
The breed: the breed characteristics

Hairless cats are unique animals. They often give birth creative person, and also fans of spiritual practices. Because of his unusual appearance and personality, they create the impression that endowed with mystical properties. The lines of the body they resemble a statue, and their magic is able to give the impression that it is alien beings.

Origin story

No wonder the sphinxes are such a name – even in the ancient documents mentioned hairless breed of cats. The Egyptians deified them and their images were decorated with ancient writings and the walls of temples. Breeders, noticed a surprising similarity of hairless animals with the Egyptian figures, gave the breed the name.

The first appearance of such an exotic animal was recorded in America in the early twentieth century, after which they disappeared. And only in 1966 in Canada this kind was launched with the birth of a hairless kitten from an ordinary cat. Recognition of this kind is not received, because the kittens got sick and died.

In 1975 in Minnesota an ordinary grey cat gave birth to a bald kitten, and a year later she gave birth to also a cat without fur. They are the founders of the elite of the breed, but official recognition of the sphinxes was only in the 90-ies.

In 1987 in Rostov-na-Donu was born hairless cat, which went kittens have the recessive gene. So there was a breed don Sphynx. In 1994 in St. Petersburg by crossing the Donskoy and Oriental Shorthair cats were very common species – Petersburg.

Description of breed the Sphinx

Cat breed Sphynx has a well developed musculature, which is covered in bald skin. The small head has huge ears-locators, and slightly slanted eyes. The body temperature of the animal is so high that many owners prefer to take their pet to bed, using it as a warmer. Adult height can reach 30 – 40 cm and weigh about 5 kg. the Color of these animals is different: white, lilac, tortie, cream, blue, chocolate, black.

Currently displayed three kinds of breed the Sphinx:

  • canadian;
  • Donskoy;
  • Petersburg.

They have external differences.

The Sphynx is an animal of medium size with very wrinkled skin, which is covered with soft down. The cat is huge ears and large slanted eyes.

The Donskoy is the largest in size, with large ears with rounded tips, small, obliquely set eyes, supple skin with folds over the neck, head, groin and underarms.

St. Petersburg breed the most elegant, characterized by a thin and long limbs, large, pointed ears, excessive “suede” leather and almond-shaped green or blue eyes.

Cat canadian breed is covered with a very thin layer of wool, which resembles a fuzzy peach skin. Among St. Petersburg and the don’s representatives can be found both hairy and glabrous individuals.


At first glance, cats of breed the Sphinx ambiguous feeling. However, it is necessary only to touch the velvet cover of the animal and to look into his expressive big eyes, as the heart of its future owner will be blown away. These cats are very gentle and docile nature, affecting the human manifestation of intellectual activity, which makes them easy to train and expose simple methods of education.

Cats of breed the Sphinx is absolutely non-aggressive, despite the fact that they have increased caution. Thanks to its friendliness, these animals are never offended by their owners and never avenge them. They are very fond of children, allowing them all to wear themselves up paws or draw on your body.

The cheerfulness and playfulness of cats of breed the Sphinx was very impressed by the younger members of the family. And thanks to its increased intelligence, Pets often play hide and seek and win them over. Fearlessness and courage are a characteristic feature of hairless cats. They love to swim, so when the owner rubs them between skin folds or throws them out of the shower, it gives them real pleasure.

Sphynx cats prefer to sleep in a warm and enclosed space, so choose a place to sleep for the night on the bed next to his master, laying his head directly on the pillow. Many owners buy the animals some warm housewhere they are happy to sleep. In winter, cats of this breed should be warmed with special clothing, because the cold period they are very cold.

The breed forms very strong bonds to one of the family members. He tries all the time to be with your pet and very hard to tolerate his absence, especially if it is lengthy. To relieve stress, it is recommended to have any animal. Because of its inborn skills, sphinxes easily find common language with any animal.

Features power

Cats of breed the Sphinx is not too fastidious in feeding. It has and green peas, and fresh tomatoes. By nature they are real gluttons and owners in the preparation of the diet needs to adhere to certain rules. Otherwise, the symptoms of obesity or of disorders of the digestive system show up pretty soon. Feed the cats should be 3 to 4 times a day, paying special attention to food rich in vitamins. Daily animal need 200 grams of protein and carbs in half.

If the owner is feeding their pet ready fodder for these purposes to purchase is high-quality dry or canned foods luxury apartments. Fish products should be limited in the diet of sphinxes or give them once a week, boiled.

This animal is strictly prohibited the following products:

  • bow;
  • potatoes.

The big advantage to sphinxes brings rice and buckwheat porridge, especially with the addition of a spoon of vegetable oil. The menu is based on milk products, but the sweet, fatty and fried foods should be deleted.

Of meat range, it is recommended to give preference to:

  • raw or boiled mutton and beef;
  • raw minced meat from chicken giblets.

Welcome dairy cheese, but the milk itself should only be given to kittens, gradually reducing its presence in the diet until the complete disappearance. Adult cat milk is contraindicated. In the diet should also include fresh vegetables and fruits.

Particular care

The physiological characteristics of cats of breed the Sphinx require additional care folds and ears, and all the rest of the body also need careful care.


The ears of cats of breed the Sphinx is large in size, so they are of the ear is required every week to clean. Cotton swabs dipped in vaseline, oil or lotion and RUB them visible part of the ear, not venturing inside, so as not to damage the eardrum or lead to the development of the inflammatory process, which will deliver strong animal discomfort. Sphinxes often affect the ear mites, so if you suspect the presence of this parasite should immediately contact the vet.

The skin of the body

Every day the skin of the animal’s body should be wiped with a damp cloth, smoothing all the creases. As a cat of breed the Sphinx are hairless, its body can highlight the waxy protection. Such allocation often point to the fact that there are problems in the metabolic process of the body. Bathe animals need as they get dirty, the more that such a procedure they like. Conduct water treatment should be three hours after a meal.


Behind the eyes of cats also require daily care, because they don’t have eyelashes that protect from dirt and litter. Palpebral fissure should be flushed with treated water, carefully examining okolovrusno area. If you notice redness or swelling, accompanied by purulent secretions, you need expert help.

Teeth and claws

To clean the teeth in puppies need a gauze swab, which is dipped in tincture of plantain and wound on the finger. For adults it is recommended to buy a special toothpaste and toothbrush. You can also use solid foods that are designed to clean the tooth surface.

For claws of the Sphinx need not only a sharpener. They should be periodically cut. The first time such a procedure should be performed by a veterinarian.

Thus cats of breed the Sphinx is a very affectionate animals, incapable of aggression. They are very attached to his master and felt the separation from him. They love children and often play with them. Thanks to the diligent care they can live up to 20 years.

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