Today, unfortunately, domestic cats are increasingly common diseases of the genitourinary system. The reason for this can be poor quality of drinking water, poor environment, genetic predisposition of the animal.
Statistics saysthat one in four cat aged two to eight years, suffering from urolithiasis. And also, this problem can happen with other Pets – dogs, rodents, horses.
Symptoms of kidney stones in cats
When your pet gets sick, not happy to communicate with people, hiding in secluded places, and reduced his appetite. To determine that the cat has problems with the urinary system is possible on certain grounds. Similar symptoms may be experiencing and the dog, if her bladder is also struck by this disease.
For example, the cat experiences a painful sensation of pressure in lower abdomen and urge to empty the bladder, and when urinating. The animal may start to go to the toilet very often, his urine becomes muddy colour, has a very unpleasant smell, and if it is present in another, and the blood, it is a clear sign of kidney stones.
Sand or stones in the urinary bladder of cats can cause an overflow of the volume of liquid which can leave the natural way out due to a blockage in the urinary tract. As a result, the body strongly stretched and your pet can experience the constant and ineffectual desire to urinate. In this regard, the burst blood vessels of the bladder and the urine enters the bloodstream, poisoning the body of a cat.
There are several main reasonsthat cause disease of the urinary system of cats is:
- The predisposition of the breed. Particularly prone to Maine Coons, Siamese, Russian blue, and neutered cats.
- Infections (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus).
- An improper diet.
Canteen for cats
Once and for all to rid fluffy Pets from this disease, there is a great drug – Canteen. It is homeopathic and very soft drug, very effective, created specifically for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.
Drug Canteen for dogs and cats available for injections and tablets, it provides a great recovery for the function of the urinary tract, helps to eliminate inflammation, destroy pathogens, normalize metabolic processes, increase immunity. Be sure the treatment Cantarana, pet should provide a balanced diet and good care.
Typically, injection, contains this medication make cats and dogs in acute and chronic forms of this disease. Cats, depending on their body weight, the volume of single drugs should be about 0,5–2 ml. If you decide to do injections yourself, it is imperative to consult a veterinarian to know the exact dose for your pet and the area in which his body would be better to get jabs or something.
Tablets are used mainly for prevention of this disease, e.g., obesity, as such an animal a likely risk of urogenital abnormalities. Medicine tablets can be used in severe forms of this disease, it is recommended that cats give 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. Canteen for dogs should be applied also under this scheme. How many days do I need to take medication, the animal is fully recovered, must decide specialist.
Indications of Cantarana:
- Acute and chronic urethritis.
- Bacterial infection of the genitourinary tract.
- Pyelonephritis.
- Renal colic.
- Chronic cystitis, vaginitis.
- Tenesmus of the bladder.
- Urolithiasis.
- Urological syndrome.
The advantages of the drug:
- Relieves inflammation. Urolithiasis in cats and dogs in the kidneys and the urinary tract begin to multiply pathogenic microbes, it causes the development of inflammatory process. The drug inhibits the growth of microorganisms, prevent their reproduction.
- Stimulates the regeneration of tissues. The drug helps to advance quicker through processes of regeneration in the diseased organs regenerate and defenses in animals. Canteen absolutely safe for dogs and cats, its components do not accumulate in the organism of animals.
- Has analgesic and spasmodic effect. The drug relieves pain and spasms of the internal organs of the urinary system.
- Normalizes metabolic processes in the kidneys, improves blood circulation, helps to restore the excretory function.
The drug is not toxic and can very rarely cause side effects. Since the medicine contains herbal ingredients, it is sometimes possible allergic reactions and individual intolerance. In these cases, it is necessary to immediately stop giving Kantaren pet and consult a doctor. And it should be carefully used to treat pregnant cats and kittens up to 6 months.
Among the possible side effects in cats can be observed: salivation, a slight decrease in physical activity, drowsiness. All these symptoms should pass in a few hours after taking the pills, or injected, and therefore should not scare the owner.
What is included in the composition of the drug
Canteen sold in any veterinary pharmacy, it includes several active components: ARSENICAL copper, Spanish fly, sulphur liver, barberry.
All these ingredients have a therapeutic effect on the urinary organs of animals.
- ARSENICAL copper disinfects the inner surface of diseased organs, and gives antispasmodic effect.
- Spanish fly has a relaxing effect, relieves much of the pain and out of the stones from the organs of the urogenital system.
- Sulfuric liver very well reduces inflammation, has antibacterial properties. Because of her exposure to germs that cause the inflammatory process, cease to grow and multiply. This medicinal component has another important feature – prevents degeneration of tissues due to bacterial activity.
- Barberry includes many nutrients that contribute to relieving spasms and pain arising from kidney stones.
Canteen – usage instructions
In veterinary practice Canteen used for the treatment and prevention of urinary system of a different nature, not only cats and dogs, but rodents, pigs, horses, sheep, goats, cows.
The course of treatment and the dosage for cats must appoint a physician individually, depending on the type of disease and dosage form of the drug. It should also be noted that the use of Cantarana does not preclude the use of other drugs.
The sequence of application of Cantarana for cats
- In acute course of the disease. Injection subcutaneously at 0.5–2 ml several times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days. Tablet – 1 piece 4 times a day, the course is 5 days.
- The chronic form of the disease. Put injection subcutaneously or intramuscularly several times a week, course of treatment – a month. Tablets to give 1 PC. each day, the course is about 30 days.
- Prevention. Subcutaneous injections should be carried out every day rate for two weeks. Tablets 1 PC. each day, the course is 2 weeks.
The shelf life of medications – 5 years. After opening the package be sure to follow all storage conditions, the medication must be in a dry and dark place with temperature not above + 25 degrees.
According to the instructions, opened the solution for injection can be used for 21 days. If the expiration date has come to the end of the drug should be discarded.
Pet owners leave a very good feedback about Cantarana, they believe that the drug is quite effective in the treatment of urolithiasis, as well as very well tolerated by Pets, as it is mild and gentle remedy, made from safe and natural substances.