
Tiger-9, rifles

The military-industrial complex sometimes gives the palm of civilian products, preferring the first to conduct field tests of the product, and then to adopt it. It happened with the hunting carbine “Tigr-9” caliber 9 mm cartridge 9,3х64, which was developed at the “Izhmash” in 1999. And only in 2006 the Russian army was adopted by the SVDK sniper rifle “Cracker” is almost completely repeated design. It differs only in the emerging stock frame and a perforated barrel shroud hidden under the forend.

Description of Tigr carbine-9

Self-loading carbine chambered for 9,3х64 system (Brenneke), the mechanism of which works on the principle gas piston – the selection of a portion of the propellant gases from the bore.Its design has much in common with a Kalashnikov and a rifle SVT.

From the battle rifle SVDK different short barrel, short conical flash Hider and the lack of perforated casing of the barrel under the forearm. Unlike the carbines “Tiger” execution 01, 02, and 03 chambered for 7,62x54r, adjustable is equipped with a gas engine.

On the “Izhmash” three options “Tigr-9”: metal (orthopedic surgeon) butt stock with shoulder rest, butt solid wood with a hole for the thumb, and the butt having a comb-pillow “Monte Carlo”.

Advantages and disadvantages
  • Reliable and worked out a design. Improved design of the gas engine, virtually eliminate the cases of failure of reloading and neizvestnie cartridges.
  • The heavy bullet cartridge 9,3х64 has great stopping power. Therefore, the number of wounded, compared to cartridge of the Mosin rifle, decreased significantly. Carbine “Tigr-9” is really a “stopper” that can put the bear up to three hundred pounds.
  • Carbine niche. Anything except large ungulates and predators, to hunt with him is impossible. Usually it is used by professional escorts (Rangers) to be safe and ensure the safety of clients.
  • The recoil from it is not as great as it is possible to imagine for weapons such dimensions. It is comparable to the push of the stock shotgun 12 gauge. Although this is a common phenomenon for semi-automatic, in which the part of the firing energy is spent on the maintenance of reloading.
  • In many positions occurring in the Network, it is argued that such hunting carbine Tigr-9 is required particularly sturdy sights, conventional optics for a long time with him does not stand up. In practice it turns out that this statement is not quite true.
  • Like any automatic, “Tiger-9” sniper has no outstanding qualities. The short barrel only aggravates it. Test shootings indicate that the value of MOA when you use domestic ammunition does not exceed 4 MOA, and the import of ammunition it no more than 3 MOA. For normal hunting conditions that is enough.
  • The butt of the rifle is not too comfortable for shooting offhand. This weapon is better suited for hunting from ambush and Labazov, using a bipod and other types of supports.

The Tigr carbine-9 (photos)


The rifle is used for hunting large ungulates and predators ambush or bins.

  • Carbine “Tigr-9” – butt solid wood with a hole for the thumb to grasp the pistol handle. The top comb has a gentle slope. The shock-absorbing recoil pad, fixed.
  • Carbine “Tigr-9” performed 01 – metal butt-orthopedist with shoulder rest and pivoting pillow under his cheek arrow. Trim fore-end made of polyamide, with perforation.
  • Carbine “Tigr-9” in the version 02 – hunting buttstock made of wood with a comb-pillow “Monte Carlo”. The pistol grip has a larger slope and a slight anatomical bend.

In Izhevsk running the company “Legion”, which collects the carbines “Tiger” manually selecting the best trunks. She has her own brand, which is located on the left side of the receiver cover. Specifies the name of the collector.

All versions of the carbine can be supplied with a capped gas engine, what made mark – manual reload – the passport.


Technical characteristics of the Tigr carbine-9:

Feature The value
Type Self-loading carbine with a gas engine
Caliber 9 mm
Cartridge type 9,3х64
Barrel length (mm) 565
Length with orthopedic butt (mm) 1130
Length with a hunting buttstock (mm) 1180
Capacity 5
Weight (kg) 4,0
  • Self-loading carbine with a gas engine. The barrel is chrome plated, with ballistic marks – pin in the breech and the pairs of grooves of different width (at 4.55 and 5.05 mm).
  • Receiver is machined from a single piece, including the strap along with a scope mount, which is located on the left side of the plane.
  • Gas engine adjustable. Unlike SVD, where the position varies on time of year, “Tiger-9” it depends on the type of the cartridge. For domestic it should be closed, and for import to access.
  • In the design of the slide changes. The larva completely covers the bottom of the sleeve and ejectors are designed for engagement with the flange groove, not the edge. In addition, strengthened lugs, which number remained the same.
  • The use of longer shells forced designers to abandon the slide stop lever. After shooting the last cartridge the slide remains in the rearward position but returned forward.
  • The trigger mechanism unregulated, the percussionist of the shutter is spring-loaded, its end hidden under the end of the larvae. This allows you to use imported ammo with sensitive primers.
  • The muzzle short, conical shape.
Picking and packing
  • The rifle comes in a cardboard box, Packed in a plastic bag.
  • In a conventional package box with accessories for cleaning (screwdriver, brush, Visscher), repair kit impact mechanism – the firing pin and clutch.
  • The extended package includes an optical sight, oiler, cleaning rod.
  • To arms is attached a passport and instruction manual.
The principle of operation
  • Automatic recharge takes place under the action of propellant gases, some of which is taken from the trunk. The piston of the gas engine through a tappet spring pushes the bolt back, the larva turns around and opens the breech of the barrel. During the reverse movement of the used cartridge case is extracted and the hammer cocked the firing pin. When returning the bolt back from the store retrieves a cartridge that is fed into the chamber, after which the shutter cylinder rotates and locks the barrel channel.
  • For loading of the carabiner is removed the shop by pressing on the lever-latch between the hopper and the trigger guard. The cartridges are stacked in two rows. Perhaps loading through the window of ejector sleeves, which you will have to pull the bolt lever back and hold it in this position.
  • Arming of the fuse is raising the long lever on the right side of the receiver until it stops at the cover. In this position the sear is blocked projectile and the bolt carrier.
  • For shooting down the arm guard down, pull the bolt back and let go of her arm, so she vigorously returned with a distinctive sound.
  1. Remove the magazine, rack it and do a control descent.
  2. Lower short lever on the right plane of the receiver down. Remove the cover with the spring and its guide.
  3. Pull the bolt carrier back and remove it from the receiver, remove the cylinder stopper by turning it counterclockwise.
  4. Lower the lever on the clutch barrel linings down.
  5. Press your butt to the floor or Desk, then pulling one half of the forearm down, print it out of engagement with the clutch and remove it. Do the same with the other half.
  6. Remove the follower and spring and gas piston.

Price and owner reviews about the Tigr carbine-9 below.

Price and reviews

The carbine is from 55 to 65 thousand roubles.

Carbine is well made and quite reliable. This is especially true of products of the company “Legion”. The return corresponds to shotguns 12-gauge. The view that conventional optics cannot withstand this weapon of a fairy tale. The rifle works better with domestic ammunition. It is quite heavy and not particularly comfortable for driven hunts and running.

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