
How to determine the age of the cat or cats

In some cases, there are situations when it is necessary to correctly determine the age of the cat. This question usually rises when they find a stray animal and don’t know how old he is.

In our time, the life expectancy of cats is increasing – it is equivalent to twelve or seventeen years. If the animal lives in comfort, it can live up to twenty years. And the catsthat live in nature, usually the life can be reduced by half.

The lifespan of a pet may be affected by some factors such as heredity, quality of life and nutrition and proper care.

Understand how to determine the age of the kitten, it is possible according to some criteria:

  • To investigate the quality teeth;
  • To evaluate the appearance of hair;
  • The condition of the eye;
  • Puberty.

The determination of the age of the animal


This part of the animal’s body also has a lot to say. As, for example, the pads on the feet, you can define:

If they have a pink color and smooth to the touch, I think that the cat is still very young;

If the cats paws are cracked and the pads are already erased, this means that the pet is already in a decent age;

As the claw speaks volumes. When they’re fine, nothing to worry about, and if claws are wiped out, age may be very old.

In addition to all basic features, we just need from time to time to look at the overall status of your four-legged friend. Has the value of almost everything, such as behaviour, speed of response to external factors, the quality and duration of sleep, mood and more.


After seeing the condition of the teeth, it is possible to understand how to determine the age of the cat. Milk teeth appear in dogs aged from two to four weeks. After that, the teeth fall out and begin to grow permanent replacement teeth begins in three to four months.

If you open the cat’s mouth and inspect her teeth, the white fangs will testify that the animal not more than one year. If you found a small yellowed areas, the estimated age is increased to two to three years. If all the teeth in the mouth will be discovered calculus, the animal may be about five years or more.

You should pay attention to the fact that if the pet in the mouth actually has no teeth, it can talk also about his advanced age.

Veterinarians have compiled a sample list that you can define how many years the animal:

  • Two to four weeks – they begin to erupt teeth;
  • Three or four months – appear permanent incisors and canines;
  • Five or six months – is a complete replacement of all teeth in the mouth;
  • About one year – if the cat is healthy, it has white teeth and there is calculus;
  • Two years start to blur middle incisors, which are located on the lower jaw. They can gradually turn yellow, the formation of a small layer of plaque;
  • Three to five years start to blur the Central incisors in the upper jaw;
  • Six or seven years – there is a manifestation of pigmentation of the enamel almost completely erased the extreme cutters;
  • About ten years – the cat starts loss Central first, then middle and extreme teeth;
  • When the animal survives until the age of fifteen or eighteen years of age, he falls almost all the teeth.
Puberty animal

If the cat begins to show a desire to mark territory and the urine has a specific smell, it can be argued that he has reached puberty. This is starting to happen in age from six months to one year. When cats reach sexual maturity, they change in behavior, become affectionate, constantly meowing and require greater attention. Cats become braver, begin to fight among themselves to identify who dominates in a certain area.

Coat condition

If the animal is still young, his hair soft to the touch and thin. When is a certain number of years, she gradually begins to Grubel, the color becomes lighter or darker. With age in animals as well as humans, can appear gray and in some cases dark-hair cats can become gray.


Usually young animals are bright and not muddy eyes, but over time, eyeball spots may appear. Can change eye color or to cause pigmentation of the iris. Often, in adult cats develop eye disease.


In today’s world many people wonder how to know the age of the cat. This can be very important, especially if the animal is a stray. When the grandson brought a street cat, we began to search the Internet for information on how to determine the age of the cat. External signs decided that he few years. Had to feed him special additives to improve the General condition.

Many people wonder how to find out how old your cat. In some cases, this can be crucial, especially if there is a question about how to treat a homeless animal. With age, the treatment must be adjusted based on the characteristics of the organism. You can contact the veterinary clinic with the question of determining the age of the cat, they tell us with absolute certainty.


My daughter found the kitten, a little stray cat. Took her to the vet for a checkup, wondered how to determine the age of the cat. The doctor said that there are some basic signs. Fully examining the animal, the vet concluded that the animal not more than six months. We decided to treat him and to keep.


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