grouse.
To do this in the beginning of the summer to come and go on future areas for hunting with a decoy.
Noticing the places where males will respond to the call.
Summer grouse diet consists of berries and seeds.
Although the hazel grouse is a small bird, but a good hunting, this game will bring no less pleasure than the hunt for his brothers in the family – the capercaillie or black grouse.
There are the following types of hunting for grouse in summer: the decoy with an air rifle, with a surge and a pen.
Look at these types and see them.
Since the hazel grouse is a sedentary bird, it basically keeps close to its constant feeding place. Therefore, you can easily calculate the places where there are a lot of hazel grouses. To do this, you need to come and walk on future hunting grounds with a manke at the beginning of the summer. Noting where the males will respond to the call. In summer, the hazelnut diet consists of berries and seeds.
Although hazel grouse is a small bird, but a successful hunt for this game, it will bring no less pleasure than hunting for his fellow-family – wood grouse or black grouse. There are the following types of hunting for hazel grouse in summer: on decoys, with a pneumatic rifle, from the approach, overtaking and corral. Let us dwell on these types and consider them.