
Vomiting and diarrhea in the cat: causes and treatment

Diarrhea in cats ( scientifically speaking – diarrhea) is very common phenomenon.

But, this fact does not mean that this question can be left “as is” this problem “itself will pass”. Often the fact of diarrhea in a cat can be a reflection of truly serious health problems. So what to do if your pet’s diarrhea and how to treat it from this unpleasant ailment at home?

This, and every possible cause of diarrhoea, we will consider in this article.

If you do not see favorites such deviation is in the housing as constipation is quite difficult, the diarrhea in the cat without attention certainly skip will not work.

Recognize diarrhea just. Animal to 9-11 times a day to go to the bathroom.

The consistency of the stool may have a large variety:

  • mushy;
  • watery;
  • liquid.

The color and smell of the masses, is also extremely diverse. The fact that animals of the cat family quite picky in food. Because diarrhea in kittens cannot be called common, and the owner should treat it as your pet with the utmost attention.

Symptoms of diarrhea in kittens and cats

The most clear symptom of diarrhea in cats are constant diarrhea.

Also, there may be additional symptomatic manifestations of the disease:

  1. Attempts to defecate;
  2. frequent flatulence;
  3. Mucus and/or)blood in the stool

Sometimes there may be patches of secondary symptoms, such as

  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • dehydration;
  • fever;
  • lethargy;
  • vomiting.

If diarrhea in cats has unusual color, for example black or red, this symptom may indicate serious disease. In this case, you should immediately contact to the vet because of the person, if you have time time to take action, will depend on the life of your pet. But nothing to panic, you need to know symptoms and causes. Because, after all, in most cases, the disease is retreating , and all ends well.

Duration of symptoms

Diarrhea in cats can appear suddenly and as suddenly to end. Also, he can literally torture the animal for months, then almost stop, then from time to time to appear.

A single bout of diarrhea in your pet is not a reason for panic, but if it continues for more than two days, this phenomenon would be a mixed signal to the fact that there is a serious problem.

Conventionally diarrhea in cats are divided into three groups based on the duration and the degree of “neglect” of the current situation:

  1. Acute (at a reduced intensity for several days).
  2. Chronic (if it lasts more than a week).
  3. Intermittent (ends and begins again in a couple of weeks or a month).
The acute form

If the cause of the disorder was the wrong food, eating substandard food and so on., then you can restrict the usual symptomatic therapy. If the cat has diarrhea of short duration and not complicated by any additional symptoms, then it is advisable starvation diet for up to 48 hours (this is the most acceptable treatment).

Also it will be desirable to reduce fluid intake in the first few hours after the onset of signs of this disorder. Would also be useful to provide the cat some peace and quiet.

The chronic form

Diarrhea in cats that lasts a week or more, should be regarded already as it is the need of a speedy examination of your pet and the need for further treatment in a specialized clinic.

Intermittent form

Prolonged diarrhea the animal is severely dehydrated, and the animal’s condition begins to worsen. In this regard, the delay in this case is in any case impossible.

With the exception of food poisoning and worm infestation, diarrhea in your pet may be triggered by:

  • infectious disease
  • pathology of internal organs,
  • irregularity
  • and so on.

You must also keep in mind that every cat is unique, so the same identical symptoms in different cats can’t speak about one and the same disease. In this regard, to identify the causes of the disease and selection of effective ways of its treatment it is necessary to visit a specialist.

Why does the cat have diarrhea?

This problem can occur for various reasons:

  1. Poisoning.
  2. Disease of the intestines.
  3. Food Allergy.
  4. Invasive disease.
  5. Infectious disease.
  6. Psycho-emotional disorder.
  7. An improper diet.
  8. Overeating.

Of course, to approach the treatment in each case must be given reason why the illness was created. If the cause of overeating, it does not mean that it is necessary to stuff the animal pills. Enough to give the cat the opportunity to release the gut to further control the amount of food absorbed them.

If it’s a food Allergy, you should not unnecessarily resort to serious medicines. You can do identify the source of unwanted reactions and to exclude it from the diet.

But in any case it is important to understand that the diagnosis and identification of causes, the case for a specialist who has sufficient knowledge, skills, qualifications and which bear a certain responsibility. Therefore, to identify the cause of diarrhea in your pet should not you and the doctor. Your business – to provide the favorite real help, not attempts at self-diagnosis and self-medication.

How to treat cat diarrhea at home?

If the cat feels well and the diarrhea does not affect her appetite and playful mood, then a rotation diet or a one-day fasting is a good opportunity to resolve the problem without recourse to a specialist. You need to bear in mind that even if loose stools is a one-off, to control the power pet still need.

If diarrhea does not stop for several days and especially if the feces begins to have unusual colour and smell – then you need to rush the cat to the vet.

Many feline diseases, such as vomiting in cats causes and treatment which differ little from the causes and treatment of diarrhea, rapidly developing very fast, so the delay may eventually become fatal for your pet.

If a cat has diarrhea water

In most cases, profuse watery discharge cats talking about frivolous, one-time problem. But if the diarrhea water at your cat’s dragged on for a few days, then this may indicate serious disease and urgently need to call the doctor at home or if the pet is able to drive himself to the clinic. If no call the doctor or take the pet is not possible, then you can refer to the following guidelines:

If a cat has only diarrhea and no vomiting, you can drink boiled and clean water. It is possible for this purpose to use a pipette or syringe. This procedure will prevent dehydration.

The power should be dramatically reduced or, alternatively, does not yet feed the cat during the day.

During treatment the animal optimally suited easily digestible food.

If a cat has diarrhea and vomiting

But what if the diarrhea and vomiting in a cat?

Most often, the set of these characteristics suggests that the digestive system of your pet 4 overcomes some of the negative impact of external factors.

Possible causes of diarrhea and vomiting in a cat

What diseases can be simultaneous diarrhea and vomiting in cats and what are the reasons?

Food of poor quality, with the content allergen, food, irritating the digestive organs.

  1. Tumor.
  2. Bacteria
  3. Toxins.
  4. Pancreatitis.
  5. Antigens of parasites.
  6. Of kidney disease.
  7. Problems with the thyroid gland.
  8. Intestinal obstruction or obstruction of the esophagus.
  9. Solar or heat stroke.

Quite often vomiting and diarrhea in cats is a consequence of the neglect of their owners. When feeding their Pets, some owners put them in bowls of human food a lot without thinking that not all of them compatible with the digestive system of the animal.


How to treat a cat that has diarrhea and vomiting? It is important to provide pet with proper first aid and then follow these guidelines:

The water in the bowl you need to change,

The dishes,from which eats your pet, wash thoroughly with an antibacterial agent.

Not to feed the day, but not more than 48 hours. While the animal is forced to go hungry, you can visit the store and buy special food for cats with disease of the gastrointestinal tract. This food is that it is perfectly perceived by the stomach and, moreover, adsorbs toxins and forms stool. As long as the pet chair is not normalized, in addition to the canned food can give your pet medication to help with loose stools.If you’ve followed these recommendations, but no positive effect occurred – and diarrhea with vomiting is still plagued by little creating, we definitely need the help of a veterinarian.

If a cat has diarrhea with blood and/or mucus

Diarrhea with mucus mostly happens with antihelminthic therapy and as a side effect of the use of appropriate drugs. Most clearly this is expressed in animals infected with a large number of worms. Parasites die from use them against drugs and leave the intestine in the form of a mucous diarrhea with stool. moreover, often this diarrhea can cause inflammation of the colon (colitis). Colitis can occur as a result of many factors. In this regard the optimal, making a caring owner for her ailing pet in such a situation is taking him to the vet.


In many cases, adjustment of the diet of the pet is enough to help recover the health of the intestine to the required level.

If the owner decides that the cat needs a diet, then you need to delete:

  • smoked
  • sweetened products
  • milk,
  • dairy products.

When diet pet good rice porridge (you can substitute oat). If the case is started, the vet can prescribe for the treatment of antibacterial and antiviral drugs. It can be sera and immunomodulators of directed action.

For the treatment as well:

  • disinfectant enemas
  • enzymes to improve the housing,
  • antimicrobials broad-spectrum.

Also the cat should have a permanent access to a source of clean water. If the cause of diarrhea – poisoning, pure boiled water is the best way to cleanse the body of the pet without any harm to his health undermined.

Diarrhea is an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous phenomenon. In this regard, the main thing to be very attentive to your pet. You should have a very sober opinion on the situation and their own strength. In any case, the best thing you can do for your animal is a high – quality medical care. But it is guaranteed only under experienced eyes of a veterinarian.

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