
What kind of grass you can and cannot give rabbits fresh

Feed rabbits green food should be from early spring to late autumn. Numerous herbs consist of nutrients and vitamins, and also have a therapeutic effect. Grass for rabbits has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, improves the quality of wool and accelerates the growth of the animal.

The young grass contains many components, and because it is more useful than sloped at a later time growth. However, later in the grass has its advantages – a lot of fiber, useful for the animal. It improves the digestion.

Breeders interested in, what kind of grass can be given to rabbits, so as not to harm development. Excessive amounts of green feed should not be, because it contains a lot of water. In turn, the dry food absorbs the fluid from the body of the animal. This means that you have to alternate feed in the correct proportion.

Every aspiring breeder should know what kind of grass you can feed the rabbits to eventually get a strong and numerous offspring.

Why is it necessary to add in a forage grass

Understand the question, what kind of grass to feed the rabbits, the farmers should understand the advantages of fresh grass in the diet of the animal:

  • since the grass is growing your own, in the billet feed, you don’t have to spend money;
  • a greater amount of green feed reduces the cost of dry food and grains;
  • while eating herbal stalks rabbits grinding their teeth;
  • in the stem of leguminous crops and the foliage has a lot of amino acids and proteins. They allow you to grow faster and gain weight;
  • most of the herbs rabbits can eat to improve lactation, when digestive problems and inflammation.

Given that each breeder cares about the population, they should understand what kind of grass to give them is impossible.

Useful for rabbits herbs

Understand, what kind of grass can rabbits:

  1. Clover – contains protein.
  2. Alfalfa – according to the volume of amino acids and protein is more useful than the previous grass. It is particularly useful for youngsters just given birth to females. They increased lactation, and rabbits rather gain weight.
  3. Wormwood is a very useful grass for rabbits in a small volume (200 ml per day). It helps the animal eliminate the worms and to remove the disorders in the digestive system.
  4. Mother-and-stepmother – because it Matures early, in the feed it is possible to start giving in may. Animals eat it with pleasure. Mother and stepmother improves digestion and heals the body of the animal.
  5. Plantain – it without a fear to give the rabbits as it has vitamins and protein content.
  6. Wheatgrass is primarily useful diuretic properties. Before giving the grass its first washed free from soil and sand and remove the roots, which are eaten by the animal. Breeders interested in whether you can store the herb in glass jars? Yes, because it is stored up to 3 years.
  7. Siberian Hogweed is a plant that is beneficial for females during lactation. The collection of cow parsnip are engaged in the beginning of July until flowering. In food are only the leaves.
  8. Nettle in addition to the nutritional value of leaves of different medicinal properties. The plant should be harvested in the winter, and fresh only the stems. Vitamins plants help to improve digestion.
  9. Dandelion – a favorite treat of rabbits. Of fiber it contains little nutritional value and is achieved due to the presence of proteins. Since dandelion is a wild herb, adding it to the feed increases appetite. The diet of the animal dandelion should be no more than 30%.
  10. Tansy, burdock, fireweed and yarrow – will be very useful to the rabbit.
Other plants suitable for feeding

In addition to herbs, animal feed leaves, shoots and tree bark.

Love animals has:

  • alder, elm, oak, hazel shoots.
  • the bark and leaves of Linden, birch, aspen, willow and acacia;
  • the branches of fruit trees, except apricot.

I wonder if you can give it all unlimited? Of course, it is impossible. The daily rate of the shoots and bark should not exceed 200 grams.

It is important to remember that there are trees whose branches are for rabbits unwanted:

  • elderberry;
  • apricot;
  • rosemary;
  • cherry.

Rabbit food is suitable and many herbs growing in suburban areas.

What kind of grass it is impossible to give to the rabbit

Is to study which plants do not give to animals because of their danger to health. Sometimes some herbs cause problems with the stomach and are considered poisonous. Carrying out General mowing, carefully separate the harmful plant from the total weight.

In food in any case should not get:

  1. Buttercups – provoke a breach of the digestive system. Them starts vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, and bloating (for poisoning).
  2. Poppy and Jasmine – provoking ailments of various kinds.
  3. Sleep-grass – here, a set of negative consequences is very broad. Rabbits eat the grass is forbidden, as it appears cramp, paralysis, cardiac disruption, disorder of the intestinal tract and diarrhea.
  4. Euphorbia – becomes the cause of vomiting in animals.
  5. Cornflower cows negatively affects the stomach of animals. Excessive consumption of paralysis.
  6. Hemlock – a poisonous plant that lowers the temperature, there are cramps.
  7. Intoxication – in addition to the paralysis causes disruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  8. Milestones poisonous – causes convulsions and restlessness of the animals, and paralyzes the respiratory system.
  9. Celandine – reduces appetite, weakens the body and makes the body lethargic.
  10. Calla marsh – it should not be given in food, especially fresh. It provokes nervousness, bloating and excessive salivation.
  11. Abraham – leads to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.
  12. Marigold – from rabbits often urinate and suffer from vomiting and colic.
  13. Foxglove – this grass feeds the animals is impossible, because from it quickens the pulse, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, and seizures.

Animals can be poisoned:

  • sorghum;
  • wild clover;
  • black millet;
  • sudanly.

These plants are particularly dangerous in a time of decay, fermentation and soaking. These herbs have the glucoside into hydrocyanic acid.

How to feed the animals

Under certain conditions, even useful plants can become harmful. Went to the feed store, is required to adhere to certain rules of preparation and feeding.

They relate to any of the herbs:

  1. Food rabbits provide only fresh grass, because it has less fiber but more protein.
  2. Constantly to give the grass one variety should not be. It is better to create a herbal mixture to Supplement the diet.
  3. Food is not supposed to be Rosa, since she provokes digestive problems. Animals have fresh ground is forbidden – her first and dried podvyalivayut.
  4. If you decide to feed plants after a long break, food should be added gradually only after concentrated. This food is rich in protein, and their overabundance starts indigestion.
  5. Harvesting herbs is done manually. Greens, mown by mechanical means, acquires poisonous qualities and oxidizes faster.
  6. Plants are not collected in areas of the Pets paddock, near highways and businesses, polluting the air.
  7. Answering the question, does the excess moisture in the stomach of rabbits, it is worth understanding – Yes, it hurts. That is why to do the necessary mowing in the afternoon, when the sun shines.
  8. Plants, dried for the winter, should not contain rot and mildew.
  9. Dry grass should be fast, to maintain flavor and color.
  10. Accustomed to herbal feed young offspring should be gradually, by studying the reaction of animals to feed.
  11. To enter into the diet of young legumes, together with cereals.
What grows around

Popular method of harvesting fodder for winter is considered as the cultivation of plants on his land. Very useful are the legumes that contains nutrients.

Fine and grows quickly after planting clover. Another plant for the suburban area is considered the cultural Lucerne. Her bunnies just love, and to grow just as culture can withstand any climatic conditions.

Phacelia and borage grow well and bring the animals favor. Their seeds are bought in a special shop. They require deep planting. Tend no rabbits allowed and the amaranth, which also grows well in the area. It has a positive effect on the digestive system.

As you can see, the plants will benefit far more than harmful. However, you must remember that feeding grass to animals unlimited, you can cause irreparable harm. As the saying goes: good – a little!

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